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About khutori

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  1. i would just like to say hi and welcome the above Link help me a lot when i first joined sadly i will always be a noob lol nice to meet you and the peeps here are totally awesome :thumbsup: all the best Khutori
  2. ok hi ya all well i tried this link http://www.dragonage...ile.php?id=1768 and i did like it but it didnt have the same feel as the one i wanted please if you know what it is post a reply thanks again to you all
  3. thank you so much for your reply but sadly no it is not the right one but I will gladly try it.. I live in hope !! Thank you Again Sync182
  4. is there no one out there that knows the above mod ??? :wallbash: :( :wallbash: :(
  5. hi all :) i need a little help finding a talent tree i used to have. i am sure it was in the spell tree as Monster it had healing and revive swarm and a lot more cant find it anywhere it looked like this sorta :/ Monster Aoe - ranged - 2 hand - duel disspell magic heal - group heal - revive - "one more cant remember the name" arcane ? - Swarm - "cant remember the name" - "cant remember the name" 13 spells in all set out in the above layout.. please if you know the mod let me know many thanks Khutori
  6. many thanks for the replys all lots there to look in to the one i want to try is Tank world but its still closed beta thanks again :biggrin:
  7. hi to ya all i am looking for a new game to take on wore out Dragon age , wow to 85 , star trek online , eve is to complicated need something to do :( have tried lord of the rings everquest aion dragon age wow conan warhammer diablo II guild wars star trek online need something in a mmorpg thanks
  8. Rusty : has anyone ever told you , your Brilliant no no you dont have to pay me that link is exactly what i want , all i have to do now is work out how to use it so my replys might be a little thin for a few day's will have to think of a catchy name for it too :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: THANK YOU RUSTY :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  9. awesome thank you Thandal :D :D :D :D i hope to see ya there :) Khutori :)
  10. ooooooo i have compleated warden peek and i got warden commander armour steel rusty do you have one of these with your mods on cos i think there awasome or maybe give me a month or too and a zillion question i might be able to mod it myself i would like a god mode one and one with slots in as a leveling one a balanced one which i could in game mod with differant runes etc and maybe a mutlpyer linked to stats that upgrade the armour as you level also a cloth robe in black and gold in the same design sorry but this game has me hooked sadly i lack the skill to do what i want to do, but the idea of modding a toon and its armour is awesome massive respect to all the modders :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: back to the battle fight well my friends :ninja: :ninja: Khutori :ninja: :ninja:
  11. Thank you Rusty i will get my ole trusty visa out thanks again
  12. @ Thandal lmao was so funny when reading the lot back you gotta love this forum advice help and good cheer i am so glad i am here i do like to have a odd yarn but it is always in good humour but dammmm this modding lark is hard work totally brilliant but for a alien like me it could take a while which leads me to the next in enthralling techino fuzzio not to sure thing to ask about i hope your keeping up Rusty :) i do wish you would'nt bring home Leg snacks from the battle field DarkeWolf ok is there a mod or mods for wardens peek etc :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: or is that solders peek well i was peeking at something i think it may be a new area ? not to sure lastly is there a chill chat zone i could go to and leave you techies in peace ?
  13. LOL ... :whistling: i think i may of started a civil war :: as a Greywarden i will try and help you both resolve this conflict RustyBlade, it's not nice to make rude noises at helpfull folk -5 points DarkeWolf, make sure your, your helpful advice is right -5 points (shhhh but Rusty made the mod he knows best) -------------------- lol thank you both kindly for all your input. The main reason most of the mods didnt work was souly down to human error :huh: infact it was me who made the error omg you want me to tell you what it was :sweat: :sweat: :sweat: ok ok "whispers" i didnt have awakening installed + i had'nt read the mods for dummies Guide well worth reading scroll up for details -------------------- i am there for giving you both 100 points each for not hitting me with those very big weapons lol o my what sharp teeth you have :( -------- and thanks for the awesome welcome :D :D :D :D Khutori :D :D :D
  14. hi ya thank you for the swift reply's and the great info will try the link you sent me, :D still laughing at the mods for dummies :D so gonna read that great job on the mod man , truely awesome , i honestly didnt intend to suggest the mod was at fault . i knew full well the only thing wrong with the mod was caused by , the interface between my chair n keyboard i will update later Many thanks RustyBlade & Thandal :thumbsup: :pirate: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Khutori :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  15. Firstly "What a totally awesome site" 8) my first post too , do hope this go's well o_O I added RB_Wardens_In_Black totally awesome god mode which works in the sence that all the stats are right etc but sadly my poor mage is in a blue bubble and white as a sheet , i wish i could end there :no: the cool looking staff is totally invisible :sad: was going to do a screen shot of it but its invisible lmao :laugh: please please give me a litte help, so want this mod to work. lastly if i take all her armour off she is still pasty white ?? Thank all Khutori is there a command line manger that that could load and uninstall mods ??
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