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  1. This is starting to get annoying. I mean, can it be that hard? I mean, I shouldn't be scrutinizing the community for this, cuz' I sure as hell don't know how to make mods. But it seems the closest any body has gotten has been just short-cutting the use of console commands. Why can't somebody just make a mod, that removes all perks, and gives you back the amount of perks, whatever level you are, in return? Did Bethesda purposely lock out the perk points system even in the Creation mod kit? It seems like that's that part no on can get past. I just really want to fix my mage, seeing as I made him a mage thief, but now that I have my own dedicated thief at level 81, I want to put more points in the mage skills I decided to skip, like illusion and conjuration. The one thing that I want to make sure of is that it is, for the most part, legit. I like to keep my Skyrim close to the way the devs intended it to be played. Most of the time, even opting out of mods that add weapons or spells, and usually even house and quest mods I don't touch. I do feel respeccing should be in the game though, maybe make it super costly, like 50k a respec or something IDK. Anybody working or heard of any better respecing mods in the works?
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