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About Pentiman666

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  1. since FO4 is getting a new update, i am hoping someone could fix F4SE mods that will break and their creator is no longer modding FO4. im hoping that goes for Looksmenu and stuff like that.
  2. basically add guts to fo4 with it's animations from CP2077. https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Guts
  3. For real why is Diet Nuka Cola not a thing? xD someone should mod in a version of it for immersion.
  4. basically an extension to the deployable turrets mod that adds a gatling laser turret to the mix. deployable turrets mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11465
  5. ah fair enough. but i want at least "altered" dialog where instead of saying "fine ill keep your secret.... for now". you can reuse a line like: "the institute isn't our enemy remember. you can trust us now." and dima would say "im glad to hear it" (which is a reused line too) instead of worryingly saying: "thank you". also would be cool for institute gen2 synths to be around guarding acadia instead of hunting it.
  6. ah i guess i should've clarified that xD sorry. yeah i was talking about when you romance curie or have a synth mod (like companion Ivy) that you can romance. so yeah. both ways.
  7. i was wondering if its possible to use the ever evolving AI voice to make new dialog for the player to ask dima. my idea would be something like this convo: Player: "Dima, do you think its possible for a human to fall in love with a synth?" Dima: "thats.... an interesting question. may i ask why?" Player selections would be like:[1. I don't know. i thought since you guys are synths with feelings you would be able to love] [2. because ive fallen in love with one and wondered what you would think of that] [3. because i've seen it happen and find it too strange and not for me since its a machine] [4. because ive seen it and thought it was a but strange but it seemed...... human] Dimas responses would be like: if 1 is chosen "well if you believe that we can feel then yes i think that would be ok" if 2 is chosen "i find that....... interesting but im happy that you've found your sole mate despite them being a synth" if 3 is chosen "we are more than machines but i respect your opinion" if 4 is chosen "thats.... nice. i like that. you called us human. im glad you feel that way" as for Project Valkyrie. basically a script or something that allows acadia synths to go back to the commonwealth and have more dialog with dima that the institute is not a threat and doesn't care about acadia anymore. basically a mod that makes a wholesome overhaul to acadia with PV support and options. id love to see this implemented. but for now i can only wish.
  8. get BDO hairs or ZGC hairs. her hair should be in one of those mods. it includes all of nier's characters and MANY more. i don't have the link and its not on nexus. you'll have to google the link.
  9. just an idea of weapons that are made of flesh or bones that can shoot blood balls or hellfire that makes people frenzy and attack other npcs while taking fire damage. or a gun that has runes that make it shoot elemental bullets. just some random ideas that would be a cool addition.
  10. was wondering if someone could convert this custom music manager for SSE https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/103347
  11. basically i just want fps and 3ps weapon trails in LE from this mod. i don't care about everything else in the mod. i just want weapon trails https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/72347
  12. basically my idea is to make skill points stay 100 after you legendary but then you can go to 200 and so on. making the game let you level up ALL skills infinitely. the only thing that would reset is the skills but the base skill is infinite. for example: one handed is now level 100 and you unlocked all the skills in it. then you legendary it and now all your skills are no longer purchased BUT you are still level 100. now you have to level up to 200 one handed to get em all back.
  13. instead if having to press a button for EVERY bottle to fill with water. i think a mod where you just press a keybind or hold the default key and it'll fill ALL your empty bottles would be cool.
  14. just an idea where there would be a big machine that is placed on dirt and has animated pumps kinda like dwemer pumps from skyrim and gets water from the ground.
  15. theres minimap map for other bethesda games one for Skyrim LE, one for Skyrim SE/AE, and one for Fallout New Vegas. what could be the cause for one not to be made for FO4? to make it feel like more of a minimap like from games that are made with a minimap. i would reccommend using the "local" map setting for the minimap if someone could make it. having a minimap for FallUI would be super cool and useful. won't have to look at your pipboy so much and it could look cool on your HUD. the minimap mods for the other games are here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/minimap-for-le-25291662 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/49490\ https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/64596
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