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About IronChancellor

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  1. I copied this out of my script: let ModName := "Testing.esp" print "Variable==Hardcoded: " + $(ModName == "Testing.esp") print "Hardcoded: " + $(IsModLoaded "Testing.esp") print "Variable: " + $(IsModLoaded ModName) And ingame it writes out: Variable==Hardcoded: 1 Hardcoded: 1 Variable: 0I have no clue what i missed here, the wiki just says: (bool) IsModLoaded modName:stringThe same thing happens with GetModIndex. I can work around this by making each mod have a quest with the info in it and then using getVariable, but my current setup doesn't require any special forms to be made so I would prefer to make it work if possible.
  2. I have an esp file with FalloutNV.esm as its only master file. When I set my esp to active in the geck, both the scripts that I made and the default ones from NV are marked with an asterisk. If I go into the actual esp file with a text editor, I can see all of the scripts have been copied into the file as if I wrote them all myself. What i need to know is: How do I remove these scripts from my esp; What did I do that caused all of these scripts to be associated with my esp. Any guesses/solutions would be appreciated. NOTE: The file is ~4000KB so I don't think I can upload it. EDIT: I fixed it with FNVEdit, but I would still like to know how it happened if anyone can give me some insight.
  3. Try setting the weapon's object script to something like this: scn headshotkillscript ref MyOwner ref MyTarget int HeadCondition BEGIN OnFire set MyOwner to Player set MyTarget to MyOwner.objectunderreticle 0 1000000 set HeadCondition to MyTarget.getav perceptioncondition END BEGIN OnHit if HeadCondition > MyTarget.getav perceptioncondition MyTarget.damageav health 1000 endif set HeadCondition to 0 END This will add extra damage to an NPC if shot in the head with your weapon only. It will only work if the player is using the weapon and not in VATS. I have some ideas for how to fix these problems, but they are more complicated than the example and will take me some time to put together.
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