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  1. So I downloaded a No-CD exe, and it seemed to work fine. I scanned it for viruses and it came up fine. So then I ran it, and it made Avast go crazy. Okay, so I thought I deleted it and virus scanned my PC and everything was fine. Well, somehow I managed to...undelete it? I'm not sure what I did, but I managed to rerun the thing, and this time my antivirus was disable for performance...now whenever I restart my PC FireFox looses it's default profile, and typing in google.com just gives me a simple, small, PNG image. Since the file came from what appears to be the same place everyone else gets the no CD crack from, I was wondering if anyone here knew anything about it, since I can't find anything about it via search engines.
  2. Well, I have a spell called "Summon Baliwog." If I select it, my game crashes. I don't even know which spell pack it belongs to, since spells aren't listed in the documentation. Anyways, I figure that I should iron this glitch out. My Load order is: Supreme Magicka, Midas, Lame. Anyone have any idea what may be causing the issue?
  3. Hm, can't you use the construction set to make a character? I've been looking online, but I can find anything about editing the player.
  4. You gotta wonder what the guy who made this was thinking.
  5. So, who here dislikes the character creator? I do! In particular, the way the game handles "Facial hair". All it does it make take at least 1/2 to make your character have normal looking skin. No, I do NOT want my character to have random black splotches on his face! ...Anyone know a mod that fixes this? ...I kinda want to use the construction set to make my character....
  6. Also, anyone else notice that the "let there be darkness" mod causes a strong framerate hit?
  7. Hm, I have 2 Gigs of 400 MHz DDR3 RAM, is that good? Besides that Mr. Eric, I already have your suggestions, but thanks! Unknown, I've heard that Antiviruses actually can impact performance because they scan files as they are read. I can't test to see if my antivirus is the problem at the moment. You see, I tried a no DVD crack, and it put something on my system that kept trying to access sites. Anyways, I used Avast and Maleware bytes to vanquish it, but I do want to see if it's really gone. Thus I'll need to wait for 1/2 a day and see if Avast's protection goes off again. You know. It might be possible that a particular mod invokes Avast's scanning in such a way as to cause severe FPS drops. Hm, if only Oblivion had better new GPU support.
  8. First off: It's not anything like textures. Adding in texture mods, removing them, changing graphic settings, DID NOT HELP. Heck, I put the game on it's lowest settings, and I could still get my game into the teens just by standing still and looking at a large room. I think I got...and extra 5 frames though. Graphical settings are obviously not the problem. Any ways, I decided to boot up the game with no mods, besides OBSE plugins, and guess what? The problem vanished. The thing is, I already tried with most of my mods off anyways, including the graphical mods. So...hmmm...anyways, I just tried with most of the FCOM basics on, and it's fine. I suspect that an individual mod, or perhaps two or three working in tandem, are responsible. Hoo boy. Also, when I make my bashed patch, what should I be importing? Everything I can? I that case, should I also be merging mods I'm importing?
  9. But, why does that cause bright purple skin and someone missing most of their head? And what mod did you use for your profile picture?
  10. What is a grid to load anyways? What happens when I'm in a dungeon?
  11. Well, walking through narrow corridors naturally gives me great FPSes. Heck, going outside will often times give me decent, though erratic, FPSs. (For instance, 10 seconds of 32FPS or more...look the wrong way, and UGH 15FPS out of nowhere.) On the other hand, a large room in a ruin? Death! Furthermore, when I say changing graphical options doesn't help, I mean it. Going from HDR to 4x AA, to no AA and no bloom, plus lowing view distances, shadows, streamline fog effects, ect, has a surprisingly little effect on the framerate dips due to large rooms, or many enemies. Also, the enemy thing is really a secondary thing, more like icing on the cake then anything else. I get massive dips from looking the wrong way in empty areas. Hmm, the game doesn't recognize my GPU. Is it possible it's a driver issue?
  12. Well, I already am using the patches and Performance mods.
  13. Well, I installed some mods, booted up the game, and found that my framerate was determined to stay in the teens. I have a fairly new computer, it's no slouch. I play Portal on Max-ish settings, new games on higher settings, etc. My computer can handle Vanilla Oblivion excellently, so it must be the mods. So, I start playing with the mods, uninstalling most of them, except FCOM. No matter what I do, including reducing settings both in-game AND on my graphics card (ATi Tools), I can't get a good framerate when I'm not staring at a wall. If there are people around and/or I'm looking down a hall, instant teens, tearing when turning, slide-showing, etc. So, I decided to take a more quantitative approach! First off, I decided to try out the Console's debugging functions and use the tdt command to see how much of my GPU's 512Mb was being used. Secondly, I used ATi Tools to tell me, in addition to my framerate, what my CPU usage percentage was. The results? GPU: Only 110Mb of my card's 512Mb was being used. It was not textures causing the issues. CPU: Varied wildly between 60% and 80%, occasionally hitting 50%. So it's not scripts.... The only two things I can guess are: A: My GPU is having rendering issues. I doubt this.... My GPU can handle more intensive things that oblivion, It's a 2009 card, I think. Plays everything else fine, including the Half Life 2 games, and high/highest settings. Heck, it gets much hotter running Half-Life 2 (Lap-Top, and no- It's not a crummy retail laptop, so don't even think it.) than it does running oblivion.... B: Streamline, perhaps? I've never had issues before, but I suppose it's worth checking out. What are your guys' thoughts on this?
  14. Also, on a tangentially related note: Characters with bright purple arms! My FCOM installation gives some people mismatching bodies, and some googly NPC eyes. I currently have my cosmetic mods disabled, NPC unlocker enabled, so I think it's an FCOM/TNR thing. My bashed patch has import options for NPC faces and graphics checked for FCOM and TNR. Any ideas on what might be causing it?
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