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About Auroratear

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  1. Sorry for terrible spelling and grammar. Im on my phone at the moment. The cape and shield would be able to be modified. Allowing the player to choose the coat of arms. if your bank ran dry your knights/priests would refuse to work eventually abandoning You. The entire thing would be very cause and effect. you would supply the armor, weapons, horses and clothes. Everything. Food as well unless you directed them to hunt and had people farming.
  2. What exactly do you mean? I don't know anything about programming. I just have this vision in my head of a retextured/colored daedric armor. A story line id like to play out. The features would be extensive. Details etc. You know the the armor that the guards work in the morrowind expansion Tribunal with the almalexia story? It was a sort of see through skirt that was attached to the cuirass that fell all the way to the feet? Something like that. Except in white and matching the daedric armor. A matching cape for the back. Matching sheild etc. A breedable horse mini game. And a breedable wolf minigame. Captured/breed/purchased animals would be able to be breed In your castle. For fantastic results. Your own armory/head quarters and bank. u Be able to dispatch knights you train and recruit. Able to run into them in the game world. while they are out working/hunting for your house/performing deed. All while your responsible for paying them. Your own priests helping the poor (or hurting depending on the path you choose) while trying to win followers to azure. The quest line would involve the search for the armor set im looking to have made. 40+hours end result being. Your marriage to Azure. The armor being your wedding attire. the color of the armor would depend of what you did to get it/actions taken Would make it darker or whiter. and subsequent actions would affect it as well. The black armour would have a mist that spilled out from Under the skirt while the white armour had a yellow light and vines/roots that grow out fade and do so over and over. On your right hip (removable) would hang sunder. Your guantlets Would be newer versions of wraith Guard with keening making an appearance. e matching swords would highly resemble the dwemer blades you got in the same story line as morrowind tribunal both the Hopesfire And trueflame. Azures wedding gift being the daedric Cresent. Your daedric long bow would shoot a new bolt called "azure's star" it would more kin to a shooting star and the most destructive/beautiful bolt in the game. Only needing one that never runs out and the rounds not being recoverable. you would be her champion and she would be your wife. Making you almost a god in the game. Id like to see all of the daedric masks From morrowind make a return to the game.
  3. Id like to commision a mod/story consisting of the following. Email me for further details/pricing. A new story/quest line Very custom daedric armor new weapons shield and bow Horse mod and dog mod New castle The armor will involve a cape, a hood and a skirt of sorts. Horse and dog would be armored. And special effects would be needed for the armor changing depending on the time of day. This is meant to be vague. I will need someone with considerable modding skill. I am willing to pay for it.
  4. I am gonna have to go back and look again now... Are you sure they were undead? I think they were simply de-evolved.. And the armor and weapons the use now reflect that.
  5. I've been wanting to get more into the Snow elves since The Blood Moon expansion in Morrowind and The falmer are the perfect entry into it. I'm glad I'm not the only one. That damn annoying guy after ou build the Inn for the East Empire sends you out to look for clues about them. I WANT A LITTLE MORE!!!
  6. I realize some of these already may have been said or recommended however I cant read through everyone's posts =( SO i appoligize if I repeat any. More Weapon Models. A mod that would allow us to wear a shirt and pants under our armor, a Robe or shirt on top of it all like in Morrowind. Flying mounts. Possibly be able to tame a dragon ( I think thats asking for a lot) White Deadric Armor with the color of the glow able to be customized. Wings on our Deadric Armor Keening and Sunder as well as the Guantlets able to wield them as artifacts. A mod allowing us to Travel into Morrowind and Oblivion. Bring back Deadric masks just for fun. Crossbows, spears, scyths etc etc. Right, left gauntlets, pauldrons, and seperate the pants from the armor top. The ability to place objects where you want them to go, instead of them just falling everywhere. A library with all the books from all of the current and past 2 games Armor for our horses, Dragon Bone, Deadric, ebony, etc etc. THe ability to make pets from wild animals. An animal breeding program. This would apply to something along the lines of this. You can "catch" wild wolves of say different colors and breed them for unique results. THese pet wolves would follow you whether you were on horse back or running and would fight for you similar to how your companions do now. This could also be done with horses. You could breed different grades of horses. The wolves and Horses would have sets of stats of their own determining how useful and strong they are in combat, the horses would not only determine battle usefulness but how fast they travel as well. Maybe even a UNICORN like in Oblivion. A war between the Deadric Prince's and the Tamriel gods. Picking a side determines new perks, weapons and story line by the finish This is a big one for me so hear me out. Dressing the part. IF you wanted to say infiltrate the stormcloaks camp you would need to be dressed up exactly as a Storm cloak, or say you wanted to impersonate a guard, You would need that cities uniform and so on, it would add tons of game play to the thieves guild and dark brotherhood and imperial army quests. all of them could be expanded upon in totally different ways. say you kill dressed as a member of the dark brotherhood it would earn the faction infamy, on the otherhand killing as yourself does you personal credit. All of the enchantments on all the weapons and armors can be learned and applied to other new gear. On going raids between the stormcloaks and the imperial legion, They never really end, and more attacks in Major Cities. (without all the damage) REPUTATION!!!!! This is just a start..... Please elaborate here with me and build off of this. I know there will be a modder who can handle this. All this in addition to some of the others I've seen when bethesda releases the tools will make a fantastic game OHHHHH yeah THE DAMN Falmer. An entire expansion could be done with one of them... As the falmer are the ancient Snow elves after they disapeared underground. One could be born NORMAL after all these thousands of years. and an expansion could be written to accommodate their eventual return. A full set of pure white glistening armor could be made, to go along with it and a new sword, bow dagger and shield and the spear from Morrowind.
  7. I realize some of these already may have been said or recommended however I cant read through everyone's posts =( SO i appoligize if I repeat any. More Weapon Models. A mod that would allow us to wear a shirt and pants under our armor, a Robe or shirt on top of it all like in Morrowind. Flying mounts. Possibly be able to tame a dragon ( I think thats asking for a lot) White Deadric Armor with the color of the glow able to be customized. Wings on our Deadric Armor Keening and Sunder as well as the Guantlets able to wield them as artifacts. A mod allowing us to Travel into Morrowind and Oblivion. Bring back Deadric masks just for fun. Crossbows, spears, scyths etc etc. Right, left gauntlets, pauldrons, and seperate the pants from the armor top. The ability to place objects where you want them to go, instead of them just falling everywhere. A library with all the books from all of the current and past 2 games Armor for our horses, Dragon Bone, Deadric, ebony, etc etc. THe ability to make pets from wild animals. An animal breeding program. This would apply to something along the lines of this. You can "catch" wild wolves of say different colors and breed them for unique results. THese pet wolves would follow you whether you were on horse back or running and would fight for you similar to how your companions do now. This could also be done with horses. You could breed different grades of horses. The wolves and Horses would have sets of stats of their own determining how useful and strong they are in combat, the horses would not only determine battle usefulness but how fast they travel as well. Maybe even a UNICORN like in Oblivion. A war between the Deadric Prince's and the Tamriel gods. Picking a side determines new perks, weapons and story line by the finish This is a big one for me so hear me out. Dressing the part. IF you wanted to say infiltrate the stormcloaks camp you would need to be dressed up exactly as a Storm cloak, or say you wanted to impersonate a guard, You would need that cities uniform and so on, it would add tons of game play to the thieves guild and dark brotherhood and imperial army quests. all of them could be expanded upon in totally different ways. say you kill dressed as a member of the dark brotherhood it would earn the faction infamy, on the otherhand killing as yourself does you personal credit. All of the enchantments on all the weapons and armors can be learned and applied to other new gear. On going raids between the stormcloaks and the imperial legion, They never really end, and more attacks in Major Cities. (without all the damage) REPUTATION!!!!! This is just a start..... Please elaborate here with me and build off of this. I know there will be a modder who can handle this. All this in addition to some of the others I've seen when bethesda releases the tools will make a fantastic game OHHHHH yeah THE DAMN Falmer. An entire expansion could be done with one of them... As the falmer are the ancient Snow elves after they disapeared underground. One could be born NORMAL after all these thousands of years. and an expansion could be written to accommodate their eventual return. A full set of pure white glistening armor could be made, to go along with it and a new sword, bow dagger and shield and the spear from Morrowind.
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