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Posts posted by KaptTorbjorn

  1. One of these days these rage inducing UV maps are going to drive me mental






    For future reference, if you want to do this yourself for another mesh later you just need to edit the texture's alpha channel to be black for whatever you want to not be rendered in-game. Luckily in this case there was armor behind the pouch, or else there'd just be some seethrough hold in the steel armor. Lol.

  2. http://i.imgur.com/0fNmH.jpg


    Got it in-game without it crashing, so hooray for that.


    Helm clipping is fixed now, still need to fix the hand on the right glove. Probably going to have to go back to square one and manually paint bone weights :wallbash:


    And the skirt flap clipping

  3. I'll just send you a mediafire link, and I'll upload it, that way if there are bug fixes I can just do them and update the file



    Helm, Body, and boots done. Just the gloves left



  4. Alright, I'll take a look at it tomorrow and see if I can get some sort of working mashup for you to test out and see how you like/dislike


    Though, if you have it working in the screenshot, why do you need a mod for it?

  5. Your best bet would be to PM Seren4XX (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/modules/members/index.php?id=705688) who does the Ashen Oriental race, as if I recall correctly, there was a script file included within the download that fixed the custom race->werewolf->back transformations so that no nasty glitches happened.


    Or if you have scripting knowledge you can download that file and see what he/she did to make it work (I have none lol).


    Hope that helps,


  6. No you can do it for an entire race. In the CK go to the race tab (this is going from memory so sorry if its a bit faulty), right click edit, go through the tabs until you find the spot that you can edit their behavior file (the path being something like data/meshes/actors/character/characters female/defaultfemale.hkx, and actors/character/characters male.hkx), and just switch them around. That way all the males have the behavior files of females (and thus draw on female specific animations files), and vice versa.


    Dunno why you'd want to do that...but yea, that's how you do it.

  7. Interesting. A breakdown would be nice, I could do this for you since it's well within my area of knowledge, looks good too.


    I'm going to guess:


    UNP combination outfit (for the cloak part)

    Blades Armor

    Arm bandages

    Nordplate skirt thingy

    Einherjar hood/steel helmet


    The boots and the right glove parts have me stumped though.

  8. The grinder is quite a good idea, and it wouldn't really be that hard to make I don't think. You could take one of the dwemer cog type things that are animated when you say use a lift, or open one of the big dwemer doors (I believe?), and just add a hopper below it and a lever to activate.


    Then it's just scripting work.


    Good idea though

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