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About mackolus

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  1. You should be able to verify that you have the latest patch by navigating to your install directory and hovering your mouse over the launcher exe and in the dialog box that appears ...should read and the witcher exe located in the bin folder should read 1.2.6276.44681 Just guessing on your install directory but should be similar to the following X:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\common\The Witcher 2 Thanks, I overlooked the file version.....my launcher is the correct version, but the witcher exe is still Game cache is fine according to Steam, and I had deleted the Client Registry blob and AppUpdateStatus, which forced the 9gb patch to download again (or at least I had been led to believe that would do the trick) but it seems I am still missing something?
  2. It seems to be running the latest patch and I verified the game cache, and its fine. Still, I manually forced Steam to re-download the huge patch, but the issue persists. And I tried left clicking during the cutscenes. I've been in communication with CD Projeckt, but still no luck.
  3. I've got the Steam version of the game, and I would try posting in those forums, but my Steam account is for some reason not letting me post, so I am wondering if someone on here could help me. System stats Win 7 64 bit Intel core i7 920 Nvidia GTX 580 6GB RAM My problem is that at the first dialog scene in the dungeons, I am unable to select either dialog option, using either the mouse or the keyboard. I can highlight either option, but cannot get them to actually be accepted. On the same token, I am unable to skip the opening cutscenes and cinematics after exiting and starting a new game, although I can press Esc to access and properly navigate the game menu once in the dungeon. I have tried running in windowed mode, with different resolutions, and have updated my drivers but to no avail. Anyone have any suggestions?
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