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About Ayatolah

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  1. Another one of myself Name: Usarkar the Stranded one Gender:male Race:Dremora (vanilla) Starsign:Warrior Class:Mercenary (custom) Homes:Mundus itself! and some voice in my mind is claiming me for Sheogorath's realm.... Favourite Land:maybe the Jerall Mountains... is where i can earn more gold! Best Friend:Well, pretty hard to say... is really difficult for a dremora to have friends... but the Blades and Martin Septim, They don't care about my heritage Worst Enemy:my kin! or i have to say... the ones who refused me for being "funny and kind" Combat Preference:Hammers to smash, blades to cut, adn magic to roast what i smashed and cutted before^^ Combat Style:overwhelm my enemy with my combat and magic awesomeness (or at least, that's what i'm tryingt) Greatest Fear:the churches! Greatest Want:Revenge upon my old kin!!! make them suffer!.....for some reason i feel i will be pleased about that....and all women nearby to please me and them^^ Physique:Muscle bounded and tall... well as every dremora... Level:5 Joined Guilds/Factions:mages guild, blades, Northern front Mercenaries(Mod) Enemy Guilds/Factions:Mythic Dawn, blasted Dagon whorshippers... Childhood:Well as a daedra, i didn't had a childhood, but i can refer to my early times, nothing much to say... i was a Caitiff.... Teenage:Well, that's when thing gone weird, i began to be interested for some mortal "lust's likes", i saw mortals drinking good beers, eating really nice food (i stole a lot when summoned), pleasing with members of the other gender (that's when i realized that i'm a man, and undestood what's the real use of that thing that hangs between my legs), a lot of things, i saw them laughing and asked myself "what's this?" well after taht thing and a few more i had few "affairs" with some girls who dared (and after, pleased) to summon me... while other magicians (men) summoned me to have a good chatter while while drinking beer or whine, pretty interesting things you can learn listening to a mortal, as they do too... after all of this my kin where displeased! they don't liked my behaviour, they said that's unnatural for a dremora to being nice with mortals, for this reason i was treated like a pariah for a looong time, i became bored, truly bored, i became to think with all that things i enjoyed in Mundus... for my kin taht was right, while i don't do it again...but no, i had my own ideas... happened that a dremora woman grow curious for some aspects of my experiences between the mortals, and then i told her "i will show you some things".... being honest, the cry of pleasure of a dremora woman... is really hard to stand!...happened that some kin where over there and saw what we were doing... they blamed me for obscene behaviour!! at this point they wanted to destroy me, but Dagon entered the scene "YOU! YOU WHO ENJOY OF MORTAL PLEASURES, THAT'S MY JUDGEMENT, YOU WANT MORE? YOU WILL HAVE MORE! OUT OF MY REALM UNWORTHY!!!!" i was really kicked on my arse by Dagon himself, and it hurts! but most important i was "punished" by staying in Mundus forever and bound to it... sometimes i miss my home, but i have to confess, Dagon had reasons to be far more cruel... Prefered Food:venison and beer, an awesome duo! Disliked Food:lettuce, tastes like.... nothing! Favourite Arrow Type:i don't make use of that.... Favourite Blade Type: one handed...i have no real preferences really while cuts as must.... i'm more a hammer swinging guy Spells: my magic skills stills in diapers by now, fortunately mortals have the "mages guild" i'm sure they will teache me something... Friendly Races:not races, but individuals, most people are awkward about my nature, with the current crisis i understand it Neutral Races:N/A Hostile Races:most daedras who follows Dagon Favourite City/Town:Bruma! i grow tired of the heat of Oblivion, Bruma and the Jerall Mountains are a real break for me Least Favourite City/Town:Bravil, hot and wet weather, ugly, a bit of lava will make it like oblivion Favourite Daedra:Malacath! he was a refused one... like me, and Sheogorath, for some reason, i feel somehow bound to his realm... and now i know there's a gate to his realm! Least Favourite Daedra:Mehrunes Dagon, for obvious reasons, he rejected me! Favourite Divine:i don't care about them Least Favourite Divine:as above Main Weakness:i hate the storms!!!!! Main Strength:mmm my muscles and brain maybe??? Goal in Life:that kind of things you bother to think about when you know you'll gonna die... and i'm immortal Why he was sent to jail: Well i was really sweet about women.... but then i learned that there's some limits...let me explain, in the night i meet some really sexy girls in the imperial city with the consequences, pleasants nights of sex with them... but no one told me what can happen if you try this by the day... i was strolling aroun the streets naked and running up and down the streets chasing women "hey cutie! wanna some sex! GEEEEHHHHH!!!" for some reason the guards didn't liked that and knock me... when i was awake i was in jail, with the most distasteful dunmer in fron of my cell...
  2. I had checked all you mention before posting so, not, that's not the porblem.... in fact, i checked if there especific voice files for parts played, conversations i had with NPC that SHOULD have been voiced and that problem is with a few mods, so is not a especific mod issue..
  3. Well my question comes for this, i have few voiced (cast) mods, but for some reason, some voices are reproduced, some not, of an example, a mod that includes Argonian, imperial,etc etc... only reproduces the imperial cast...why? are the files, somehow misplaced?, no idea... plz if someone can answer me...
  4. Thanks i will check it... if you're looking for some real & cool looking axes check Realswords Nord for example, that are my favs... most blunt mods are for one or three models.... And if i recall correctly, there's a mod over there about the blunts seen in mount and blade..... i didn't used before, so i can't tell you if its okay...
  5. well, i was more of hammers and axes untill i had DR6, the animation of a forward charge with a blunt weapon is unfitting (stabbing with a hammer??? lol) anyway, most of blunt weapons are "oversized", especially two handed axes, i found a mod that have better looking axes, but still the DR animation handicap...(a pity, is the only "bad" feature in that mod)
  6. "Paramedics of Cirodiil" ??? what's this?
  7. M'aiq knows much and tell some.... i appreciate a lot the people who has vast knowledge, and shares it at will^^ .... 3 for M'aiq
  8. yes... but common threats, not (supossed) super trained assassins^^ ... you can fight against any other man (or woman) but you can fight against a poisoned apple?
  9. Speaking of men in uniform.. while Hieronymus is handsome and all, I remember this really cute Legion soldier, stalwartly patrolling the road to Anvil. When he asked "How can this Legion horseman be of service?" I wanted to hop up on his steed, ride with him into the sunset and have him keep me safe from criminal scum for the rest of our lives. :wub: Sadly his duties prevented him from engaging in such romantic escapades. No doubt he was on the important mission of preventing bandits clad in Glass armor from robbing travelers on their hard-earned 100 gold pieces. :pinch: JAJAAJJ!!! is the hard part of being a soldier, i say that for experience^^, Duty... or girls (at least in my case....) believe me, sometimes reality exceed the fiction
  10. for me? Methredel, i know there others more cute... and with better body shape, but i have "something" with girls with "well placed fat" she's also a funny girl too. Or Antonietta Marie... she's sexy and cute, and sweet hearted with her "brothers and sisters" a bit psycopathic too...dating her can be really challenging and even dangerous....but i think she's worthy of the risk...
  11. ... i can't remember clearly i played looooong time ago...
  12. JAJAJ! for this reason you have to come in... to fix all of this^^ The Night Mother has an excuse.... she's just a spirit XD
  13. JAJA! now i remembered the LAME end of the first fallout^^ I remember the turn style of the previous games, especially the first, in fact, some weapons had something like the VATS (was the combat shotgun? i cannot remember)... i always preferred real-time action (in fact, that's one thing that attracted me of Oblivion, real time combat and 99% control over your actions, not point and see) than turns, but is a good detail to have... think about it... sniping for example, you will not try to shoot to an spot in the body when you have a buch of thugs over there.... but sniping, in sniping YOU HAVE to aim to a particular spot....
  14. Time ago i had.....750 saves..... thanks the nine someone told me how to erase taht excess
  15. The world of Fallout (wich i played the FIRST game) is necessarily a dark and fairly depressing place, but... they have some elements that reminds me my favourite lore.... de WH 40.000 lore... a GRIMDARK environment with GRIMDARK enemies and friends who are enought GRIMDARK by themselves... readin some novels in this lore, you can see that F3 seems fairly enough to the description of "civilitzation" in the 41st millenia... so... for a lot of people who doesn't bound him/herself to the ES lore, es AWESOME...
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