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Everything posted by Marieh

  1. In my eyes, the Warhammer Fantasy World has always been far more interesting that the 40K world, and unfortunately, for many of my favourite game types - RTS, Total War-esque, etc, the games have not been particularly well suited to a fully immersive Warhammer Mod. Until I came upon the Dragon Age Game; and through that game, this forum, and through this forum, the Elder Scrolls series, and it seems to be a perfect platform through which the world can be properly put across with the right amount of Lore and the right amount of challenge, changing from hunting Wyverns in the Worlds Edge Mountains as a Dwarf Slayer, to defeating the mutated beastmen of Chaos as the Waywatchers of Asrai, hidden in the boughs of Athel Loren. Now; I'm guessing the world of Warhammer is far too vast, and full of too many extremes to adequately represent in game terms - so I was thinking perhaps a region of conflict; either one that's well documented (re the Storm of Chaos, The Sundering, the War of Vengeance etc), or one over which there's little information (such as going over to Cathay and the fall of the Great Bastion against the Chaos Hordes). The benefit would be in the latter that there'd be a faction over which there would be potentially free reign for an art style in at least one faction, and that certain expectations wouldn't be broken - either in terms of different artistic interpretation or game balance/limitations. There's such a large amount of work that goes into a Total Conversion, that I felt it prudent to check for interest now. And if that doesn't sway you - one of the foes you may face - http://www.artbylowis.com/arts/3d/bloodthirster_btarmor.jpg Bloodthirster, Greater Daemon of Khorne, one of the Chaos God Pantheon.
  2. No. While they are MMORPG's, they are two completely different games - it's like comparing Call of Duty to Medal of Honour. Both are shooters, but the mechanics are that different, it's down to personal taste, pure and simple, and hence "what's better" purely comes down to opinion, and hence is worthless. The one thing that is in WoW that isn't in RS that I'd like is the ability to choose a race (purely for appearance purposes). Would be nice to be an Elf, a Dwarf, a Zombie or a Vampire etc. How would you integrate the gameplay? WoW/RS Plot? As an aside, I'd actually considered making either a WoW or RS mod for DA:O.
  3. Bump - Can you have more than 99 of any one stackable item?
  4. Do you automatically respawn on death though? Ahh, thank you, that's fantastic. I'll have a look at that. I've thought about how you'd get the Points, or Tokens - can you have more than 99 of any one stackable item at the same time?
  5. I'm looking at creating a Wave Style Combat mod, similar to that which has been featured in mods. I've dissected the code for that, and it's working fine at the base level. However, I'm looking at creating a sort of "mini-game" where you can make multiple trips, or raids. It will eventually be part of (hopefully), a total conversion to Runescape, similar to Dungeoneering and the Wilderness if anyone has played it - and what I'd like is for a particular part for you to play through, until you die, at which point, a wave (or Floor) counter will then automatically respawn you outside of the "game" give you a number of points, which can be used to "unlock" items. i.e Tier 1 Armour requires, say 10 Points, or 10 Floors. The counter adds up that in total you've got completed 10 Floors, either in one bash, or over the course of the playtime. Whatever the reason for leaving, (death or voluntary), you can then go to "cash in" your points, which unlocks a particular item from a particular merchant. If Tier 3 Requires 10 Points to unlock, and you died on the 13th Level, then you have 13 Points to spend. Unlocking the Tier 3 Armour will then leave you with 10 Points to spend, for example. Is there such a way of doing this?
  6. I like the PS3. I've been used to the controls. Also, Fifa and MW2 seem to lag a bit less. But mainly it comes down to controls and how they fit my hand. I've used every Playstation there is (PS1-3, PSP), and the controls seem to come far easier to me than learning a brand new layout as well.
  7. It's also one of the worst games I've played. The models were poor, the skins more so, the detail atrocious, and the land scape is gimmicky. The collisional aspects are horrendous, and the bone story line is something that Tom Clancy should be ashamed to put his name to. Also, the fact the Su47 can go fly in a permanent stallmode to just rotate around a single point is horrendous to real sense. The multiplayer is crap with virtually noone on, and then it's merely a matter of equipment over skill - basically beng a horde of AAM's in a SU47/F22, whereas I'd like to see someone actually try and take me on with my Warthog with 6 Gun Pods versus their Mig 31 armed with JSM's and Rockets. However, the Spooky gun ship modes are very fun indeed.
  8. There is little modding to be done for the game. There are AI editors (how specific opponents in Kingmaker make their own castles) available, as are reskinned art (its mainly in standard files for modding), and new maps. Many are subpar (for both reskins and maps), and dependant on versions (i.e a mod for SH2 1.31 won't work on a 1.40 Version Game - obviously). With SH3 coming up, there might be some more mods coming available - for example, there were many hoping for a Lord of the Rings Style mod for SH2, and a Roman mod. The files used are GR2 - whch are RAD Tools, and is expensive. I'm not sure if there are any plugins available for 3DS Max either, and I'm not sure on whether you're capable of changing stats at all as much of it seems to be locked away. It's quite a small community, and many aren't that technically minded, as opposed to something as large as say Oblivion, or Dragon Age etc.
  9. Regardless of the fact, you get Kudos for good work, and you get AP for good work. It's like saying here's a Gold Star for getting an A. And here's a Gold Star as well for getting an A. Not to mention it's not the number that I'm pleased with, but more the fact that someone's taken their time to thank me and the message contained in that. Having something given for in a sense turning up at work it's not that noteworthy (by turning up at work, I mean post). And as to getting Kudos/AP - why not combine the two?
  10. Black Ops was a disgrace in FPS Gaming. I'm a Medal of Honour Fanboy - and even though that's far from perfect (no Co-Op/Versus mode on same console, EA Servers, Graphical Glitches, laggy, and a short heavily bugged Single Player to name them), but even so, I enjoyed MW2 (and the obvious CoD4), where I could go and play a few games with my mates round the house, instead of organizing some massive session with half a dozen screens and PS3's. However, there's none of that availability with Black Ops, as there's only certain weapons which you can use with enough certainty to be useful. The most annoying thing about it was things such as the Silenced Sniper Rifle - the maps themselves are short enough and with enough cover to stop sniping from half the map away (a la MoH), yet even with a Headshot silenced rifle, you couldn't get a OHKO. And the Stoner and Commando are sheer broken. Some things were done right though - such as Kill Streak kills not counting. I'm also not too sure that it's because of who made them. This is Treyarch territory, and after the dog's dinner that was World At War, I'm fairly sure not many people are playing it, other than that it's new. Playing MW2 and CoD4, you can still see the number of people playing it. Bad Company was horrendous - although I feel everything that was bad (mainly) in BC2 was fixed for the later release of MoH. I'm not getting the DLC for that. HAWX 2 was horrendous. I sold the game, then bought it back for 50% more than I got originally, bought the DLC, found how poor that was, then sold the game again, this time for less than what I originally sold it for - a net loss of probably £35, when I bought it at £45. The Disappointment of the last Ghost Recon I played as well means that Tom Clancy will NOT be getting my money, unless they remaster the original Splinter Cell series in a box set, in which case I'd consider it. Also, DL'd the Apache: Air Assault Demo. That's horrendous, even more so than HAWX2.
  11. It also lengthens the post size considerably on short posts such as these. By his own volition, they currently have no use, and even if they do, Kudos is a greater form of identification - and that both AP and Kudos are detailing the samething. Taking up more space = more costs = less profit. I'm not even fussed about ASL. If you're interested enough to start flirting, you might want to check out the profile before you do. If you're not interested enough to do that, then no flirting for you in any case.
  12. Hi - there is already a thread available for new Weapon Requests. New Weapon Models You'd Like To See In Game
  13. I'm interested in a mod like this. The Poison effects from Blightblood drives me round the bend.
  14. Perhaps they're releasing Concept Art as a Filler while they're doing work which is not "production related" - I.e testing, bugfinding, bug fixing, etc. Then again, unlikely, and 1.5 years is too quick, considering that something along the lines of DA:O was most likely in the pipeline for more than 2 years.
  15. Hi, my names Merieh, (Vasterion on Bioware Social), and I'm a 3D modeller and texturer. I've worked on mods for Dawn of War and Medieval 2 Total War, and I'm learning how to code in Dragons Age. I'm wondering if there's anyone interested in working on a total conversion mod for Dragons Age, or Dragons Age 2 if that proves to be both compatable, and more popular than Dragons Age. [color-yellow] Edited with spoiler tags to reduce page scrolling. -DarkeWolf[/color] _________ However, I hope you've got an idea for the scope of the mod, and my intention is to, if not create an entire world where each and every faction intereacts, then several mods, each detailing the races available decisions. Regardless, I'm starting off with modding the Asur. http://www.gamerdna.com/uimage/xiS10Oej/full/warhammer-world-map-rendered.jpg As you can see, the Warhammer World is a stylised modern Atlas. Ulthuan is the moon shaped island in the Atlantic Ocean. I'll also hopefully look at including Araby, Nippon, Cathay, Khuresh, and Ind, using representative models from Arabian, Japanese, Malaysian and Indian History. http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/home/images/newsletter/2008_07/HE_Caradryan_Ryman.jpg This is the first model I'm looking at creating - it's a Phoenix Guard - Warriors of the Asur carrying ornate halberds as beautiful as they are deadly. They are chosen by Asuryan himself, and each had read the words of flame which it is said the future can be seen as it truely will. Not what may come to pass, but the true future, including their own deaths. However, they are not allowed to speak of what they see, and take an unbreakable vow of silence, which cannot be broken even through they may wish to. This is a specialization unique to the Asur, fulfilling the role of a parties tank. However, it is only available to those completely willing to give their lives to Asuryan, who takes Actions over words as proof. The strongest of them, such as their current leader, Caradryan (shown), is capable of coming back from the dead unharmed, and when all seems lost, Asuryan himself grants them the strength to carry on, healing them of all their wounds. Having knowledge of the future is also a blessing and a curse. Knowing their fate means that they are capable of fighting in battles without fear for their own lives - meaning the many horrors hold little threat to the Phoenix Guards. Knowing all their foes moves before they even make them grants bonus to Attack and Defence. Not being able to speak, however, will make your roleplaying, bartering and communication difficult, reducing opportunity to purchase equipment, or gain new allies - such power comes with a price. The Phoenix Guard is one of several specializations I'm looking at trying to design, of which several can be granted as Origins - this is in addition to some generic ones. Militia Spearman, Militia Archer, Sea Guard, Arch Mage, Dragon Mage, Dragon Prince, Swordmaster, White Lion, Shadow Warrior I hope my presentation wasn't too long, I hope it's captured some imaginations, and hopefully some help for this major undertaking. Thanks for your time.
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