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Everything posted by Breeish

  1. My hope for the Dead Thrall spell is that it could be used on something other than humanoids. I don't think zombie sabercats or wolves is too unreasonable XD
  2. Hiya, I've been looking everywhere for this. :( But when you holster your spear its on your hip, clipping through your arm, and the shaft hangs in a way that should be causing you to trip constantly, particularly while sneaking. I was wondering if anyone has found or could make a mod that has the spear resting across your back when not in use,
  3. Hello, I was wondering if someone could retex the vicious dog so it doesn't have open wounds, I was going to but I don't know how to get to the texture files, and don't think I would get it to look right. http://fallout.neoseeker.com/w/i/fallout/thumb/f/f5/Vicious_Dog.png/250px-Vicious_Dog.png Thank you. :) EDIT: I found some skins here (if anyone else was looking) http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8179 They still have open wounds, but at least I can get to them to edit them now.
  4. I really enjoyed the changes to the races (Particularly the Dalish) in DA2. Defining them from humans quite a bit. The Qun as well, I was wondering if anyone had thought about moving the character models from DA2 into DAO.
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