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Everything posted by Zazza

  1. Thanks... Well you COULD sort it with a script and a second forms list but it would not really be worth the effort. you could refwalk through one forms list and add to another while removing the ref from the original list, once all ref's are moved you could run through the new list sorting (as needed) and adding the ref's back to the original forms list and removing the ref's from the second list. but as i said not really worth the effort unless the forms list was so big that it lagged up your computer but then you would run into a bigger problem with lag. Hi! I found a couple of topics in the forum about the method you're referring to. But I can't understand, even using two formlists, how can alphabetically sort the items...
  2. Greetings, is there a way (through NVSE scripting) to alpha sort a formlist populated on runtime?
  3. Greetings, I was able to add a box in the inventory and to update the "Value to Weight" ratio (obviously) only when clicking to equip a weapon in the inventory. I wonder if there's some way through NVSE to detect the item under the pointer...
  4. Well, adding this information in the main HUD is no problem; in fact, a little script I wrote just suits the needs. The problem is adding (duplicate) an inventory box (for example) in this position: http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/7787/pipboyi.jpg and modify the inventory_menu.xml and items_stat_display_inventory.xml consequently to show the variable that stores the calculated value in the script. So, two questions come into my mind: 1) Is it possible to add another box element the inventory menu? and 2) Suppose I have my newly created box in the menu, will it update its value even while hovering the mouse on the inventory item (like shown in the above image)?
  5. Greetings, as the topic says, I wonder if it's possible to add some other properties (for example, the "Value to Weight ratio") to the Weapon menu? Is scripting required or can this be done thru XLM menu editing? Thanks...
  6. Well... My fault. :whistling: I always had black screen crash when opening the map. Turns out that I've overclocked my VGA too much. Lowering the frequencies fixed the problem (fingers crossed). Strange thing, the game was absolutely stable except when accessing the map. Who knows.
  7. If I add these lines to my configuration, my black screen crash turns into an instant CTD when accessing the map. Using instead the "Bloody screen removal" mod and keeping the bBloodSplatterEnabled on default, can't stop the game from crashing with black screen. I really don't have any clues.
  8. Well, that's insane. Got your same problem but, in my case, adding this line make Skyrim instantly crash to desktop without warning when opening the map. If you didn't already, you should report it in this thread (the complete crash one): http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/456889-skyrim-complete-pc-crashes/
  9. Still crashing to me even with the latest (1.3) Steam update and still in the same way: only when accessing the damn map. When I launch Skyrim and load a previously saved game I can immediately switch map on and off dozens of times without problems. But when I move a little around the world for a couple of seconds and open it again, here it comes the black screen. Among other things, I've tried disabling Aero and the in-game Steam interface.
  10. Just to add my experience... Skyrim seems to only crash with black screen when the map is opened. Strange thing: same happened to me while opening the map on Dead Island. I wonder if the problem is some kind related to a "GPU switching state"... Playing with an ATI 5870.
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