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Everything posted by Azrael120782

  1. I gave her a brand new Mosin Nagant and she thought her 10mm was better xD Some companions are incredibly difficult to get to use other gear.Vera namely is the biggest pain.
  2. Seems like Vera is an abseloute pain in the ass to get to use other weapons. Ive given her penty of weapons and gave up and was forced to use the console. hit the ` key and click on Vera then type inv then when it pops up go thru her inventory (Hitting page up or page down to scroll) find her weapons and type removeitem XXXXXXX then it should be removed. Her weapons usually take a ton of tries to do to make it stick but its well wrth the frustrations
  3. TGs Armor Collection has a Viet'Nam era marines outfit. some editing in NifSkope and you shoud be able to get whatcha want in that. Remove the chest rig,and the back pack radio the machete and the little trinkits and Im sure you have an outfit very similar to the one in the picture. The hat Im not really sure about,but something has been done thats similar. Desert High Tactical Shop has an officers hat done up in that camo style,Just no logos
  4. Did you uninstall EVERYTHING then start it up Vanilla? Try again.Migt take a few tries to get it right
  5. 361.Energy Weapons are rare.Treasure them.Baby them. Unlike New Vegas were every raider and his mother has an energy weapon. 362.Drugs are bad. Visiting a certain vault with a plethora of drugs can lead to scary trips. 363.Big brother watches you with Eye Bots.
  6. It is due to the way the devs set up the 3rd person camera. Arwen has a good camera mod that actually gives you a true over the shoulder view.
  7. If you copy pasted it all from another machine,then you dont have the registry files. YOu need t install it on the machine you want to play on.
  8. Fook doesnt get along with hardly anything. Try disabling it Or disable all your mods then add then 1 by 1 til you find it,.
  9. Hmm,I use MCM with the UHUD and AHUD but no Powered Power Armor.Try adding those.
  10. Because you need to delete the entire fallout new vegas folder from your PC. Then registry clean up then defrag it. Then it should be fixed.
  11. Skinnywear shop WAS around here,but I heard it was taken down. But Im not sure if thats true or not.
  12. Fellout and Nskies.Get the adjustable version if you want darker nights. Friend of the Night is a normal perk you can get with sneak skil at 30.
  13. Read the directions sounds like someone goofed up. Lings doesnt do anything other than add hair.
  14. McCarren crashes a lot due to the NPCs. Ive noticed even vanilla theres a lot and when the Raiders decide to chase someone it can cause problems. Try disabling everything,make new test save and enable the mods one by one till you find whats doin it
  15. The Kurki is very similar to the Legion blades that you see carried by the people like Auroias of Pheonix. I personally want a Karambit,a sharp curved blade ment for slashing and can be very lethal when used correctly.
  16. Uninstall Fallout,get the lastest updates,then reninstall fallout. THEN run it with Steam.That is,boot using the vanilla launcher NOT FOMM.
  17. Can you post your load order? Crash before the 1st slide usually means youre missing a master file.
  18. Seems pretty frustrating for someone who has no idea what theyre doing doesnt it?
  19. Well Hell,that mean I gotta move everything over so the GECK work? I hate you so much Vista..
  20. The new nexus is horrible. I really dont like it, We need an option to go back to the old version. The current one crashes,stops responding,or just doesnt work I.E Earlier I was downloading a mod clicked it,came back 15 mins later and nothing. No error.Just sat there. As pretty as the site is I hate it so far Its just so slow and well,fat.
  21. Yup installed in my Steam Directory where its supposed to be. What windows should be open? I have the 3 that always stay open when you run the GECK and nothing else as far as I can see.
  22. Id remove FOOK. Fook hates everything and as much as I love the mod,its not really compatible with anything :/
  23. Run steam.Allow it to update. Then go to google and type New Vegas Script Extender. Go to the site,down load it and install it were your FNV.exe is.
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