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Posts posted by Dicecaster

  1. Semantics. Bascally, just don't use the term truth in context in place of a belief or opinion


    But that's part of my point: relativists seem to confuse the term.


    Debate is about consideration of facts and the implications of a specific position or circumstance. If debate were to change belief or opinion, then very little would ever be done in business or government.


    Relative truth is a false concept.

    The law of non-contradiction says two contradictory statements cannot both be true at the same time.

    It is further a false concept because of the law of excluded middle. Something is either true or false; there is no third option, as would be necessary for a relative truth to exist.

    Truth is absolute and narrow because it excludes its opposite. Relativists will argue that one cannot truly know reality and thus absolute truth does not exist, but this is an inconsistent argument.

    1 plus 1 equals 2; this is an absolute truth and is reality and while one may want to debate whether or not 1 plus 1 equals 2, that doesn’t change its absolute truth.


    Debate to identify a “truth” is an outlandish idea as something that is a truth cannot be debated.

    However, relative truth is at best an opinion based upon specific conditions. Relative truth can be debated because it is neither true nor false, it is a position based upon specific conditions, and conditions can (and do) change.


    I think we may be using the word debate in different contexts. Why is it that truth can't be debated (or, more precisely, whether something is truth)?


    I agree with the points made against relativism (thank you, Nintii); I myself believe that absolute truth is the reality. I am looking to understand how a relativist supports his stance.

  2. Here is my understanding of relative truth: All truth is relative to the individual (i.e. something true for me does not have to be true to others), except for the concept of relative truth itself, which is true for everyone. So, for example, I can believe that owning a weapon is wrong*, and that's true for me. But maybe you believe that there is nothing wrong about owning a weapon, and that's true for you. Belief and truth are the same thing (or are, at least, mutually inclusive).


    * Which, to be clear, I don't.


    But debate is centered on getting other people to believe that what you believe is true. "I think guns are wrong, and here's why you should also believe guns are wrong." And, by trying to change their belief, you are trying to change their truth. But why would you try to make them believe that what you believe is right, if what they believe is also right? What's the point?


    This is my understanding. All advocates of relative truth, please explain your understanding to me.

  3. I enjoy playing video games, and really getting into the mechanics of it and whatnot is fun. But I also really like messing around in a game for no actual game benefit whatsoever. For a simple example, it's fun to play any MMO and dive off ridiculously tall towers (especially if the game has slow-falling, like DDO). Obviously, open world games like the Elder Scrolls series allow you to do tons of fun stuff, if you're dedicated enough. My questions is this: what are some games that really lend themselves to, basically, being silly? Not at all genre-specific.

  4. Granted. An angel is chained to your living room floor for your amusement. Unfortunately for you, he only sits there quietly. But you know he's judging you. Nothing you do is good enough for the angel. At first you try to simply ignore him. Then you try to get him to say something, anything. But no. Just the constant fierce stares. It drives you mad. You can't live like this. How can anyone live with someone who is impossible to please? You have to get out. You would do anything to get out. So you abandon your house and take to the streets. But then you discover that the angel wasn't really chained to the house, he was chained to YOU. You drive yourself mad trying to escape him, but the farther you run the faster he chases.


    You find yourself on top of a tall building, overlooking the crowded streets below. Now is your only true chance for escape.




    I wish for spring rainbows.

  5. .....uuuxuouuuuuuuuuu.....

















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    ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$% Brian D. Quick


    Crap, it didn't work. Well, it was supposed to be a Coca-Cola can. Here's where I found it, anyway.

  6. 7 on the awesome scale*:




    By the way, that Russia one was great.



  7. Granted.

    *Bombards bluekatt with ten-foot-diameter snowballs of death as he/she* flees.


    I wish I could have any one advantage out of the core GURPS rulebooks.


    *Yes, I'm too lazy to go to your page and look up your gender.

  8. Ok, so that´s why my topic of the same name got deleted, someone already had a topic about it.


    Personally I have been in love ONCE ( don´t count my first girlfriend as being in love, more like lust), and I don´t intend to repeat the mistake.


    Love that a parent feels for a child is good, but love between two adults is NOT necessarily good. I don´t like being attached to a person in ANY way, emotionally, fianacially, professionalyy or in any other way. I quite like being alone. I don´t have to put up with a nagging *censored* in my own house like countless other hapless men have to (and some of them even like having those "golden chains" in their fingers, called wedding rings)


    Having little experience in REAL relationships, I am not really qualified to debate the issue, but I know what love is and I don´t like it. It ties a person to another and robs them of their individuality. Women will inevitably attempt and change their partner to something they like and men are expected to follow along as "women know best" when it comes to relationships. Personally I am NOT about to change any part of myself for any lady and I discourage other men from giving in to their girlfriends/wives demands.


    Of course they will. Men will, too. Two people living together on a long-term basis, no matter how similar, will try subtly (and usually sub-consciously) to change each other to better suit themselves. That's just a way of life.


    If, however, you are talking about women who try to bend their partners to their own whims and desires, that is not always the case. Though I could use many examples, let me examine my own parents. Married happily for quite some time (I don't want to specify how long, mind you), they will still (for example) kiss passionately when they meet each other after a long day's work. Like any couple, they have fights, but even in these they always respect each other and are trying (however spiritedly) to reach an ideal conclusion. Though they may try to change each other's personal habits to better suit themselves, they also love each other's underlying traits, and would never think to change them.


    Now, I'm sure the women you describe exist plentifully, but the ". . . and men are expected to follow along as 'women know best'" thing? Yeah, that is crap. I'm not at all surprised one wouldn't want to do that. "Expected to"?


    In short, love needn't chain one person to another. Thank you, however, for telling us how it might manifest that way.


    P.S. If that came across rude or pointed in any way, understand that that's not my intention at all and I just have a way of choosing poor words.

  9. Granted. You gain nothing other than the un-corruptible wish, however.


    I wish to understand the supposed "clever, self-referential humor" that MLF supposedly contains*.


    *Watched the first two episodes, still seems pretty much like just another frivolous little girl show.

  10. It's really simple: If you happen to find an awesome picture (satirical or otherwise), you just post it here. The only rule is that you must wait until one other person posts a picture before you can post another one.


    I'll start:



  11. Granted, but you accidentally lose your grip at one point, and when they snap back into place, everything is shaken out of place, creating a new (but not alternate) reality in which you do not exist.


    I wish you could view your character in Skyrim without having to sheath your weapons.

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