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  1. So I've hit quite the snafu with the CK recently. After a crash while saving, I restored an older backup version of my mod, but for some reason, Bethesda.net will not let me upload my mod for PS4 anymore (yes, this is a console mod, though it does have a PC version), stating that PS4 does not support archives and I therefore must remove my mod's "dependencies" on my loose files. However, the CK used to let me upload anyway, stating that the loose files just wouldn't be accepted, and only the plugin itself would go through, though now even that is being stopped. The loose files in question are some textures and meshes I'm not even sure how they got made in the first place. Because this mod was meant for PS4 originally, I've been pretty careful (and successful) about using only vanilla assets, and this was reflected by the mod's performance on PS4. But that being said, I can't even update the damn thing anymore without the CK telling me to remove these dependencies. So this is my issue. I need to find these supposedly custom textures and meshes and remove them from my mod. But I'm also aware that they can't be searched and viewed like actual records, so is there any way I can find them and remove them via some kind of search? Or do I manually have to find them all and remove them, and if so, how? I know that they seem to be tied to facegen data, always showing up in these folders: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\textures\actors\character\FaceCustomization folders I've tried deleting them through my file explorer, but the CK frustratingly just recreates them every time I choose to "Upload to PS4". I've tried looking at my custom NPCs which I assumed were using vanilla assets since the mod clearly works on PS4 and just can't be updated right now, but I'm not sure where to even look as far as the chargen/morph data and even further still how to delete anything there. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm completely stumped and sure would like to be able to update my damn mod!
  2. So if my title doesn't make it obvious, I'm panicking and desperate. So my story is as follows: I have a mod I've been working on for a couple months now, full of stuff like custom locations, cells, quests, weapons, npcs, the works. I make regular backups daily, but some days I make a lot more progress than others, and so my latest backup is far behind where I'm at currently. I just had the Creation Kit crash on me, resulting in a .tes file and a 0 KB .esp file. Using information I found around here, I renamed the .tes to be my mod once again, but some mod records were missing, namely my custom legendary mods and recipes. I also know some other random records are gone, like one out of many custom perks I made, and some cell edits it seems, but I'm at a loss as to knowing how I can see which records are still here and which are not. I've compared my most recent backup to my current mod in programs like FO4Edit and FalloutSnip, but I'm not sure where to go from there. Viewing some asset branches even causes FO4Edit to crash, which confuses the hell out of me, but I'm also pretty new to using it myself. So here's what I'm asking in a nutshell: Some of my assets/records are just gone from the current version of my mod, which I'll call 0.7 for now. They're just totally absent. No idea where they're at, but since they're records I made a while back, those assets are still in my backups from before of the mod, which I'll call version 0.6. Is there some way to copy or export the assets from 0.6 of my mod and paste/import them into 0.7? I've tried "copying as override" in FO4Edit, but I'm such a novice with that particular program I don't even know what to do from there. So if anyone could explain to me some way I might be able to salvage this situation, either by their own advice from similar experiences or maybe even a tutorial or something somewhere on taking assets from one mod and putting them in another without adding a mod dependency (or removing it if necessary), that would be exactly what I need and incredibly helpful. It would kill me at this point to have all this time wasted on a mod that I can't finish because of a setback like this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading.
  3. Sorry it's taken me a while to respond, but your script worked beautifully. The weapon I made was intended for a PS4 mod, which unfortunately doesn't allow for loose pex files, but it's pretty damn awesome to play around with on PC. I couldn't find a way to make the ammo go directly into the magazine instead of the reserves (even tried using the effect of the "Unlimited" legendary mod, but to no avail), so I just made the weapon reload instantly instead. Thank you so much for throwing this together though. I even had a friend of mine who works as a programmer for a living look through it and help me implement it in the CK, and he complimented it as a "pretty script" haha. So yeah, worked like a charm, thanks again!
  4. Hello all. I'm fairly new to the modding scene and am just really starting to learn with the Creation Kit. I know the weapon I want to make, but am not sure how to go about doing this however. The premise is fairly simple: I want a gun that generates its own ammo. Figuring out how to do this might be beyond me though. At first I thought I might be able to just have a weapon with a mod that has an effect like drinking a Nuka-Cola, where a single cap is added to your inventory. Then I could just swap the cap for the ammo and be done, but that particular effect "NukaColaBottleCapAdder" can only add MISC items, not ammo. My next idea was to attempt to use a quest, sort of like how NPCs just give you items from time to time, and make this quest activate or repeat stages of ammo giving over time or by firing the gun, but after a couple hours of sifting through dialogues and quest data, I can safely say I am completely confused by that concept, so probably a no-go. Does anyone here have any ideas on how this might work that someone of my skill level could pull off? If 4 had recharging weapons like NV did, I'd feel a lot more confident in myself, but unfortunately it doesn't. I'm getting a bit frustrated because the idea of adding items to the player's inventory seems so simple in theory since it can be done with one easy console command, but I have no idea how to make it work... Any help is appreciated... Thoughts?
  5. Hello. I'm newish to modding personally, but I've been using tutorials by this guy on YouTube to start to try and learn: https://youtu.be/xKViKsNcXVY Maybe it'll help. This is just an introductory course in making Companions, so it won't help your husband for everything he wants to do, but it was a nice intro for me. Good luck finding more!
  6. Hey everyone. I've been a lurker around here for a long time, and I've seen you all make so many cool mods for a bunch of games over the years, but I'm finally getting around to trying to make a mod of my own. But of course, since I'm an amateur, I'm having some difficulties with AI in the CK, specifically for Deathclaws. To summarize my issue, I created a gun that basically shoots modified Synth Relay Grenades that now spawn Deathclaws that are in the Player Faction and a couple others like Player Ally and Caravan. Everything works beautifully, except for that the Deathclaws don't seem to want to fight much of anything, despite having AI data set for "Very Aggressive" and "Foolhardy" behavior. They do occasionally fight some enemies, but it's inconsistent and very sporadic, mostly just them doing that "dirt flick" thing they do from afar. They never seem to fight behemoths (though in one test they did despite no changes on my part; I was testing something else entirely at the time) or Mirelurk Queens. In some tests, they attacked enemies like bloatflies, raiders, gunners, radstags, ghouls, BoS troops, yao guai, and softshell mirelurks with extreme effectiveness, going in for the kill immediately and tearing them apart to my joy. But again, it was never consistent, and people playtesting for me have also encountered these inconsistencies, one player even asking me "why the deathclaws only run away". Which they do. I thought they might be running due to an aggressiveness/confidence setting, but like I said those are both high. I also thought it could be an issue with them being underleveled compared to their enemies (is this even something the AI cares about?), but after jacking their levels up to 50, they still ran away from most combat. I then thought it might be due to them prioritizing the "DeathclawDirtThrow" weapon over their melee attacks since it's ranged, but removing it from their inventory didn't change their cowardice. Even when they get attacked by a raider with a tire iron sometimes they just run away and attempt to hide. Next I got really desperate and dug into the Race, Combat Style, and AI Packages, even going as far as to use Spike from Fusion City Rising (fantastically beautiful mod) as a template for my Deathclaw Pals, but this still didn't change anything! Argh! So yeah, any ideas on how I can get my damn Deathclaws to attack things and fulfill my Deathclaw army fantasy? Is it maybe the "Energy" value under AI Data? Is it just a problem with the vanilla Deathclaw AI? This is such a cool idea I feel and something I've wanted to do for a long time; I feel like it has to be possible, I must just not be doing something right... Any help or feedback would be appreciated, but even if you just glance at this post, thank you for your time!
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