Hey, first time poster here, and I have some additions. About the difference between blade, blunt, axe etc.: I dont mind the separation of skills much, I'm fine if it stays the same. What I do mind is that fighting with a warhammer or waraxe looks and feels exactly the same as fighting with a claymore. What's more important to me is not the separation of skills, but the separation of weapons. For example blades would get high base damage, but would obviously be weak against highly armoured opponents (including skeletons). On the other hand, blunt weapons would be a bit weaker against unarmoured opponents, but it would be way easier to make opponents stumble by striking them, breaking through blocks, and it would negate a part of the opponents armour (let's say 20% of it). Then axes would be sort of a middle ground between the two. Skills wise, with the rise of your blade skill would come a bit higher damage, but mostly it would allow you to fight at a higher pace. It would reduce the flinching time after you hit a block, it would make powerattacks quicker and moves (blocking, swinging, powerattacks) would flow into eachother much better. It would allow you to outpace other fighters at higher levels to make up for the fact that you're going to have a hard time breaking their blocks. Axes and blunt skill on the other hand, would mainly improve damage and ability to break through someone's blocks. Its a simpler and less subtle fighting style, but effective nonetheless. It's just that against a blade fighter you'll take a lot of hits because he basically outspeeds you. Also make parries more effective if you time them right and less effective if you're just holding up your weapon. And don't allow daggers to always block warhammers. Breaking through a block should be an option if you've got enough strength and a big enough weapon.