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Posts posted by davidlallen

  1. I don't see how playable advent can make any difference to hits on normal soldiers. Is this reproducible with all other variables removed? That is,


    1. remove My Games/.../*.ini

    2. activate only SWR, deactivate all other mods

    3. Load a particular save-game with no mods at all

    4. No problem

    5. remove My Games/.../*.ini

    6. activate both SWR and PA and load the same save-game

    7. Problem


    There are so many evils concealed in XComGame.ini engine section when you switch mods, that you can have all kinds of unexpected behaviors.

  2. I don't understand your log. Your log mentions about faceless, which are not part of my mod. My mod does not make any alterations to the injury system. Some of the units in my mod have bCanBeCriticallyWounded = false in the template; but then so do all the enemy units in the vanilla game.


    What is the part which you think is conflicting with Playable Advent?

  3. Eladdv202 has posted on the comment thread of playable advent:


    Hello Developers, it's EladDv the dev of Second Wave Reborn (probably seen me on the nexus) i think i know where some of my bug reports are coming from, it's possible that some of your code is incompatible with mine, mainly interfering with red fog and NCE, it seems that your soldiers dont posess the option of being injured so my program throws a controled error and aborts randomization on them,now that's not that bad but you know i'd appriciate it if you tried to do something, now about red fog- it seems that your mod dosnt let red fog to activate and all the stat calculations are cut short, if you want a deeper look let's talk on the forums becaues that's not a good platform to do so


    OK, let us discuss here. For mecs, it makes no sense to "bleed out" and then be saved by a medikit. So I have set the flag like bCanBeCriticallyWounded = false. For the other aliens, I guess it is debateable. But at least for that one, I am not sure what you would like to change. Can you condition your behavior so that it doesn't happen if this flag is set?

  4. Lots of armor mods have this problem. The problem is that the game randomly selects rookie armor from among all armor which is available to rookies. The solution is contained in the problem statement: don't make the armor available to rookies. Then, use a mod (such as my "Armor Variety") which allows any armor to be placed when you customize the soldier in the armory.

  5. Unfortunately the first few mods used screenlisteners, and now most people make the same conclusion you did.


    Sorry, I cannot think of any reason why your localization text is not working. All of mine works. The only other suggestion I can make is to check each file over again one more time, against some other mod which is working. Every time I do this, I find "just one more thing" which is different which I missed the other four times I checked. Then it works.

  6. Sorry for checking basics. The file you have put this text into is localization/XComGame.int, and this file is in your modbuddy build list, and you can see this file in your compiled mods directory afterwards?


    I don't agree with the approach of screenlisteners since you can easily extend these classes and use CreateTemplate, but I don't see any obvious problem in what you posted. I am sure you have checked the spelling of the definitions you didn't post here, to make sure they match the names which are in the localization file.

  7. There are instructions for voice pack modders on how to reduce memory consumption. One mysterious large file, default shader cache, may or may not exist in the mod download. For a voice pack, it is never needed, and you (or the mod author) can delete it. If that is present, the memory consumption may be high. Delete it, and that is the best known method for reducing memory impact. Unless you have dozens of voice packs, there should not be much memory increase, and there should not be any stability decrease.

  8. When you are in modbuddy, and you launch "debug", that actually launches the xcom2 game itself. It is running in a slightly different mode, but it is the game itself and not some third thing. I am not sure what you mean by "loading a fully leveled character class". If I want to look at an ability tree, I usually load the "enhanced perk tree" mod:




    Alternatively, you can use the console cheat command "levelupbarracks N", where N is the number of levels. Entering "levelupbarracks 8" will take a barracks full of rookies and turn them into colonels. Then you can see the ability tree as you perform the leveling up.

  9. I don't understand your question. Are you asking for a mod so that in the game, you can see all the abilities your soldier can qualify for at higher levels? See the "perk tree" mod at steam workshop. Are you using the SDK to compile unrealscript files, and you would like to see the details of the errors? See the quick start guide PDF in the SDK which shows how to set the message verbosity level in the SDK. I really can't tell what you mean by "the debug program". If you meant something else please try asking again.

  10. @ deathdraco, thanks for the details on the berserker effect. I wonder if the enemy soldiers are panicking, so I will be curious to know the results of this when all other mods are turned off (if possible).


    Regarding the chryssalid, you are correct that the chryssalid cocoon is invisible, and not working. Some other modders have helped me figure out how to do this correctly, but in the current version, you do get an invisible cocoon.

  11. This command aidumplogs doesn't do anything for me. I tried both in quick tactical and in a real tactical. In both cases, I play a couple of turns of tactical; issue the command; play one more turn to make sure the log is flushed; and look in launch.log. There is no output related to AI there. Just the usual sort of log messages. Is there something else we have to do, before this works? This was from a save game with no mods loaded, FWIW.

  12. Thanks for the feedback. Do you have any suggestions for lore-friendly ways to introduce the other units besides mec? People have often suggested a psi ability used during tactical to permanently enslave one of the enemies, but it seems pretty hard to get that result out of the tactical game and back into the strategic game. So, any suggestions other than that one?

  13. Perhaps the "self evac" button for the sectopod could only be activated after some one other trooper evacs. IDK how to implement that anyway, just brainstorming. There seem to be problems putting the gatekeeper into the skyranger, so I assume the sectopod would have the same problem.


    @ deathdraco, I did not quite understand your description. Suppose there is a pod with three soldiers, and the berserker knocks one unconscious. You are saying that the other two will scatter, but then never do any moves or fires after that? That seems very strange. Can anybody reproduce this, and maybe send a save game from just before? I don't know much about the AI but I don't see offhand why having one soldier unconscious should prevent the others from moving.

  14. I think the problem may be the extra comma at the end of your [16] line. If not, please continue reading.


    The ini file you pasted uses backslash, and the error you pasted uses frontslash. Are you sure you retyped the error message correctly? Was there any line number associated with the message? If not, try smaller pieces at one time: try only adding the configurable encounter without the other stuff. Does the message go away? Then add the - line. Then add the + line. This can help narrow down the problem.


    It is very hard to edit the ini file using - correctly. The only way I have found to do this is to work with the combined ini file under My Documents/My Games/XCOM 2/Config. That file is harder to read, because all the backslashes are removed, but it is safer to edit.


    BTW, there are a couple of mods that also add civilians to your team; you may want to check them out and see how they did it.

  15. @ deathdraco, thanks for the long post! There are a lot of good ideas there. For shrinking the aliens in the armory screen, I did get a good lead on doing that, so I can probably put that into the next release.


    For the gatekeeper and sectopod, I agree that keeping them from being OP will be a challenge. When you build any of the aliens, they appear at the level of your highest soldier, minus one. So it will probably be OK if they don't have much of a talent tree. Whichever person works on those will probably make the first draft of the tree. We may consider putting all their standard abilities into the tree, so that you have to use a number of the level-ups just to get their normal full strength.


    Size will be a problem for the gatekeeper and sectopod in the skyranger. We haven't figured out how to have any effect on those animations. Maybe people can just ignore that. But a bigger problem will be that the sectopod has no "step up" animation. So, there are a lot of evac missions it won't be able to complete. We haven't thought about that very much.

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