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Everything posted by Marieh
Hi guys, I'm in the process of making a mod which enhances the feeling of combat, creating a "true" battle ground so to speak, where you should be able to have your forces fighting other enemies. This is assuming a typical combat between Stormcloaks and Imperials, or Dawnguard and Vampires, or Werewolves and Silver Hand. If any of you have played the Dynasty Warriors games where you must secure strategic locations, or bases (such as the Empires levels) this is the similar style of combat, with each location secured by a "supply chain"; securing the bases which make a supply chain to the base makes them secure from enemy assault from that direction; once a certain number of waves have assaulted the base, you have a breathing space of where you can lead your squad of soldiers to the enemy bases and secure them. Your goal is to defeat the enemy commander and his retinue who is Essential until you have a route of supply to the enemy camp; the commander will be boosted by stat ups and support from troops from an unsecured supply chain. Eventually I plan to include other variants like a capture the flag style mission, where you gain "points" for stealing banners which will demoralize the enemy, resulting in a victory. Be warned, there are other elite "PC" style enemies who are matched to your level who will attempt to stop you, and waste your resources. These battle locations will occur in a temporary world space accessible only during the conflict so as not to spill over, and leave debris that's unintentional. This is the reason why I'd like to see how well your game would perform under such your typical play settings. If you're interested, perhaps create several tests using the console commands, and have them duke it out, with you in the middle. This would allow you to run about, hit things, and see what happens. I'm not expecting most people to be able to run hundreds of enemies in combat at the same time, but some people with PC Specs high to make God cry I could imagine would appreciate being able to participate in a battle pertaining to mass combat. As a quick aside; is there any mod which adds in NPC enemies using Horse Combat; I know of Horsemen MCE mod, but I've not seen it in use by NPC's, if anyone can confirm that is does work as such, and if it works in any numbers, I'd be appreciative. My thanks for your time, and I hope to soon put the information towards make a non-laggy Mass Combat Mod.
I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a better more descriptive title. I am looking to make a mod in which the character's abilities are tied to their level; ie when they reach a level, the perk is automatically unlocked and doesn't require perk points. For example - you need level 10 for x perk; when you level to Level 10; you automatically activate this particular perk. This is intended for me to use within an intention to bring Runescape into Skyrim; or anyother MMORPG game with similar playstyle. In Runescape; to wear Rune Armour (say equivalent to Ebony Armour in Skyrim) you need Level 40 defense stat (the equivalent of a combined Heavy and Light Armour from skyrim) to wear it; in Skyrim if I wore "rune"; I'd be able to do so from L1; I realise a lot of people like this; so I'm not going to change it, but make it so that achieving 40 in Defense gives you a bonus automatically for wearing Rune Armour. It will give two benefits; each piece of armour netting 115% Defense boost a further 40% for full set wearing; and another 35% to the shield if it is a full set; 200% for non Shielded; 250% to Shielded. So; say you are wearing Adamant Armour (next level down) and an Adamant Shield with a total of 500 Armour, and discover a Rune Plate; although that Runeplate has a defense stat of say 80; twice the adamants defense of 40 before the modifier; you will only have a defense of 240 instead of 500. And if you only have 39 defense to boot; even should you have Rune Helm, Gloves, Boots and a Shield to go with it, you still would only have 400 Defense instead of 500 for full adamantine; as soon as you hit 40 defense though, said armour grants a 250% modifier; in other words; Armour Rating of 1000%. This change happens automatically and there is no need to purchase perks to require "build designing"; someone who wants to be a light armoired character can just train up to the level they want (say Steel Armour; one of the lowest) and just stay at that; 1) how would I go about making a perk that is activated automatically without reducing the amount of perk points you get to spend? Would it have to be down to a script? (ie When Skill [Defense] Level [X] Attained; Activate Perk [Y]; Add +1 Perk Point. Or something along those lines, etc? I'd hope to stay away from that. 2) What is peoples opinion on that? ILike Suggestion, Don't Like Suggestion; Would Trial Suggestion in game before making decision; Indifferent to Suggestion; Alternative Suggestion (Please explain below).
The MERP mods landmass is around 9 times the size of Skyrims IIRC. As for size; I do not believe there is a listed size for Skyrim or Tamriel indeed.
Skyrim *Middle Earth Role Playing Project* needs help!
Marieh replied to lucasjc's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Already signed. Although WB actually have no rights to issue a C+D letter anyway; the license sold by Tolkien to produce films included physical tie-in merchandise; Video Games (falling under "to be developed" clause), and expressly download only ones are not included under the terms of the initial contract. The tolkien estate is hence suing for 80million dollars; and renders WB's objections null and void to the MERP; not to mention that WB's creation of a gambling game would have gone against Tolkiens strict Catholic beliefs; so I'm fairly confident in his son's effort to set the record straight; especially in regards to the modding scene. -
Any mods that add tiny projectile weapons?
Marieh replied to TeaLobster's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I don't think so. I was going to suggest from your title the Musket or Pistol mods have tiny projectiles, but that clearly isn't what you're looking for. I thinknthe best bet is to have amooch in the CK and see what the flag is to allow poison to apply to a weapon, and append it to the Miniature crossbows. -
Take it you haven't played Arma 2 then? Drakan? Both of those games have an Inventory system exactly the same. It is easy enough to code in (from the start, rather than modifying hard code), intuitive, and far more easy to balance when people have to choose between taking a suit of armour or a magic robe. Or in the case of Arma, a One shot LAW or additional Ammunition for the machine gunner in your multiple. "Sorting all your equipment", which you have to do anyway when you reach 300 carry weight? Just having a carry weight is a half arsed attempt, might as well just remove it. Or else you get mods like Bandoliers and Backpacks. Fun as they are, they are simply a visual addition to being able to carry more items. If a Bandolier allowed you to carry a further 10 Potions, and wear another arrow quiver, each of which can carry 30 arrows, say, then they would be a lot more in depth. And make the game more pleasureable and tactical.
My Redguard character, Al'sabar, was originally one of the first Alik'r Mercenaries hired to locate Saadia, a Redguard woman who had fled the Aldmeri authorities from her homeland for one reason or another after the fall of her city. Although the order came through from the former cities high council, Al'sabar was confused by Saadia's revelations. Unclear who was lying, he resolved to fix the matter himself. Murdering any Thalmor agents and Imperial lackeys he was in the midst of organizing the coup to depose Skyrim of the Elven Supremacists in the attempt to gather a force of allies with which he could wrest control of the city of Taneth back from the Thalmor. Then he would be able to locate Saadia once more if she proved to be a liar. However , while training Stormcloak troops in readiness for their guerilla war on Imperial lands, sold out by spies or traitors, he was captured. Due for execution, he was saved by Alduin. Despite the revelation shortly after of being the Dragonbirn, Al'sabar realised that if it was Prophecy or fate for him to save the world of Alduin, he could do it whenever he wanted. Focussing instead on his initial goal of destroying mer influence, for there is no love lost between Hammerfell and the Orsimer, he took up the life of a lone hunter, destroying isolated imperial watch towers and patrols, all the while keeping a tab on the Redguard woman Saadia around Whiterun. However, impatient of his apparent lack of success, the council of the Alik'r Desert Lords ordered a strike team of so called Alik'r mercenaries - who proved to be little more than Caravan Guards and Thugs, their skills and intimidation no use against the bleak and hardy nords. With his own agenda, the death of his countrymen were necessary; however their bumbling inelegance and unsubtlety made that necessity a pleasure.
Surely asking that question is enough to know you are stepping on ground best left alone?
It never made sense to me why Skyrim was that technically stunted it didnt have a 'size' allowance. Yes you modify weight of the goods, to be more accurate, and tie your stats and capability to carry limit, but what is to stop you carrying 100 3 weight suits of armour when you have a 300 limit? When I went to college, I could take 5 lever arch files in my bag. When they were full, they weighed 2kgs each, so I was carrying a load of 10 kgs. However, on their own, they weighed 10 grams. I could not fit 1000 folders into that bag no matter how hard I tried.
Try brushing up on the english language, such as use of punctuation and general grammar use before complaining about mine, hampered as it was by using a phone keypad. If you are not intelligent enough to understand what was written, do not comment.
Redguard are the most ablemfigjters, so should reflect their skill selwctions, while cold climates breed a hardier personage, so Nords should be reasonably tankish, while DPS should be filled by Redguard, while Breton make upbthe Support role in a typical MMO combat triangle analogy. Imperials are from a reasonably temperate land, hence should be mediocre at everything, but no glaring weaknesses etc. once the standard tropes are sorted, it might be worth looking at enhancing the AI tactics, rather than stats. Im not a fan of difficulty mods which are essentially Health/Damage/number modifiers x2.
The musket mods require the xbow anims, I believe. So 'unrelated' is a bit of a 'misnomer'.
Where is the prrof of content to show that there is a skill to back up 'suggestions'? Its not exactly a quick fix mod, or even an armour set. It is an entire world space that is being asked to be made. Where are questions asking for specific modders with expertise in other areas? Where is the other coding, such as creation of new factions? NPC's? Radiant Quests? Ive been into modding too long (over several games) to not recognise "spitballers". After all, I was one, until I learnt how to modify the game files, one step at a time.
Shepherding/Mobile Grazing could be a bit involved, but would open up some new options. Sheep/Goats/Alpine Cows. Firstly, new models and passives. Secondly, ordering NPC's (hired hands, dogs). As for what value, sell off animals for food, hides/wool for clothing, potential wilderness combat events - bandits, and giants 'taking tribute', dragons, bears, and wolves etc stealing animals in the night, lost animals, 'peter and the werewolf' situations (although if you are a werewolf, and of an evil nature, use the story to gain access to a town normally locked tight at night), trespassing farmers land/overgrazing/eating his crops get angry and try to lynch you or commision guards to get you off his land. To force you to move on, you will find that profit from selling lamb/beef/wool to a town will gradually begin to slow down, while continued harvesting of land will result in increased bounty, while some Jarls (depending on your favour with them) will want to kick you out of their lands. Meanwhile you must try and choose the best pastures for your flock/herds to stop plague/disease/famine wiping them out. Actually that sounds more like a mod in and of itself.
On the other hand, dabbling around with increasing the maximum levels of the shouts might make the game equally challenging without removing the more fun stuff?
"Hi heres a huge mod idea, make one for me"? No thanks.
Is it not possible to have that Flail part seperate from the weapon, and link them in some manner, "tacking on" as it were? When you say it's not possible, is flat out not possible, or not possible until we have more information from a CK/experimentation with code?
LE Ghal Maraz - A WH Fantasy 2handed Mace
Marieh replied to Dakkadakka's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I'm a fan of the warhammer world. When I get time, I'll look into making it as part of a Warhammer Fantasy Equipment pack on the CK is available. These are some of the ones I'd like to bring into it as well as Valten - Archaon http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_nupcQjieU9o/TMSJsxR418I/AAAAAAAAADg/DfBRKw6dlXg/s1600/archaon.jpg Tyrion http://images.wikia.com/warhammeronline/images/4/4f/Prince_Tyrion.jpg Malekith http://images.wikia.com/warhammeronline/images/1/16/Malekith_concept.jpg -
I'm hoping on working towards a Runescape Mod. Aside from its childish connotations like World of Warcraft, the story is actually quite good, and given an updated graphics look, could bring some interest to the game. So, I'm looking at ways in which I might be able to make iconic things, like the God Armours, God Swords, Dragon Equipment, etc, which along with select other assets, I'd be able to release inot Skyrim, while still bringing in a Runescape total conversion. While there's a multiplayer aspect to Runescape (with certain quests), I'm fairly sure that can be got around with a bit of forethought. If you're interested in the learning a bit about the Runescape background, have a read here. If you already know about it, or have read it, please PM if you'd be interested in trying to help in someway.
Been wondering about this recently. i love how beautiful Skyrim is, but I honestly can't be all that bothered with continually running back and forth between villages, but I feel as if I'm missing out on the fun of Skyrim, and admiring it's beauty.So considering the whole idea about changing "fast travel" to "slow travel" - basically the AI taking control of your character, or including it alongside. Perhaps it could only follow roads, or take you to and from the major cities (perhaps riding on the back of a wagon). I don't know where to start, or if it would be possible.
Is it possible to chain an auto effect added on to a "wooden stick", so it's not actually equipped, but just fixed onto the "wooden stick"?
Considering there's a ragdoll effect thanks to impact by Dragons, Giants, Shouts, and Arrow Impacts, would it not be possible to negatively weight just flail head?
Just wondering how people felt about the game play during the castle attacks. I know that loading a tonne of high quality models might make the game lag on all but the highest end on computers, but I never felt that they really showcased battle. You and your men killed perhaps 60 people at most during the fighting, and there was no "defeat" clause, where if you lost your men, you would fail the quest and require it to be restarted, or there to be some other manner of attack. So thinking about how this might be better presented, I was thinking about designing your own units, as well as increasing the number of combatants, as well as a defeat possibility. For example, you are granted as a reward for service a number of men - you can then invest in them, providing them with weaponry, armour, training, etc. You could be allocated a certain value of points, depending on your level of commintment to the Imperial or Stormcloak cause.. You can choose to upgrade the equipment they have - at a personal cost, as if upgrading their weaponry/armour to "fine" or higher, giving them enchantments. When you get them, they are baic recruits with clothes, and iron daggers. Using these"upgrade" points like perks, you can upgrade their numbers, and you can upgrade their equipment, which you can then further upgrade - it's then up to you if you decide whether to go with hoards of ill-equipped, untrained warriors that get chopped down by the hundreds, or say 5 or so elite warriors with immensely powerful weaponry - but they may get swamped and surrounded. To balance things out, enemies will also have a random allocation of points - depending on difficulty, they may have between the same amount of investment or equal (but never less - Novice isn't that hard, is it?). Is there a way to detect the graphics settings of the game to determine the number of combatants - ultra levels having more units on screen, and lower having less. And so I ould get an idea on screen, I'd appreciate if you could state how well your computer is able to handle units on screen, and at what difficulty. Say 500 characters on screen at ultra difficulty before you begin to lag, etc.
Most mods on large scale are rarely finished - bug fixing, updating old textures using techniques you've perfected over the course, balancing, increasing difficulty level, new challenging quests to keep it fresh, increasing the lore. Having worked on other mods and games who's interest has been on Total Conversions, I can guarantee that choosing one particular area is the way to go forward - say Minas Tirith. Make the people, the settlement, the quests, and release that little "World Space", then move onto another. That way, people have a little Beta to test around with, say what they did or didn't like, increase exposure, provide information on bugs, without being too bogged down with such variety and choice that it becomes difficult to keep track of.