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About eliralena

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    United States
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    Fallout new Vegas
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    Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, & Fallout New Vegas

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  1. Okay I know I know... put it in my signature... blah blah... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyhrmjLUwJg Check this out though! This is a music vid I just finished a few hours ago! I hope you enjoy and I will be putting this in my signature soon enough`!
  2. I was wondering if someone happened to have the killable child mod out there still... or if someone could create a new one, something of the sort... I wanted to test it out so badly and use it... With the child killer perk etc. etc. I thought it was absolutely ridiculous and unreal to not be able to kill children in FONV and FO3. I know there is a kill child mod in FO3... Would someone be able to reload it or remake it again? For the realism factor? The reason why I really want it is for the fact that in reality you can kill a child (not that I would do that) and I'm planning on using the child mods to make a child character, was kind of hoping to be able to kill other children, so on and so forth... As morbid as this makes me sound, I know, I know... pretty bad, but still, the whole concept that you can't kill children when in FO1 and FO2 you could, you'd just be dubbed as a child killer... Anyways, I'm done ranting...
  3. I did that... and I saved... and I can't find the file! (cries)
  4. Okay, this sounds dumb... for some reason I can't make a face for the main character... I want Benny's face as a preset face because i have some ideas for music vidoes >.< I tried making one and it wouldn't save on my Geck.,.. SOOO, I came here to request... I think it's a really simple request isn't it? I don't know... Please someone make a Benny face preset... I will give you kudos!!!!
  5. I felt like a bug when I sent you PMs on a kind of regular basis... glad to hear I wasn't the only one... Yes, real life does come before a game and editting... n.n and I am really glad you didn't abondon this project! I had an idea to throw out there since I know that characters tend to stop talking all together after a certain point... Maybe, just throwing this out there... As a simple modding suggestion... What you should do is create a 'whole' new benny, one that is of course Benny but isn't scripted in with the original Benny... I don't know why people didn't think of this for Mister Burke in FO3 when they wanted to make it so then he's there... If someone can great Dogmeat for FONV Benny shouldn't be too hard to recreate. You've got the whiny little Dogmeat... >.> Benny using his voice etc... But a whole new NPC (though it being a copy-cat of Benny himself) I think would help... Now I'm going on a tangent... What I'm saying is... Dogmeat, in FONV... WORKS In FO3, someone fixed Mister Burke to Join up with you AFTER you woo him, and made it so then you could be a good guy... Bug in the system- He won't talk to you after the intial joining... Easiest solution for that, which I was gonna try and work on but I don't know the first thing about making a companion. "Have him say something about Tenpenny tower... Recreate him at Tenpenny tower as an extra mod... >.> Meet up with him... OMG it's a Mister Burke Companion that would work.. I have a feeling Benny might have the same problem after you have him join up with you... The whole not talking... So creating a new npc that looks, acts, and has the same name may work better... It'd still be Benny, and no one would be the wiser... he'd just have a different code... Big Whoop!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HARTsTTthUI Okay this is going to be in my signature but I figured I'd post this and say O.o hey, I made another one n.n Let you down by Three Days grace, NOT a Rick Roll (don't even know the song or even what one is) Enjoy!
  7. A ton of demand for one that works! Thanks Djoe! >.> Yes we want to see one that will actually work! I think Bethesda left quite a bit out... kind of loose ends to storyline!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73LbzPdktYo Okay so I made this vid, used some mods, I give credit to the modders in the description, though some of the mods, I realize, I didn't use in the vid I still gave these modders credit. Alright, so again like I said it's the 2nd music vid I've ever made... It just got stuck in my head. Anyways, yes it has somne spoilers, I.E. talking to benny, OH and killing caesar, oh, and setting benny free... oh and the obvious fact that you can have hey hey with him. XD Anyways I hope you guys enjoy, I didn't know if I could post this anywhere else.
  9. >.> well I just didn't care either way heh... n.n though it's awesome that drg6525 is working on this!
  10. alright n.n XD Sorry someone recently released a mod to add Benny to the game... problem I had >.> it didn't work AT ALL with FONV, at least for me... @__@ I even tried it on my mom's computer so it just tells me that ._. I can't use that mod which made me die inside a little
  11. hey just wondering how's the progress coming? >.>; I've been trying to work on this specific project myself @__@ working on the lines first before going head on completely into it >.>;
  12. I actually just figured this out >.> no need to respond yayness
  13. another question... >.> there's the export thing... the problem I am facing, HOW do you extract the file... ?? -.-
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