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Everything posted by OrganicView

  1. More mature questlines and better storytelling. More interesting combat and magic gameplay ( Sneak is cool, even if way overpowered ).
  2. Dragon fights seems easier because Skyre increases weapon damage and armor rating. You should configure Deadly Dragons to be a bit harder, suiting your tastes ;)
  3. I don't know about the creation engine itself, but in Gamebryo ( Oblivion ) you could have all of tamriel. Since Creation Engine is based on Gamebryo, i'd assume it's the same.
  4. Nope : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11811
  5. I'ma a big fan of exploration/immersion, so I like to actually walk my way through Skyrim. However, I also like to have kind of a "cinematic experience ", and if the quest is urgent or is kinda the "we need to revenge quest" in which the travel would actually break the story rythm, i do fast travel.
  6. Hi everybody, I would first apologize for english mistakes and misunderstands, it's not my native language. As I made mods with the CS and the GECK, I wanted to try to make mods with Skyrim. But the creation kit crashes when I launch it ( Creation kit.exe is not responding ), always at the step "initialize windows". I tried everything I found on the Internet : - Remove ENB ( and d3d9.dll ) - Launch with Steam online or in offline mode - Reinstall both Skyrim and CK - Make sure everything is upgraded - Localized version .ini tweaks And it still doesn't work :( So, if anyone has the solution... Thank you =)
  7. Hi there everybody ! First of all, I would apologize for my not so well english, I'm French. I've followed that tutorial to make some head stuff fit with COTW heads : http://www.fallout3nexus.com/articles/article.php?id=283 I used an helmet from a mod which brings mass effect armors to the game. Following the tutorial, I resized the meshe, saved it and remplaced the original with th resized one. I launched the game, and tried to equip it, and FO3 crashes at this moment, everytime ( it is not a random crash ). Maybe some of you had this problem and dicovered the solution ? Thanks, and sorry for every mistake or syntax error I'd have made.
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