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Posts posted by Dicecaster

  1. So, I recently watched the movie 2012, and I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on the subject. The only thing I've got to say is: if all the superheroes lived in our world, and such a catastrophe really occured, Aquaman would be laughing his butt off.
  2. Your unstated wish is granted: however, there wasn't enough ice to cover the flaming burger while, simultaneously, milking the other three cows.


    I wish for the ability to use photosynthesis to support my body, instead of food consumption.

  3. Granted, but it wasn't a legal release *ghgh* Captain, another ACR owner, shall we move in? Roger, you have a go, sergeant.*ghgh*.


    I wish I were better at making text that conveyed the meaning of white noise/static.

  4. Granted, but that draws attention away from this game.


    I wish pirates and ninjas could consider each other equals, and that I knew what the reason for this :psyduck: is (I know that's technically two wishes, go with it).

  5. Granted, but you can't find all your good textures, so your stuck with just the one that looks like carpet.


    I wish I could get Skyrim and Battlefield 3 in a bundle for $2.00.

  6. Granted, but the National Anti-Sheep Force (NASF) recruited every non-sheep member, and then utterly OBLITERATED the sheep infestation. *Cough*


    I wish the sheep bandwagon died faster (offense only partially intended. . .)

  7. Granted, but the mods take out all the content except the landscape and the PC (NPC's, equipment, enemies, cities, etc.).


    I wish I could think up my own obscure reference to talk about (and award other members for recalling).

  8. Granted, it mows away all your peace and calm (type "define:lown" in a Google search bar).


    I wish I'd played Neverwinter Nights more (I should've known who Deekin is, but I have woefully underplayed the game).

  9. Right, I'm a huge fan of Halo 2 for Windows Vista, and I'm trying to figure out how to use custom maps (from halomaps.org). I've consulted this thread already, and it didn't work after trying it both ways. Also, I'm specifically trying to use them in online games, is this possible or can you only do it for LAN games (which would explain all the trouble I've been having)?
  10. Granted, but you (therefore) learn nothing from it, and your time spent in education yourself is, in fact, worthless.


    I wish I could get steam to work so I could play my knew copy of Half-Life 2.

  11. Granted, but it takes massive amounts of energy and only travels up to four minutes per travel (in both directions, though!).


    I wish I knew where to find a working copy of Doom 3 (or how to use this one on my Windows Vista computer).

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