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  1. Bull sometimes people don't understand that they boasted directx 12 as a gaming os with Xbox live to boot. Its a multi os yes, but the majority of people use it for gaming. Direct x 12 is a advertisement to upgrade. I am putting windows 7 on a separate hard drive, that'll save me some time and effort. Ohh ya windows removed the f8 feature of my Bios... GRRRRRRR :devil: More reason to upgrade to Windows 7.
  2. Nope the Windows 10 drivers they call it is a peace of garbage. and i did some research its a update from Microsoft. Well Windows 7 it is, why they are going this route is beyond me, why not keep to what works instead of new garbage ideas.
  3. Nothing but trail version, and it doesn't give you the option to use its functions at least once.
  4. Its not that, Windows 10 botched driver install. It can not be erased like you could using the uninstaller built into windows like in 7. They erased all possible way to fix that botched install. Its a lot more complicated then a simple restore. I'm going the way of complete install of Windows 7. I can not trust anything from Winodws 10 at all right now. Call me in 2 years when things get cleared out. Or games start using dx12. It won't happen in my gpu's life time, two gtx780ti's.
  5. That above does absolutely nothing. :devil: And i thought Windows 8 was bad. 10 is not making it easy to get rid of that botched install, its like a virus, it removed the f8 task manager. :geek: :wallbash: I have Windows 7 in rom image format on my other HD, just in case like this happens. Screw you Windows 10.
  6. nope tried that, doesn't find everything, tried windows ten uninstaler couldn't find any of experience drivers. I uninstalled all of the drivers and still can't find the drivers. Nvidia control panel is still there for graphic settings, can not remove it. It feels like a botched install of the latest drivers. A realllly bad onee. I know what i am doing, the only thing to do is role back to 7, but that darn thing won't allow me to use f8. CCHHHHAAARRRRGGGGEEEE HA HA Ha, may have to wipe the drive, sadly. But all in all. :devil: :geek:
  7. Repeat window s 10 is killing your video card if you have a Nvidia card, please just a reminder to check for latest driver support and role back to older drivers or go back to Windows 7. http://gadgets.ndtv.com/laptops/news/windows-10-is-killing-nvidia-graphics-cards-720443 It has happened to me and i am not happy about it. Going back to Windows 7 is the best option for you as of now and maybe in the later future to, if you have this hardware failure. Sense Nvidia started to work with Microsoft things just went down hill.
  8. My fuzzy warm enb with brightness to match, based on the latest enb. Cot friendly. http://oi67.tinypic.com/2iay6o4.jpg
  9. If this is true then the ps4 is no more then a pc at its core.
  10. One reason my ps4 stays silent is because of mods.
  11. I need sleep, been awakening them sleepy ps2 games.. It upscales almost fitting a 42 inch tv. the 60 gb model is freaking loud though,, with all that heat pipes and fans roaring to life. Louder then my pc thats for sure.
  12. Something like this?? http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132637&cm_re=Skylake-S-_-13-132-637-_-Product
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