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  1. Hello dear modders, I have a rather simple to describe request: Would it be possible to create a mod, which doesn´t show the NPC health bar? But if possible the NPC name should still be displayed. Also I wouldn´t mind if the bar would show up in VATS, and it would be really cool, if the bar would return upon picking up the living anatomy perk. Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks for your ideas. I think I will try out your suggestion Gribbleshnibit. Remapping the keys would indeed solve my problems :)
  3. Hello dear modders, There is one thing that always bugged me when playing FO3 and F:NV. I often (accidentally) open empty containers while I´m looting stuff. Under normal circumstances this is no problem, since you can quickly exit the menu by pressing e. Unfortunately I´m playing with the arrow keys (don´t ask, I´m simply too old to get used to wasd) and have my activate button mapped to another key. Sadly the game doesn´t allow remapping in game menu keys(like looting, vats, bartering, minigames for instance), which was always very frustrating for me. But I just thought of one little thing that could save me a lot of time: Would it be possible to change the game in a way, that allows opening containers which are marked as [Empty] only by holding the "activate" key for a second, instead of simply pressing it? I think this change would have very little impact on the game itself, since the player very rarely wants to open empty containers, but it would save me tons of time in my playthroughs :) And yes, I know this request sounds rather stupid, but if anybody would create such a mod I´d be very thankful :)
  4. Hello dear modders! I have been searching a long time for some kind of mod, which get´s rid of the binary stat penalty system of F:NV and makes it more fluent. Unfortunately I haven´t found anything like this. I think what I mean is best described by some examples: I really like hardcore mode. It is a fun thing, because of the added challenge which it provides. Unfortunately, while playing, this additional challenge in the most cases only transitions into having the right food items in the inventory, when it could be much better implemented. Currently it functions this way: Getting hungry and the corresponding stat penalty? Instantly cured by eating something. Getting thirsty? Instantly cured by drinking something. Getting sleepy? Also instantly cured by the right drink. Having Radiation sickness? Even in Hardcore mode Rad-Away works almost instantly. Getting you limbs crippled? Just heal it by even 1% and everything is fine again. Having an addiction? Throw in a fixer and it is curred instantly. What I would like to have is a mod, that does the following things: "illnesses" that cause stat penalties (hunger, thirst, sleepiness, radiation sickness) should still provide their penalties for some time, even after the are "cured". For Example: The player gets into the range of minor starvation and eats something to counter it. If possible I would like the player to be affected by the -1 strength penalty for a certain time (lets say 5 realtime minutes) after eating, even though the player no longer is in the "minor starvation" hunger zone. I´d also like to have a gradual penalty for injured limbs. Currently there is no difference between 1% or 100% condition, there are no penalties in this zone. Only after your limb gets crippled, the player gets some penalties. I´d like to see a system which works a bit like this: At 100% limb condition everything is alright. At about 75% you will notice the first (very light) stat reductions, at 50% the penalty gets noticeable, between 25% and less it gets very noticeable and if the limb is crippled you see the full effect(like it already is implemented). This would also reward players, who care about their limb condition all the time(and not only when they get crippled, like it is the case now). Also this would make hydra a bit less of an overpowered instant all-negative-effects-be-gone-button. The last thing I would like to have changed is the effect of fixer. After you take a fixer it will have some visible side effects which is very good. I just think the addiction and it´s accompaning stat penalties should only be removed after these side effects wear off, and not the instant you take the fixer, like it is currently. OK, I think thats all for now. Sorry for the long post, but I hope I could describe what kind of mod I´d like to see. Of course, if anybody knows about a mod that already exists and does this I´d be very grateful if you could point me to it :) Thanks in advance.
  5. Hello Devin, thanks for your reply and explanation. After reading this I guess, that this seems to be rather problematic if not even impossible to add. To be honest, I think the script that you referenced would be far from an ideal solution, since it seems to only follow the crosshair. I guess this would make the "dot" very static, and it would not react in any way, if a weapon animation is ongoing (reloading, unjamming, drawing the weapon and so on). I guess I thought more about some kind of light, which is emitted from the weapon model. In this case every weapon movement and animation would affect where the "dot" itself is projected. Sorry if this sounds very amateurish, I have absolutely no experience with modding myself. Anyway, thanks again for taking your time. It´s not like a this is a killer feature anyway :)
  6. Hello, I don´t know if it would be possible to create such a thing in the F:NV Engine, but I wonder if someone skilled in modding would be able to create a visible laser dot for weapons, which have an installed laser sight weapon mod? If possible this should not replace or alter the normal crosshair, because I like playing without it. The idea is, to give a small boost to weapons with a laser sight mod, besides reducing weapon spread. In the best case there should also be support for mods like WMX or WME, which add laser sights to a lot of weapons. If anyone could create this, I´d really appreciate it :)
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