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About mred1602

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  1. In response to post #70317033. #74998448, #75000828 are all replies on the same post. Actually, I just spent a night in jail after Constance dumped the 300 eggs on me. On this one there was no "I'll talk to Constance" or any other option to get out of it. But is WAS just one night in jail. And the conversation with Constance the next morning was priceless! All in all, worth it, in my opinion. (And just as "immersive" as anything else in this game.)
  2. In response to post #67645436. Yeah, I fell for that, too. I gave her a bunch of very expensive alcohol to carry. She drank it all and passed out on the floor.
  3. Constance is a hoot! She adds quite a bit of fun to the game. However, I would recommend that anyone trying her out, first install "Move or Take My Place" (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43119) because Constance really loves to stand in doorways. Being able to swap places with her (or any other door-blocking NPC) at a keypress removes a lot of frustration from the game.
  4. In response to post #70317033. Oh, lighten up. So you got to spend a night in jail. Get over it. You were warned that Constance sometimes gets you both into trouble. She's well worth it.
  5. In response to post #74138758. And if you're looking for Updates, click on the "Notifications" bell. See, things haven't been deleted -- just scrambled, hidden, and/or relabeled. Think of it as a free scavenger hunt.
  6. I was looking at the Notifications for a particular game (SkyrimSE if it matters.) When I pressed "See All", I could see all the notifications for THAT game. But when I pressed "Remove All", it removed all the notifications for ALL MY GAMES. Not exactly the behavior that I expected (or wanted). Is this on purpose, or is it a bug?
  7. In response to post #73897103. #73899578, #73899788 are all replies on the same post. I, also, prefer the new UI.
  8. In response to post #73639383. #73651028 is also a reply to the same post. Pickysaurus, Now that I have found the Updates (excuse me, "Notifications"), I really appreciate how they work. I no longer have to scroll back to the top of the page to go to the next one, and I no longer have to remember to "remove" the ones I've already looked at. Definitely a big improvement.
  9. In response to post #73625933. #73626013, #73626803, #73627268, #73631813, #73651168 are all replies on the same post. Where did you find the Updates (new comments on mods I'm tracking)? I can't find them anywhere. Edit: Ok, I found the Updates. For anyone else still looking, they have been both moved and renamed. You can find them under the little bell symbol at the top left and re-labeled as "Notifications". Edit: Ok, I found the new instructions for where to find the Updates. (And before you tell me to RTFM, I've been designing user interfaces for the last 10 years, and I've learned that if the customer has to read the manual in order to figure out your new interface, you have already lost.)
  10. I'm already expecting this for my birthday, but I can't wait!
  11. In response to post #43746270. #43746460, #43746755, #43749045, #43749835, #43752980, #43753020, #43753585, #43754830, #43757670, #43761640, #43761700, #43762280, #43762495, #43764945, #43765225, #43765555, #43765600, #43766625, #43766725, #43767325, #43767755, #43774185, #43797020, #43803900, #43819370, #43856440 are all replies on the same post. Ditto. I ALWAYS download manually and then use NMM or whatever to install. That way when I come back to the game in a few years, I'll still have the mods for a fresh install. I won't (again) make the mistake of assuming this site will always be here (ahem, FilePlanet).
  12. Is this why I am no longer receiving any notifications for mods that I am tracking?
  13. In response to post #37160675. Framework 4.6 will not install on plain Windows 7. It requires Windows 7.1 (Service pack 1)
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