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Everything posted by Azrael120782

  1. Same issue too,usually means missing mesh files. Coulda been a goof,try reinstalling it and archive invaldating again.
  2. This is due to the animations. Strangely,Bethseda nor Obsidian bothered to fix it. I know someone had a fix,but strangey I cant find it atm. Basically the fix was to not use the revolver animations or something like that.
  3. Depends on where I am. Im a guns guy. Il keep a Recharger pistol handy for that OH F*&K moment.
  4. I think that we should post a library of unstable sections and maybe some of the more talented modders could maybe build a fix for them. Hardware Crashes ARE random for me. I am running a few high texture packs. Vanilla DM HH Generally HH is the most stable with DM,I dont usually crash in them often. OWB OWB is VERY tempermental,Sometimes I can play it thru entirely others I crash in 10 minutes,dunno why. LR Load Order In all honesty,I run MORE stably in the DLCs than I do vanilla strangely. I rarely get CTDs in the DLCs,its vanilla I can run like crap. Also,using my radio causes crashing in Vanilla locations. I can use my radio all day in the DLCs.
  5. Ive had this problem since release. I usualy leave it alone for a minute or two then come back and it runs fine. To close I have to CRTL ALT DELETE and end process.
  6. With the way the game engine is designed,youd have to add totally new animations.None of the current anims could even be used for this. There are a few mods roaming around that did duel wielded weapons with moving clothes but i dont think it was ever released.
  7. Laptops have a very hard time running this game. And it seems like youre barely meeting the specs.try turning the graphics way down
  8. No.Just no.Dont even bother asking that cause you cant do it. Asking about it can get you the banhammer. Modding or exchanging saves between consoles is a huge no-no here.
  9. Red Dawn The New USSR The Chinese Movement Purity The Ghoul Nation of Former America
  10. Where did the crossbow mod go? There was one on here and now I cant seem to find it :/
  11. Phoenix Arms and Industrials. I have others if ya want em
  12. If you want help post your load order,and pc specs. Not a lot of info to go by there.
  13. Meh Black Blossoms Finger of God and Devils Mistress helped me a lot :P Back on topic. Do I see a GOTY Ed for Fallout New Vegas? Not likely and heres why. The game is buggy as it is. UNLESS they can somehow magically make it so its not an unstable trainwreck then I doubt theyll do it. The current engine isnt optimized at all and if they try to optimize it now with the modding community already doing so,then theyll ruin nearly every mod. 2. Theyre most likely saving resources for the Fallout 4. But if what I hear is true,then theyll keep adding DLCs to Vegas due to Bethesada losing the rights to the Fallout series. So Obsidian and Bethesada will keep dumping out DLCs until they get the rights to. 3.I forgot three.. 4. Relates to 2. GOTY I think is only released when all the expansions are. And so far,were 3 or more DLCs short.
  14. If i wanted a corridor shooter Id play DOOM :P Zeta wasnt enjoyable cause it didnt make sense and yeah it had its amsuing moments but i was bored with it lol
  15. Steam...I hate you xD But theyll probably offer the main DLCs on a seperate disk then like Zeta offfer the last one in some special edition I hated Zeta. I really did.Was the ONLY FO3 DLC I didnt have fun in.
  16. Its Bethsedas assets used in FNV. Just Obsidians lazy coding in New Vegas. Their assets,they published. Hence why nearly everything looks the same :confused: Chernobyl WAS an explosion. The reactor blew up. Thats why the building is destroyed. It wasnt a little rad lead it was a major near catastrophic failure of components and people. Chernobyl was in essence an accidental dirty bomb. Why do you think Pripyat is literally a ghost town? Sure theres people living there but when the reactor blew up everyone cleared the hell out. the Russians just put a concrete sarcophagus over it and hoped it would keep the locals from glowing in the dark or growing a thumb out their forehead... I could go into further detail but thats a whole nother topic.
  17. What the difference is in HDR and Bloom? From what I can tel theres not a lot of difference. Ive got a pretty powerful pc and Ive tried both and Im not really sure what the differences are.
  18. This. Even in the endgame it wasnt epic at all.Hardly anything it was more a small skirmish rather a total war.
  19. What places listed FO3 as GOTY? It mustve been one of those cause everyone I talked to says theres no GOTY for FNV. And IF they do a GOTY edition,remember the headaches for modding? They tweak the code or something in FO3:GOTY and it was such a massive headache to get modded smoothly.
  20. No there wont be a GOTY ed. New Vegas didnt win a GOTY award so it wont happen.
  21. You shouldnt have 2 preorder packs.Each copy of the game came with only one pack.Pick one and delete the other.
  22. Wrist watches. Dont need to work,just be there to hide the notifiable wrist seams maybe a bracelet for the other wrist? I mean you can clearly see a huge gap between the meshes. On the guys its way more noticeable. I had an idea for a males bracelet,something simple,like a set of dog tags wrapped around his wrist and tucked back in so they dont dangle. Well I had others.but its almost 4am and these are some ideas i was just chuckin out there..if I remember the rest Ill be sure to post em to see whatchall think
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