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Everything posted by ngin890
That is an awesome idea! I would definitely try my hand at making it, but I am tied up with other projects at the moment. Someone else should definitely make this and really make it scary. The quest shouldn't be failed if you sell the mask though, but the NPC should be killed. You could get some good revenge there. Anyway, if this is made the Slasher must have a badass knife and be boss level powerful in the final encounter. He can be weaker the other times. Once again, nice idea!
Of UFO’s, Nazis and secret antarctic bases
ngin890 replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
This looks awesome! You all have really great ideas and I know this will make a really great mod. I would love to help, but I am without a computer for a while. If this is still being made when I get my computer then I would be honored to help out. For now I can be an idea person. I am fairly creative and would love to help. I think that all of the nazi soldiers you meet should all wear SS uniforms. Due to the alien research they should be abnormally strong but not too overpowered. They should use new energy weapons and have a high skill. Officers should wear a similar uniform but a bit different to reflect that they are officers. An officers cap is a must as well. Nazi scientists could just have any lab coat and maybe a weak pistol, but they would just run away in combat. The nazis should have an elite unit though. The elites should wear the armor that OldCoot 46 posted except it should be black with nazi paraphernalia. The armor should have really high DT and give some good effects. The elites should have high health, powerful weapons and a 100 skill. Elites should only really be seen in very important areas or when you start to be a problem to the nazis. When you start really killing them then squads of elites should be sent out and they could be minor "boss battles" themselves. Also to stop the player from making the mod easy by wearing the armor you could have it that it can not be taken off a dead elite's body. The only way to get a suit would be in an armory pretty much right before the final encounter in the mod. It would be the help you need to stop the obviously needed, overpowered, Frank Horrigan-like end boss. For weapons there should be Zeta-like weapons but hybrid with nazi weapons like MP40s. How awesome would it be to shoot a energy MP40? Also seeing that the nazis went into hiding long before plasma and laser weapons, if they developed them then it would seem really advanced to them. That way you could have laser MP40s and new plasma rifles with alien like blasters as weapons. Although normal to us, very high tech to the Nazis. That is all I have to type now but I do have many more ideas. I know you want to make the Nazis evil, which they are, but it would be nice if you could work with the nazis and not always get betrayed by them. If you could show that you are very useful and one tough son of a gun, then the nazis should be smart enough to realize that betraying you will lead to their defeat. Some people don't like to include a permanent friendly relationship with nazis, but I would very much like it. It wouldn't be that much harder if you made the rest of the mod. -
"How Little We Know" Quest: Just Kill Everyone?
ngin890 replied to Acperience's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
I tried robbing a casino once. When i refused to give up my weapons combat started but the omertas were so weak i laughed the whole time. Sure they all run at you at once shooting but their measly guns tend to bounce off power armor. Any way after i killed everyone and picked the door to the cash room, there is no key that i know of, i searched expecting to find tons of caps for my troubles. Instead i found LESS THAN ONE HUNDRED CAPS!!!!! That is outrageous for my efforts and the fact that i robbed a f**king casino!!! A casino! Sorry for my yelling. -
Arizona Killer and Independent Vegas
ngin890 replied to PhoenixFyre150's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
You can never be locked out of yes mans side of the quests. He is made so that you can finish the game even if you get locked out of every other quest line. So yes you can kill kimbal with yes man, hell you can destroy the securitron vault with yes man and still play it out ony yes man gets very angry. -
Killing Caesar in his camp
ngin890 replied to WizardOfAtlantis's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
If you kill caesar with boone around then he will tell you how the NCR got intel that a whole line of successors are lined up for when he dies and that the legate takes charge when caesar dies meaning the power shift is in fact rather small, also you get some history points with Boone if you need some. So caesar's death has little effect for the present but if you side with the legion and caesar dies then many of the endings show the legate's foolishness that will soon lead to the legions destruction. So the fact that a chicken will live after its head is severed is a wonderful analogy. -
Yes! Living anatomy was the name of the perk. I remembered what it was but not the name of the perk. Well, i hope this helps you out.
Wild Card Side Bets Question/s
ngin890 replied to FlankerDFR's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
That is rather odd really. In my game i to had to enter the dam but only to activate more sections of it and then i used the inside to get around the annoying wooden barricade. I have never once had yes man tell me to destroy the dam. I am not sure but it might have something to do with your NCR rep or your karma. Though the first game i did had bad rep and karma and this didn't happen. If i were you i would check out the falloutwiki. It is very reliable and i get all my info from there. Sorry i couldn't help you better. -
Some more tribalized armor and factions would be very nice actually. The amount of civilization in new vegas is surprising for i expected to at least seem some tribes in the mountains somewhere. To be completely honest patchwork armor is much cooler, usually, than normal armor and new vegas is lacking. Only the legion centurion armor is patchwork enough, so i completely agree that something like Ashur's power armor would be nice. By the way, deathclaws as worshipped gods is a very good idea.
I have always wanted repeatable, slightly changing missions to do however much i wanted. One good idea that came to me was that if you are friendly with the powder gangers you can raid caravans with them. you talk to a NPC accept the mission and get transported to a stretch of highway with three powder ganders. Then you have to kill some caravan guards, the merchant and his brahmin. Then you get transported back to NCRCF and get your share of the loot, varying each time along with the caravan. You could attack random ones, crimson caravan ones, and gun runners fro the best loot if you can deactivate the bombs on the caravan. That would be a fun repeatable mission for evil characters and make the powder gangers worth, though on the flip side for a merc or crimson caravan company you could protect caravans from powder gangers and other criminals. Now that would be fun.
This happened to me to for I didn't know about the non-feral inside the house and the falloutwiki helped me greatly. But yeah if you got his and are still missing some then just explore searchlight outside until you find all nine bodies. It took me a while to find them but if you resurrect them it goes much faster.
Ha! I thought that too when I killed Cook-Cook the first time and I hadn't been to McCarran. If I was a courier in a wasteland I for one wouldn't be collecting heads of those who I killed for no reason. That truly is scavenging too far. Also yeah that is a weird glitch. If you ever need the ID of an item I would just use the falloutwiki, it has never let me down.
Legion Improvement Ideas (Story and Lore centric!)
ngin890 replied to Mr Lepidus's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
I completely agree with you and I think you have some great ideas. I especially like the Legate idea for then you can get the Lanius's stuff and still be legion and to call in legion troops would be like the NCR's emergency radio, which the game neglects to give you something similar if you are legion. Also I completely agree with your ideas for Vulpes and I to was greatly disappointed when I could only get three measly quests from him, only one being truly worthy in my opinion. Also something that I was shocked that they didn't have was that Legion troops don't have full confidence so they can't run! I don't know how many times I have heard NPCs say that the legion is fearless and fights to the death and then I put one bullet in one of them and they hightail it out of here. Truly pathetic. Also some more legion quests would be nice for there are tons of NCR and very few legion. -
What game ending-outcome would you like?
ngin890 replied to frank lee's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
You can forge an alliance with NCR and BoS but the brotherhood's role is diminished to advanced highway patrol men for the long 15. Very disappointing but at least they live. -
You can also receive that ability in the vanilla FNV. It is received from a perk, I don't remember the name unfortunately but it shows enemy health, DT and gives +5% damage against humans and non-feral ghouls. To get the perk you have to have a high medicine, 70 I think, and be a certain level. I think the level requirement is either 8 or 14, can't remember. So yes, modding is not necessary to get this ability. I hope this helps.
What game ending-outcome would you like?
ngin890 replied to frank lee's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
I somewhat agree with marharth in his dream with new vegas but with some changes. The Legion would have to go for good, crazy dressed psychos are the last thing vegas needs, and the robot army would be in my control, that fascist House will have to go. The NCR would be forced to evacuate their armies and instead only be allowed to send civilians and unarmed, off duty soldiers whenever they like. Mainly because the NCR is to much like the real government and is highly ineffective and cares nothing for the lay man. Along with my army of robots though the BoS would be added to the special forces of the army and protect new vegas as its own branch of the military. Also they would be moved to McCarran for their scientific research and new base of operations. The BoS is pretty damn awesome and would make one hell of a human military. Plus as an official peacekeeper the citizens would love them and they could more easily buildup their advanced technology stockpiles. The only change made to the BoS itself would be that the would answer to me and I could do what I please with some of their tech. The followers would as well be given a place in new vegas as the doctors, scientists, and helpers of the mojave. With their alliance and official spot in new vegas they could greatly help rebuild and assist the people of new vegas. Also seeing that hey are generally nicer and more liberal with technology than the BoS they would often be paired with the brotherhood to ensure they act appropriately. With the follower and BoS alliance plus robots I would have all of new vegas itself joined together and fixed up with all the money from the casinos that I would be getting. After a while new vegas, even Freeside would be a prosperous and safe city welcome to all non-soldiers everywhere. As for the mojave the trade routes would be made safe and al the towns built up and fixed up to their own states of grandeur. All of the refugees in Bitter Springs would be moved to vegas for homes and to be used in the reconstruction effort. Vaults would be made into either uber same cities or special research/military/safe bunkers. The fiends would be wiped out to the last man given no hope or chance of survival. The other petty gangs like the vipers and jackals or any other raider or "unfriendly" gang would be wiped from the world. None of them would be given a chance to join the military. This way the mojave would be safe and crime free. Also drugs would be banned and all of the drugs from the fiends and found elsewhere will be utterly destroyed unless they can be used in medicine. But if they are spared then the will be under close guard. The powder gangers would be all round up and put back in prison or killed, along with any other gang members that surrender. They would be put within a fixed up correctional facility which would be manned by robots and BoS. the new facility will be a fixed up NCRCF. The prisoners would be forced work but I wouldn't be stupid enough to give them dynamite. Also the Great Khans would be wiped out entirely and their drug business would be ended. I have no compassion for a bunch of murdering drug dealers. The troublesome species of the mojave would be utterly made extinct for they serve the purpose as only nuances. Deathclaws, cazadores, geckos, radscorpions, and the like are simply examples. Other animals would be tamed and turned into herds and many areas would be turned into farms and the like. All of the nightkin and mutants of the mojave would be taken to Jacobstown where the nightkin cure awaits and where all the mutants will be made friendly. Some robots will be sent to protect the town and anyone will be allowed to go their if the behave. Also mutants will be welcome any where if the behave. The Boomers would join up with the army and become border patrol for the Colorado River side. The three families would be left alone but cannibalism, and illegal business would be prevented and all of the families would be closely watched. Wow, I think I really did rant on and i don't believe that I have said everything yet! Oh well, I will stop now though I imagine that I made myself clear enough. It s a same no mods exist to make a dream mojave.