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Everything posted by pickel5857
LE So.... what are you working on?
pickel5857 replied to Korodic's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I'm working on expanding the Aethernautics mod, but I'm having some trouble since I'm new to modding and am learning as I go. I've got a mod out right now that tweaks the meshes, volume, and damage of the harquebuses (rifles) added by Aethernautics (which are variants of mahty's Dwemer Rifle) At the moment I'm trying to start expanding by adding a few new guns but I'm having trouble importing .obj files of clutter into a rifle .nif. If anyone has any tips or know any tutorials that would be awesome. Anywho, if I can learn the skills / get help, I'd love to start expanding on Aethernautics by continuing the quest with the Pearlescent Cronographers, a faction of fabricants (former servants of Sotha Sil who are part mer, part machine) who patrol time, interfering occasionally to protect the integrity of the time stream. ------------- Once you acquire the Dwarven spaceship, low ranking agents of the Cronographers start pursuing and attacking you. This is because their team sent to recover the ship never reported back and you now have the ship. It is assumed you've assassinated the team and stolen it. On the bodies of those sent after you, you find a scrap of paper detailing their orders, and where to receive supplies in the current Era. This leads you to an ancient Dwemer ruin, where you find a control panel in a room the specified by the note. Upon pressing the button, a strange portal appears, out of which drop a new harquebus and ammo, as well as other essential goodies. One more item drops out, a strange glowing key. A note reveals that it is a key to the front gate of the Cronographer's fortress, in a dimension created by Sotha Sil deep within the Clockwork City, before his death. The key was meant for an incompetent agent who had lost his original key to a Sabrecat. You transport back to your ship and calibrate the navigation to transport you to Sotha Sil. You then use the key to get past the front gate to the Cronographer's fortress and are immediately met by a group of angry fabricants. Since there's no air to breathe in this dimension, that also means no air for sound to travel through, no way to speak. It is clear, though, that they are wondering who it is you are, why you've come, and how you got the spaceship they were searching for. So far you had been able to read the notes their team had left behind, so you hoped they would be able to decipher a note of yours explaining the situation. After doing so, the fabricant in charge at the gate takes you into their fortress (followed by a healthy amount of guards) to speak with their highest ranking Cronographer, the Eternity. After your escort introduces you and briefly explains your situation, the Eternity asks you why you have come to them, and after interrogating you a bit, offers a place with them provided you complete an initiation task. All Cronographers must be implanted with an Aetherial Manipulation Module, which at it's first rank creates an Aetherial link that absorbs a large amount of spell damage for a short time. This is upgradeable, and there are also other implants available that can only be unlocked with enough Aetherium Crystals, which the Cronographers use as currency (gold coins being irrelevant in Eras in which there is no Empire, or generally outside of Tamriel at any time). Once you get the implant, they proceed to show you to their armory, which includes new harquebuses and a prototype model of Dwemer Power Armor (if I could get permission to include it...). This is kind of as far as I've thought out, after this you would presumably be sent on your first mission. Could be to reclaim Masser, could be an Era in the distant future or past, could be another new dimension or plane, perhaps an Aedric realm (do the gods have their own realms? I need to read up on my lore). --------- This WHOLE THING is just a giant brainstorm at the moment, probably getting way ahead of myself since I don't have the tools or knowledge to make quests, do voiceacting, make buildings, retexture, etc etc. bascially 99% of what I would need to complete this project is completely unknown to me. But I like to dream. Especially about designing an expansive universe in Skyrim you can travel around. Probably filled with some plot holes at the moment but this post itself was a brainstorm too. -
I'm trying to make a new weapon using meshes from other in-game objects, much the same as the Dragonbone/Deadric Crossbows or the Dwarven Rifles and other variants. Anyone able to explain it real quick or point me to a good tutorial? I know how to move things around in nifskope, and create an .obj file from a .nif file (in this case clutter objects and parts of furniture)
I'm trying to create a few more rifles similar to mahty's dwarven rifle and the harquebuses from Aethernautics. Ive learned how to move the existing parts in Nifskope (the different clutter that makes up the "rifle" part such as the dwarven strut and tubes, etc) but importing new .obj files isn't working as I'd hoped. How do you properly make a .nif (or part of one) into a .obj which you can import into another .nif (existing rifle)? Any tutorials already out there?
Modifying stats on custom weapons in separate ESP (CK)
pickel5857 replied to pickel5857's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Oh wow Ishara, great tutorial. I would have had no clue otherwise. I'm sure there's some other tutorials out there covering this but I'm impressed that you figured it out and posted one yourself, then linked to it when somebody had the same problem. Not sure how often people ask but whatever. Not quite done yet but I've got the Aethernautics ESP set as a master and am currently making my modifications -
Modifying stats on custom weapons in separate ESP (CK)
pickel5857 replied to pickel5857's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
So I need to find a tutorial to change his ESP to an ESM, and then back once I've modified it? Not quite sure I understand. I mean I understand the reasoning sort-of (to get it as a parent) but not the process, or really what I should be searching for specifically. EDIT: Thank you IsharaMeradin! -
So I'm working on a mod to tweak some of the rifle settings with Trainwiz's Aethernautics. What I'm having trouble with right now is creating an ESP that modifies the damage of the rifles and replaces them in-game, to be loaded after the original Aethernautics mod. If I modify only the original ESP, it works fine and the damage adjustments go through no problem. However if I try to edit them in a new ESP (making a new active file as opposed to using Aethernautics as active), save it and reload, it comes up with an error saying the EditorID is not unique, so all of the modified weapons get named (xweapon)DUPLICATE002 with a count of 0. Maybe I need to set the original file as a parent for my new mod, but I'm not sure how to do that either. I'm very new to modding and basically only took this up because Trainwiz said he would not adjust the guns, so I decided to do it myself. I've modified the meshes with nifskope and sounds in CK and seem to have those working, but just can't get the damage adjustment to work right in a new ESP (so I can put it on nexus to share, and not need to manually edit from the CK if he releases new versions). If anyone can tell me what probably-obvious mistake I'm making here, please let me know, I dont know much about the CK and this is driving me nuts. I'll post a screencap of my exact errors/problems if need be
I dont think it'd be too far-fetched to see a musket in Skyrim, especially if it were of dwemer make. I really liked the example from the guy on the first page, about being able to write anything in lore-wise if you're creative about it. Personally I'd like to see a great many of the weapon mods out there to be added this way, into a book with a short backstory and approximate location instead of crafting these epic never-before-seen items out of nowhere.
Ran OK, spikes and stutters horribly since a week
pickel5857 replied to MugiSNK's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
That's what I did, started a new game. My old save was probably bugged from so many mods being put in and taken out. A new game resolved the freezes, as well as helping Dynavision work, as well as other mods. For some reason it wasnt freezing at all pre-1.5 even with a heavily modded save, but I suppose I'll just keep going with this new game. At least all my mods are working excellent now -
Ran OK, spikes and stutters horribly since a week
pickel5857 replied to MugiSNK's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Seems to most likely be related to the size of my savegame, also possibly the fact that my saves are on a different HD than the game itself. I can hear it switch harddrives and work harder while the stutter happens. -
The grass issue has something to do with ENB, or older versions of it at least. I had the same problem, removing ENB helped. But I'm getting your same freeze frame problem, I have no clue what's starting it. I suppose like he said, a mod might have gotten stuck in my savegame. I just suppose I'll make a new character and test it out. But I've done the same, removed all mods, textures, reset inis, everything. If the new character doesn't work, I'm rolling it back to last version.
Ran OK, spikes and stutters horribly since a week
pickel5857 replied to MugiSNK's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Let me know how that turns out, I'm having extreme stutter and lag spikes as well right after 1.5, and I just recently upgraded my desktop so it runs smooth as hell between spikes. These spikes happen every minute on the minute, I just tested it, sat there for 5 minutes and I got a lag spike every 60 seconds while standing still in Whiterun. One save I had kept locking up sometime after the second lag spike, presumably because of the hundred or so NPCs from Warzones. I've removed every mod, all textures, etc. from it and still get this. I have a dual-core rig, and just switched to an ATI card from a Nvidia. New card is a lot more powerful, but ATI seems to have more glitches than Nvidia. -
I seem to be having a unique issue here, Skyrim keeps freezing instead of getting a CTD. It was running perfectly fine pre-1.5, but now I'm getting extreme lag. I'm not talking a framerate drop because the performance is awesome there, it's just that every minute or so the game pauses for a second (as if I had just hit Quicksave, except half a second longer), and eventually the whole game locks up after about the 20th one or when I reach a specific random spot. I'll try disabling the Dovahkiin's Hideout, but I've tried just about everything including deleting every single mod, textures, meshes, etc. SKSE is updated, scriptdragon removed, no ENB.
It's taken months since the release of the game, but it finally seems to me like there have finally been enough good mods to fill in the gaps Bethesda left in making Skyrim. The reason I love playing on PC is the ability to test these out and tailor the game to how I'd like to play it, or how I think it should have worked in the first place. I really like the Community Uncapper as it expands the game immensely, giving you the ability to raise your skills to 300. For myself I toned this down to about 150. Since you can raise or lower the improvement rate on each skill, once a skill reaches level 100 I modify it's experience rate to go slower. The other great thing about this mod is the ability to have multiple perk points per level. Right now I have it set to 1 until level 15, 2 until 30, 3 until 50, 4 until 75 and 0 past 100. It gives you a lot more choices each time you level, so you can still progress your combat skills while putting a point in Speech or Alchemy, etc. Improvements I'd like to see in a mod: - Non-combat skills (Smithing, Speech, Alchemy, Enchanting, Lockpick) do not contribute towards overall level, but level much faster. - Non-combat skills have a cap dependent on your highest combat skill (or second highest, or a scaled limit based on your level, whatever's most balanced) - Combat skills may or may not level faster (perhaps harder to level ones like Blocking or Alteration) but contribute much more towards overall EXP. - Auto-softcap, or basically "When skills reach level X their improvement rate is decreased by X percent" configurable option. I'd set to 100 out of 150 - (Possible) Default perk count of 2 per level with bonus perk every 5th. This is easily doable with the Uncapper right now. Those fairly simple changes would drastically improve the game, as least for me. Levelling would be based entirely off of combat and there would no longer be the problem of levelling up through crafting skills while the rest of Skyrim has beastly combat skills. The auto-softcap and crafting-vs-combat skills problems are easily managed by careful playing but it'd be nice if the game helped keep things a bit more balanced. Something I may try out with a new character is making a batch file to add all of the non-combat perks in the beginning of the game (first tier of multi-tier skills only). This way, I'll be spending very few points on NC skills but still need to level the skill itself to use the perk.
Im loving being an Empire-hating bastard. Took over Solitude and I kill every Imperial I see. They haven't had a Septim blood heir since the Oblivion crisis and totally got ravaged by the Thalmor. By the way, where was the Champion of Cyrodiil through all this, just screwing off having fun being Sheogorath? Haha.
Don't be afraid of strange things ingame !
pickel5857 replied to vlad838's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Im scared of hovering mammoths. But it's okay, they just fall and die. -
@Budz It'd be cool if each form were extended, and each their own power so each were once a day. The way to revert to normal form could be a shout that releases your stored draconic energy making you transform, so it's still useful in combat. This is my idea of the three form dragon char, first form with scales increases armor, health, health regen, stamina and stamina regen. Also boosts speed about 15%. Still have shouts with increased cooldown. Second form is still similar to yours. Shout time is reduced by 50%, increased magicka and magicka regen. This form actually transforms you into a humanoid dragon, with wings, a tail and claws (not a huge jump for argonians, lol). This removes all armor, but increases your base health and armor a bit. The wings also significantly increase jump height and decrease fall speed to stay away from melee attackers. Non hostile NPCs flee from you and City Guards attack until you transform. (Maybe once per City, so they only freak out the first time) Third form is full dragon, with shout power increased and cooldown reduced by 80-90%. Shout is main form of combat. Health vastly increased but stamina and magic irrelevant. Same deal with everyone being hostile until a quest is done and you are "recognized".
A dwemer gunship to fight dragons in mid-air
pickel5857 replied to Lugh1000's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I mentioned this in a thread called Skyrim Advanced Tech, about having airships posted outside each hold that would take you to each other hold(like the carraige) but later on you could buy it, upgrade it's crew/speed/health/weapons and manually pilot it. Perhaps have ship vs ship combat with AI owned ships. Don't even know if dragon behavior would need Modding, if you're near it should attack. -
A dwemer gunship to fight dragons in mid-air
pickel5857 replied to Lugh1000's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I mentioned this in a thread called Skyrim Advanced Tech, about having airships posted outside each hold that would take you to each other hold(like the carraige) but later on you could buy it, upgrade it's crew/speed/health/weapons and manually pilot it. Perhaps have ship vs ship combat with AI owned ships. Don't even know if dragon behavior would need Modding, if you're near it should attack. -
Pfft, having a dragon attack your ship that has an armed crew ready to fight back? You can run over and man the giant crossbow on your deck (these are already in game) and take that scaly bastard down. Oh s***, the dragon just landed on your deck and ate the blacksmith! Take him down with your weapon of choice and laugh as the body burns up as it falls to earth and the soul floats back up to you. Then you land and sell the dragon bones to hire a new blacksmith. Lol, well you get the idea. Epic battles, no deathtraps. Not unless a second dragon comes.
Yeah, like those! And yeah, I know the first is a stretch but not rediculously so. There are plenty of floating artifacts both magical and dwemer, it would be possible to apply this towards a ship to make it float,and add a propulsion system for motion. If Bethesda had done it themselves, nobody would consider it lore-breaking. It's lore-breaking because they didn't, so it's kind of lore-stretching. And yeah, I have a very limited knowledge of the way these would be achieved so they are just hopeful ideas of a simple player, haha
Imagine if the people of Tamriel had actually learned from the discoveries of ancient dwarven cities over the last 200 years since the Oblivion crisis. As it is now, they've in fact lost a few technologies (lore-wise based on Bethesdas design decisions) such as spear-making, and it just doesn't feel like a "new era". Some of these ideas aren't necessarily technological advances and are lumped in , some are pretty vague, but I'm just throwing ideas out. I'm no modder so the creation of these are out of my knowledge but I'd love to help. - Airships What if there were floating Nordic ships posted outside each hold waiting to fly you around Skyrim? The first function of this would be to replace the function of the horse carraiges, but later on you could own a ship through a questline or buying it (or some combo of both). Once bought, it would be a fully controllable mobile home base, upgradable with a crew who would provide free services and bartering (crafting stations, storage, perhaps mini-guardian stones to change blessings at will, etc). For this ship to be viable it would need be combined with a remove fast travel mod so that on-foot travel is mandatory except hold-to-hold until you own the ship. Lore-wise these ships could be achieved with dwarven tech or magic. Other ideas are other friendly and hostile ships who can board you or be boarded, the ability for dragons to attack you, and upgradable ship speed/durability/weapons. -Crossbows Simple concept, just slower more powerful version of the bow. Perhaps three different types, a slow single shot, rapid triple shot, and 3/4/5x shotgun fire. Those may be overboard but just ideas. -Fist weapons This would just be some unique/retextured armor or weapons focused on unarmed, either gloves remodeled with some badass spikes on the fists that would increase unarmed damage (like Gloves of the Pugilist but more varieties) and/or activate the armor to unarmed dmg perk. The weapon versions would just be remodeled one hand weapons. -Throwing weapons Not as in tossing your equipped weapon, but having separate thrown weapons or items. These would be collectable items ranging from sharp rocks and cutlery to magic seeking throwing stars or something. Could be implemented as a super fast cooldown shout so it can be done without replacing what's in either hand. I'll probably add some more ideas as I go along, but these are totally stealable since I know nothing of Modding. I'd love to hear some additions to the above ideas or other ways that technology (which could be magic, just applied or automated) could be introduced to Skyrim within the lore.
My spin on this concept would be some sort of an airship mod. I'm not a modder, but seems doable enough to me. Just imagine a Nordic ship held aloft by magic or newly discovered dwarven tech that can travel quickly to any city (same functionality as the carraiges), or be manually piloted around Skyrim. It would serve the same purpose as the TARDIS and would be a bit more lore friendly, (not that a magical moving house is too strange for skyrim or anything). If this mod were to be introduced, it would be cool to combine it with the remove fast travel mod and only make manual ship piloting possible late game (maybe you'd have to buy it after a questline for a lot of gold). This would make it so that foot travel isn't totally lost and in fact enforced besides cities until you obtain the ship. Other ideas for it that are crafting tools on board (of course), hireable crew members that sell/buy, upgrading the ship's speed through quests or buying parts (or both, quest to unlock then gold to buy), other ships that are either allies or enemies that may board you, and dragon attacks. This is part of my idea of a conversion mod to bring moderate technology advances to Skyrim, not so much as to be crazy but a believable advance for 200+ years. Instead of a slight decrease in technology (the mysterious, complicated art of spear-making and wielding was somehow lost ~250 years previously?) It'd be sweet to see some advances that we're perhaps learned from excavations of dwarven ruins, such as crossbows or fist weapons, the airships this post is about, some items that automate tasks that are being achieved right now either manually or by magic. Sorry I'm getting a bit off course here, your TARDIS post had just given me an idea to add to the ones I had. I don't want Fallout: Skyrim here, just seems to me that the people should have learned something from these lost advanced civilizations after their discovery and exploration. I'm no modder but I'd love to do what I can to make something like this happen.