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About SkjoldBjorn

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    Well I tried to play Skyrim..now I am modding..it's a curse!
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  1. Seems this will not work, solved it by just turning doubble sided off and having a lid on the lantern so you can't look inside the lantern from the top, there goes my lidless lanterns, but better than this.
  2. Hello! Any idea what causes this? The UV seam is not there it is neatly tucked behind the lantern handle. Normals and tangents looks fine to me. I used the shader flag 2 : doubble sided here and reduced the alpha. The mesh is otherwise clean, loose faces, vertecies or anything like that, the geometry is fine. I have a similar issue with another lantern I made too that is rectangular, but it is not as visible as here.
  3. Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll...
  4. Just gonna add that I am not going to maintain this thread anymore, the tutorial section on the creation kit wiki is the place to post the tutorials as this is the place most modders will be at anyway, so this thread is a little redundant.
  5. It's funny, i just woke up and got my coffee, but i did not think of skipping alias, smart move, definitvely worth trying!
  6. The quest is running, that is not the problem. I need this function place the marker and force it into an alias when i close a menu, the menu the player and make him travel to a target. SO i am not entirely sure how to use OnInit here, because the target his going to travel to depends on the book he read and I want to avoid using over 20 different packages just because the travel destination is "random" So placing a marker, fill alias, travel, clear alias, delete marker would probably what i want, sorry for not beeing more specific.
  7. You need to use an event to run your function. You cannot simply define a function and expect it to run without calling it to run from inside an event. I have no idea what object your script is attached to nor how often it needs to be called so I cannot give a good suggestion on what event to use. An example of what I'm talking about is as follows: Sorry for not specifying that, but I do use this in events, actually I have several other functions in the same script that runs well, it is just this one that does not work. I also asked at the bethesda forums, it seems that I got some answers there, the reason why I can't fill an alias is because it needs to initialize, which according to the guy who replied has to happen on quest start up or in a new stage. Not sure why this is not listed as important info at the wiki at all when you go through quest tutorials.( or i might be blind). I would think that when a papyrus function called "ForceRefTo()" is used to force a reference into an alias, there should be some info about "initializing it" on the page. That would have saved me a ton of headache.
  8. So, I am trying to fill and reset aliases realtime, because I am lazy and do not want to add 100 different properties for 100 different places and handplace them in the editor and make a lot of new scenes for these npcs. So I try to do this:; ObjectReference Property ReferenceTarget auto ReferenceAlias Property TravelMarkerAlias auto Static Property ConstructorTravelMarker auto Function PlaceTravelMarker() ObjectReference TravelMarkerRef TravelMarkerRef = ReferenceTarget.PlaceAtMe(ConstructorTravelMarker, 1, true, false, true) ; Places an Xmarker at ReferenceTarget, this will be the travelpoint TravelMarkerAlias.ForceRefTo(TravelMarkerRef) ;Forcing the ObjectReference of the Xmarker into quest alias temporarly. EndFunction The package for the NPC uses the TravelMarkerAlias as it's target location, so I kinda need it to fill. The Alias is not filling and for some reason, placeatme() complains in the log that I am trying to place it at a "NONE" even though the property is filled. Also have a function that clears the alias and deletes the marker after it's done. and every line of code that I have besides this one works without error. But I must say that filling aliases realtime seems to be a pain in the backside.
  9. Hmm not sure that is what I want to do. Oh well, just have to do it the hard way then...would be easier if I could just use something like "GetPrimitiveScale(afX, af-X afY, af-Y, afZ, af-Z)" and "SetPrimitiveScale(afX, af-X afY, af-Y, afZ, af-Z)" Under a new category of PrimitiveReference. Or use each own for Trigger, Occulsion and Collition Primitives for that matter. Well well. It seems that it would be more efficient to just duplicate these markers and use enable/disable on them instead. Thanks though ^^
  10. As the title says. Let's say I am talking about a Triggerbox that I want to Scale with a script through a function that fires in a given situation. From what I could see it is not possible, but i rather ask on the forum incase i have missed something on the scripting reference list...i seriously doubt it though. Adjusting the primitive in the CK is not an option, to permanent, I want it to be done dynamically, like through a holotape. TranslateTo, Setposition etc does not work. Set scale is also out of the question as it is based on objects with uniform scale and not primitives that can be scaled in all axis. I have been thinking about simply dulpicating a shitload of triggerboxes to get the size I want and just add keywords with the script instead. Thanks. - Necro -
  11. Do you mean like a Ender Chest from Minecraft? A chest that shares storage space with all other similar chests?
  12. But only if you are using outfit studio. There is no import/export plugins for either of those. Anyway, this is worth adding to the list ^^
  13. Yo Fellow modders, It is time to share some knowledge and get it them all pasted into one post so everyone can find them easily. There is just one Rule really. If you don't have a tutorial pleae don't comment, let's not fill the thread with garbage, unless it's a super important message. Please use the same format as me and list the programs used and hyperlink to the tutorial obviously. I will start by adding a few and try to add the tutorials people post to different categories so it's easier to find. Programs used for modding [/line] [/line] General FO4EDIT Clean mods, add and remove game records Currently used to actually make mods, this is not at all recommended, but until a creation kit is out there is no other option. IMPORTANT: When the GECK launches, you NEED to take your mod through there and save it and test there is a lot of records that are not decoded for Fallout 4, like the issues that is causing cell reset, a common misconception is that this is a engine bug. Any bug introduced because of a mod pre-Geck is most likely there because of missing records. it's a plausible engine bug, but missing record is a lot more likely cause of the problem, this is just a bad excuse we modders use to feel better about using highly experimental tools carelessly and blame it on bethesda like the good fans of any bethesda franchise is bound to do. :smile:Modelling Bodyslide ​Easily get armor to fit with body typesNifskope Needed to work with nif files and making your 3D models work ingame, pretty much required. Any 3D modeling program. Recommendations:3Ds Max 2015/2016 - NOT older.Blender 2.6+, do NOT download 2.49b. 3ds max is the only one supporting import and export through nif plugins of Fallout 4 meshes at the moment, but you can also get around this by using Bodyslide if you do not have access to 3ds max.Texturing Any texturing program Recommended:PhotoshopGimpScripting Caprica Papyrus Compiler by @OrvidChampollion PEX to Papyrus Decompiler by @OrvidScript Editors RecommendationsSublime TextNotepad ++ Detailed description. [/line] Tutorials [/line] [/line] XML installer/Fomod installer [/line] Import/export/Modeling/Animation [/line] Nifskope Tutorials [/line] FO4EDIT Tutorials [/line] User Interface / HUD [/line] More to be added and please do help out, I can't go digging for all this myself and if we could get a stuicky on this it would be very nice!
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