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Posts posted by Benbone

  1. Ahhhhh... Then, "No."


    The game itself only includes .mor and .mop files. The devs and players create .mrh files using the toolset, and export the result into the appropriate type for use in the game.


    But you can try contacting BioWare and see if they'll release those .mrh files. (Ya' never know. If you ask real nice... It could happen! :whistling: )




    Ah crap. Haha, the possibilities seems small. How do I contact them? :tongue:

    Ill try to make something with the toolset. Thanks for the answer :)

  2. Are you sure you want the .mrh files? The .mor is what puts "that face" into the game. The .mrh is only accessible if you're using the Toolset to modify/export a facemorph.





    Yep, the mrh files, sorry if I was unclear with that

    I want to modify some faces from awakening in the toolset :)

  3. Is there any way to get the mrh-files to the npc, companions in awakening?

    I have core and single player headmorphs for dao but cant even find that mod or the author again in the bioware site.


    Would really appreciate some answers :) And have a nice day/evening/night whatever.

  4. I've searched but couldn't find any :sad:

    So, I wonder. Does a mod with a lesbian relationship with Morrigan exist? Or can someone do it or give me directions to do it myself? There is one mod there you can have romance with Alistair as a male so it should be possible at least. Can I manipulate Morrigan to believe that a female warden is a male or something? :P


    Would really appreciate some answers :)

  5. When I play the normal difficulty my character and the partymembers never getting injured whatsoever. But In easy I got injury's. Is this a normal bug?

    And please don't be mad at me for my newbie difficulty style. This is after all the first and only game I've played in my life :P


    And are they no more injury kits needed in other cases than falling in battle? Cant open my console so I haven't cheated intentionally. And have no trainer or mod that create this thing. It was fun when you got injured by traps in da2.

    Think its pretty boring to not to be injured by a falcon punch. And some hard times is fun. Would really like help with my masochistic and self-destructive urges ;P

  6. Aha! So thats the trick, the world just got a bit more complicated but it will be fun to try and see if I find them all :) Thanks.


    Nonono I know how to extract both mor and mop files so thats no problem, I didnt mean to write like I didnt know or something... Uh, hope you get it now. What I mean in short word is, I understand that part :P


    Thank you for the help again, will check through the folders more and see what I can find :)

  7. Whoho, once again the hero of the day! :) Thank you! :)


    Ah, exactly that mod Im been messing with today. Or I downloaded this and it must be the right one: Core and single player head morphs.zip

    But there "names" there are : den510_anora.mrh, arl230cr_eamon.mrh and genfl_loghain.mrh. Are these correct then? Just need to making them to mor files??? :whistling:


    I know :) Have seen a decent Alistair transforming to a toad a couple of times now :P But It was good that you reminded me, I would probably forget it by now and been confused well in game.


    Lolcat or retarded lunatic btw? :tongue:

  8. Sorry If this thing have been up before and if Im bugging you off. Have looked trough about 30 pages at least. But ask if you want to know right? ;)


    Okey. Im in the middle of modifying Arl Eamon, Loghain and Anora. And the files are set and ready.

    But I don´t know what name the mor files should have. So far Ive seen that for Alistair it is : hm_genfl_alistair.mor and probably this "name" for Loghain: hm_genfl_loghain.mor

    But what about the rest of them? Cant find anything about them or its just that Im been sitting in front of this forum the whole day and are pretty tired. :unsure:


    Im sorry If Im hard to understand, cant find the right words to explain, if its a code, name, script or anything else Im talking about. I understand everything else, but just dont know the name for the files so they replace the default/vanilla versions.


    Would be a very very happy noob for some help, I can even send you a pic where Im sitting and smiling like a real retard-child that just have found a candystore. (or a lolcat with a cheeseburger.)

    Just so you really get a hint of how much I appreciate your help :P


    Im not from England/usa so thats why Im very groggy at this language. Youre not hallucinating yet. :whistling:

  9. Hello, I look for skins white for my persos having no pus to find there are that somebody could make it to me or give me a link? Thank you very much (saddened for my English ^^)







    http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=762 this mod have very pale skin, hope thats what you were looking for, if you have the toolset and this mod also: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=69

    You can make the skin as white as the tattoos on the pics. And If your toolset doesent work I recommend to add some of these faces to the CC : http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=723


    Hope that was what you were looking for :)

  10. Hey Benbone;


    If you export your Toolset creation as a ".mop", it'll be available as a preset in the CC, (obviously then, for a new Player-Character only.)


    If you export it as a ".mor", it'll be available to use as the face of any character, including "your" Warden. For OTHER than your Warden, you'd just name it correctly for that character. But to use it as the PC's face, you'll have to use the "DA Face Replacer" (or other similar) process to get it into an existing game.


    In either case, it should work once you place it in your "\override" folder. :thumbsup:



    Ah, Ive learned that now at least :P But Im getting a lot of help from darkwolf now so I should be able to fix it sometime ;P

  11. Crap. My cc in Dao isnt working, its says "unable to load module" What have I done?? :facepalm:


    I think it happened after I messed around with the toolset, but I really dont know how.


    If I reinstall Dao. Do I also have to reinstall the toolset?

  12. I know that this question probably have been answered over and over again. Sorry that I add yet another :unsure: But I finally got my toolset to work and want to play.


    I have a good face in the toolset that I want to have as one preset in the character creator. How do I do that?

    Should I just rename the file with an "mor" at the end and place in the override folder?

    Or should I delete one of the original presets and add my file instead? If so, where are the original default/vanilla (??) files?


    I have watch some clips on youtube, but without any success. I know how to install mods, but the toolset is a hole new thing for me.


    And I dont know how to start a game with a face directly from the toolset either, if that is what you usually should do?


    Please, can anyone help me with my stupid question? I just want to be able to manage this :)

  13. I have seen a mod some days ago were you for example could be a dwarwen mage, common human or be a human living in elven alienage and so on.

    But I can´t find it and Ive been manually looking trough allmost every tread. All I could find was some druid and cleric class and thats not the one Im looking for.


    Is there anyone here that knows what Im babbling about? I would be so happy for some help.


    Ps. Im not english so excuse my grammar and spelling..

  14. Nope Im not english so please have patience with my gramma and other wierd stuff :)


    As the title says Im looking for the mod that gives the female character cornrows like they have in male hairstyles. Ive seen pictures so I know they exist somewhere, but I cant find it in search.


    I cant get acess to my toolset either so if theres some mod direct to cc I would be most happy :)

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