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Posts posted by Kodiak412

  1. Has anyone been able to find a list of console ID numbers for the gas crafting materials? The list for the ores is everywhere but nothing for the gases. Even dropping one on the ground and using the console to try to identify the item does not work.

  2. I think you may be right on that. In the back of mind (from years ago) I believe I did see posts in the forums about being able to change something in the ini files to make that happed too. I think I remember seeing that Clear Water mod though and just using that (easier).


    I'll have to some more searching and some reading from the Discussion posts for all the water mods and see if someone posted something about that. I'll also look in these Nexus forums as that is more likely to have some information about that.


    Thanks for the lead, now I have a lot of reading to do. :)

  3. In oldrim there is a mod Clear Water and it makes the water nice and clear when you are underwater. I tried to use it in Skyrim SE but it does not work.


    I have tried to search for water mods that do something similar but I have not been able to find one. Perhaps the mod author gave it a name that does not give you a hit with a normal search word.


    Does anyone know a mod that clears the water? Thanks.

  4. Save yourself, this is always the way it goes.


    Starts out with marijuana and next thing you know your on heroin.


    Starts out with Muggy and next thing you know your asking for Fisto.



  5. You can use both just fine, the only problem you will have is that only one application can handle the "Download with manager" links on Nexus so you will have to manually download the mods for one of the two.


    I prefer to do that anyway. Then I have a copy here incase I have mod issues and have to dig into them to find the culprit. Uninstalling and reinstalling can be a tedious method for troubleshooting, but effective.


    Thanks for the reply! Good luck with Vortex and I will be trying it out when the next modable game comes out. :smile:

  6. My hope is to leave the games that I use NMM for alone. I have everything stable and working perfectly for Skyrim SE, FONV, FO4 and Witcher 3 and I do not want to disturb them.


    I would like to use Vortex for any new games but be able to use both and not migrate everything over.


    I read through the FAQ's and it looks like you can leave NMM alone and use it for the old games, and then just use Vortex moving forward. Any issues with this theory?


    Any replies or incite will be greatly appreciated.

  7. There is a mod named Vault Tech Speed that will not do exactly what you want, but may help you. It is a chem that is cheap to make, has 2 different speeds, and will last for 1 or 2 minutes.


    I use jetpack settings that will basically let me "fly" for a short time, and these are what can be used for horizontal speed. Take a look maybe this can work if you do not find anything else.

  8. I've not seen one, but it may be out there.


    I just did it the old fashioned way. Make a save right before you ask and if you get one in hold you do not need, reload.


    This does make you go through the dialog a number of times when you get down to the end, but it will work. Good luck.

  9. I don't remember seeing a mod like that but that does not mean that one doesn't exist. The only issue that makes me wonder is the forward or reverse thrust. Vanilla jetpack does not have any "built in" horizontal motion, so to be able to add that with a mod would be an enormous undertaking, I would think. But then the modding community is some of the most talented and creative people you will find, so maybe it was done.


    Here is a link to some information about jetpacks that I wrote in another post. This may help you if you do not find what you are looking for. Good luck.



  10. Here is what you can do:


    Go to the castle and make a save.

    Now disable Scrap Everything.

    Now reload that save and place all the beds you will ever want.

    Make a new save at castle as soon as you are done and do not go anywhere.

    Exit the game and reactivate Scrap Everything.

    Load that castle save and now the beds should be there.

    You should so this before you start to scrap a lot of junk in the castle or just do that scrapping over again.

    As long as you did not change cells the other cells should not be affected.


    I would try this on a very limited basis before you spend a lot of time with the beds and scrapping. If your game does not have issues, and unentered cells are not affected, you will be good to go.

  11. The jetpack is a great option and if you are not afraid to make some changes in the ini files for the game you can tailor the jetpack to do some amazing things.

    Things to know about the jetpack are:

    Initial Thrust - This is what you get when you first hit the jetpack. Initial Thrust helps determine how fast you rise.

    Sustained Thrust - This what your jetpack does after the initial thrust has stopped.

    Timed To Sustained Thrust - This is how long the initial thrust will burn before switching over to sustained thrust.

    Initial Thrust AP Drain - This determines how much AP cost it has to hit the jetpack at start.

    Sustained Thrust AP Drain - This determines the cost for AP for sustained flight.

    I use the great personal CROSS Jetpack and I have the 0 Damage Dampener mod attached. I just like to use Leather Armor so I cannot be so OP and I just like the look of it anyway. You can also have that Acrobat Legendary leg armor for both legs and that will negate any fall damage too. Or the Free Fall armor, but I am high enough level to use the jetpack damage dampener 0% damage mod for the CROSS Jetpack so I just use that.

    With my setting I use the following:

    Initial Thrust - 150 This is significantly lower than vanilla. (I think vanilla is like 760) This gives me a slow assent and a controlled rise up to the sky. An example would be that at Abernathy farm I will slowly get to the top of the power lines in about 3 seconds.

    Time to Sustained Thrust - 3 (3 seconds) this is a lot longer than vanilla but I use a much lower initial thrust power to get up there.

    Sustained Thrust - 92 This is slightly lower than the sustained thrust needed to keep me hovering in place. This gives me a slow controlled descent and I can fire rockets at things while I slowly float back to earth. :smile:

    Initial Thrust AP Drain - 10 This cost 10 AP points just to fire my jetpack.

    Sustained Thrust AP Drain - 2 This is a tiny cost for sustained flight so I can fly around all over without running out of AP.

    There is a setgs command that can be added at the start of every game with the console or a formula added to the [General] section of the Fallout4 ini folder if you want it always load at the start.

    These settings will let me fire the jetpack and slowly rise up to a nice height level over 3 seconds. Then when the jetpack switches to sustained thrust I will slowly float back to earth in a very controlled manner. I can look around and change direction, whatever. This gives me about 20 seconds of flight time. At a walking pace I can usually fly from Sanctuary workbench to Red Rocket and only use about half of my AP so I can immediately jump and fly again and get to Abernathy with my AP just running out. YMMV.

    Now the only issue is the forward thrust. There really is none except for the vanilla walking or running speed. If you run and jump and start the jetpack you will burn your AP very fast and not get any flight time. Walking speed is slow and does not cover much ground but with these settings will not use much AP.

    To solve this I have added another mod that gives a great option for this. It is called Vault Tech Speed or something like that. It is a drug that is easy to make and increases you movement speed. It comes in 2 flavors and gives a good boost and the other gives a significant speed boost. They last either 1 minute or 2 minutes. Pop one of these babies and now you can walk at a very fast pace and not use any additional AP. This lets you use the jetpack to basically fly where you want to go. You will not fly forever but for 1 minute you will get about 2 jumps before your jetpack uses all the AP and drug wears off. You can easily go from Sanctuary to well past the drive in with this combo.

    I was tailoring this to a Survival run I was using to finish this toons playthrough with. I will not use fast travel but at least I can somewhat fly to places instead of running. Good luck with your jetpack. :smile:

  12. Another thing you can try is to go to the category for weapons and look through the list there. This will take some time as I am sure there is a lot to sort through, but it is something. Good luck.

  13. The only thing I can say is to stay away from overlapping mods. For example if you use 6 mods that alter Piper your chances for problems are high.


    My best suggestion is to stay way from mods that make major game changes and focus on small mods that do one thing. Since you have already played the game look for issues with vanilla gameplay and find a small mod that addresses that issue.


    Load either load them one at a time and see if they cause issues (my suggestion) or find what you want and load them all at once. However if you follow this path and you have issues, there will so many variables that troubleshooting will be very difficult.


    If you see a mod you like go to that mods comments section and read what others say. There will always be someone that may be having a conflict with other mod and saying this mod to blame, but if everyone is having an issue and the author has not addressed them, you should probably steer clear. Good luck.

  14. I probably have about 40 settlements in the Commonwealth (Non DLC) and probably have about 300 settlers. I would say 250 is about average or a little under for normal play. 300 to 350 would be a better guide for most (non Jimmy) players.


    Jimmy is the settlement king and in a league of his own. :)


    It's going to be a little tricky, since as far as I'm aware there are no videos used in game anywhere in Fallout 4.


    Remind me, was the annual sacrificial lamb Overseer vault in NV or 4? If it was 4, we do have a precedent with its projector video. If it was NV, we are still SOL.



    That was in FONV. I think it was Vault 11 on the way to Boulder just before the dam.

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