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Everything posted by hruza

  1. Using constants will make script run faster, but it's not necessary for anything from a functionality point of view. You can use constant or not in the script and it won't change what that script does. You are just telling compiler that vale/item you have declared won't change and can be treated/stored as such. If you edit or add just script or two, it won't make any difference on performance, not one that player can notice, but will have effect when used on a large scale. Using constant where appropriate is sign of good programming. As for it's use, you use it when you declare something that won't be changed in the course of running the script.
  2. I have no problem with scale using 3DS Max. I don't know how many inches one "unit" in game is, but I know that one "balcony" floor (the smallest ones in the workshop) is 128x128 large. If you create/import your object in to 3Ds Max and then use official tools to export it in to Nif file Fallout 4 can use, one unit in 3DS Max will equal one unit in CK/Fallout 4. You shouldn't have any scale issues there. So my guess is that you got your inches to units ratio wrong. As far as I can tell, ratio is approximately 1 unit = 10mm. For example distance (height) between shack floor and ceiling is 198 units. If you take average human height of 1700 mm, then scale indeed must be somewhere around 1unit : 10mm. Or 1unit : 1 cm. Moreover you should be able to detect that already in 3DS max -your model will be too small.
  3. Not sure if it will help, but you can add sounds in the form of AddOnNode directly in to your Nif file (using Nifscope). If what you want uses actual sound file, you can create new AddOnNode in the CK or check if there is one already and then add it in to the Nif. Example is burning camp fire object from one of the game expansions. One of the AddOnNodes that you can find inside is a sound node. You can find AddOnNodes under SpecialEffects in the CK. Check what sound file houses in Sanctuary are using and create AddOnNode that use it. Then add it to your rug in the Nifscope. It's done by using AddOnNode ID number (which should be unique so set it much higher then vanilla ones). There should be tutorials somewhere on Youtube of how to do it.
  4. Here is the screen of two forms for craftable static objects in CK and screen in the Fallout how those two objects behave when build. There should be no difference between them (other then name of the form), they use the same Nif file, yet the first one places correctly allowing me to adjust height over ground, while other snaps automatically up to P-WS-SinkMax snap point and won't allow me to be placed any other way. I repeat, they both use the same Nif file. They even use the same crafting recipe. What am I missing?:
  5. Found the same condition on MamaM chair in Sanctuary already. Does not help however because it doesn't use actual item crafted. It just checks workbench for any item with a keyword. In my case I would need to add keyword to every item that I would want to exclude, which would defeat purpose of what I want -ability to control restricted items from a single place (list). The same goes for "Unscrapable". But thanks for trying to help, appreciated.
  6. I am adding bunch of items in to workshop and want some of them to be movable by the player if they are already in the cell, but I don't want player to be able to craft new ones. Say for example there is old fridge in the corner of the Red Rocket Station. In vanilla you can scrap it. I want player to be able to move it around, but without been able to construct new ones or store it. By setting condition that fails in the recipe, I can do exactly that. I want to make list of items like this and make every recipe I add to check the list for the item player is trying to construct or store. Now I know the workaround, I can make recipe for such item and set random condition that will always fail. However been able to simply add/remove such items from the single list is much more convenient and elegant. Especially when mod is large and I want to change things. Or I want other people to be able to mod it easily.
  7. I am trying to set up condition in the workshop recipe that prevents item to be constructed (available in the workshop) if that item is in the specific list (where I can add or remove items as I need). I tried to set up condition with function IsInList but I can't seems to get it work. I am probably setting up wrong target (Run on). I would assume that when used in the workshop recipe, item been constructed is set as either Subject or Target. But neither works. Here is condition as I set it up: Anybody knows how to set it up correctly or what "Run on" is used here for object been constructed?
  8. It's possible. What you have to do after copy/paste collision from another object is to links everything properly, to that it fall in place. 1. Open NifScope and open your file. 2. Open another instance of NifScope and open Fallout4 file you want to steal collision from. 3. rightclick/block/remove branch bhkNPCollisionObject from your file in a Block List window if your file have it. 4. Rightclick/block/copy bhkNPCollisionObject from Fallout 4 file and paste it your file (don't use copy branch this time, just plain copy) 5. Expand bhkNPCollisionObject in the Block List window of Fallout 4 file and look for bhkPhysicsSystem. 5. Rightclick/block/copy bhkPhysicsSystem from under bhkNPCollisionObject from Fallout 4 file and paste it to your file. 6. Close Fallout4 file, you won't need it anymore. 7. Select bhkNPCollisionObject in Block List window of your your file, look in to Block Details (bottom window) at the entry: Data. 8. Doubleclick it's Value to change it to number you see in the Block List window before bhkPhysicsSystem. 9. If you did it right, value should change to "bhkPhysicsSystem" and bhkPhysicsSystem in the upper Block List window should now be child of a bhkNPCollisionObject (expand it to see it). 10. Select NifNode -the first entry in the Block List window. 11. In the Block Details window below, look for Collision Object entry. 12. Change it's value (by doubleclicking) to number before bhkNPCollisionObject in the upper Block List window. 13. bhkNPCollisionObject in the Block List window should now be child of NifNode. Done, you have linked collision object to your mesh. If Fallout 4 object you used to steal collision data don't have mesh fairly similar to your own, expect weird things. You will be able to pass through your mesh and will run in to invisible obstacle made of collision object. It's practically useless unless you just modifying existing Fallout meshes.
  9. Well may be not in "DLC itself" as I claimed but it might be hard coded in NV executable. DLCs were supported only after certain patch. Which might be point when 5 levels were hard coded. So far I did not find anything inside DLCs which sets new limit on player level.
  10. No it is not in starting scripts like NVDLC01MQ00SCRIPT. It seems it is hard coded in the DLC itself. Sawyer reportedly lowered max level in his mod by lowering base max level setting (iMaxCharacterLevel) to 15 (so with 4 DLCs his mod is using, you end up at 35). I was not checking his mod but if he does it this way than there is probably no setting/script in DLCs you can edit. As far as I am concerned, lowering base is OK for me so I will go with it as well. It just did not came to my mind earlier. Sometimes best solution is the simplest one.
  11. I want to limit max player level cap LOWER than what is allowed after all Add-ons are installed (lv.50). Say I want to limit it at 35. When looking at the GECK with all Add-ons loaded I see iMaxCharacterLevel is still 30. So Add-ons do not rise level cap by adjusting this setting. So how Add-ons do it then? Anybody have idea what to edit? When looking at Logan's Loophole it simply prevents experience after level 30 so this is not probably way to go.
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