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About zombiezer0

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    United States
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    the modding game
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  1. Hi there :)

    Thanks for your support on my comic book-parody :D

  2. It's been a day, and, while I disliked the new design at first, it's really grown on me. Everything runs smoother, and some things (like comments, edorsements, and downloads/views/edorsements counters in the upper right for example) feel more natural. And I really love the new tabs on each mod's page for the files, images, videos, etc. Most things worth saying have already been harped to death, but some things bear repeating. I use Firefox 6.0 and, as others have pointed out, the images are not displayed correctly. I also miss the side-by-side listing of new and recently updated files when you'd click the "Files" link at the top of the page. It seemed to be much neater and easier to navigate than the current top-to-bottom format. Finally, from a purely aesthetic perspective, I'm not crazy about all the salmon pink here on the DANexus. The old design had the pink, but not nearly in the quantity it is now, which made it more tolerable. WitcherNexus is already red, but maybe a deeper red for DANexus would be more suitable. Yesterday, I was ready to quit this site, but not before ranting like a lunatic about how much I disliked this new design. I strictly avoid the Bioware Social Network because of how disorganized and comlicated it is to find anything useful, and I thought this new design was careening in the un-user-friendly direction of the BSN. Today, after spending a while getting acclimated with the new features and layout, I'm rather pleased with this modernized design. While it's still not as simple and user-friendly as the old design, it's not hardly as tragic as I originally thought. People are resistant to change, it's human nature; but, like someone before me already said, give it a week, and people will have forgotten the old site.
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