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  1. I have uninstalled/installed everything again and started from scratch, including deleteing all INI files and the Skyrim folder contents. This time I ran FRAPS when I create a new game - and during the intro scene I was getting 5-7 fps. CLosed the game and restarted, then I got 45-50 fps. Played all the way through till I was outside Helgen, saved. THis morning I tried it again, loaded last save, loading screen I watch the FPS go down to 10, again nothing actually loaded on screen yet. Then 5 minutes later it finishes loading and the FPS are at 7. Quit game, relaod saved games, FPS 48. Quit game, reload saved game, long wait FPS 7. Does anyone have any ideas of where to start looking for the problem? EDIT: Believe I have found the culprit. I was using the beta version of nVidia driver, my fault for listening to strangers, and after rolloing back to the latest offical version all my problem went away... so far Thanks Steve
  2. Thanks for quick reply Leeira I had deleted the INI and all the files in skyrim folder so there were no MOD files left. I can see it in NMM that there are no mods and on HiRes DLC ESP files are list , besides the skyrim of course Did as you suggested in console and the FPS went up while loading then dropped right back to 7 again. I suppose I could start from scratch again in case it is the save files but I have about 8 saves, all done manually as I turn off all the autosave features and the problem happens with them all Thanks Steve
  3. Hello All, I have been playing skyrim since the begining , everything worked fine in the past - 30+ FPS with all the STEP mods installed. A new version of STEP came out and I wanted to start fresh as a different character (mage) so I ' deleted local content' in steam and the physically removed any left overs files and reinstalled Without any mods installed - and turning off the HiRes DLC I am getting this weird behaviour when starting the game. After select continue OR Load -> Select game, the load screen will sit for over 1 minute and I will start to see the FPS go down to about 10 fps - nothing has actually loaded on the screen. Then the screen will load and the max FPS I am getting, just looking around ravenwood is 7 fps Closing down and restarting sometime helps, then I get back up to 45+, but its hit and miss. Any ideas on what could be casuing this. Nothing has changed on the PC: Windows 7 Intell i5 2500K 8 gig ram GeForce GTX 460 - over clocked with 1 gig Have done all basic maintenanec , defrag etc... Thanks Steve
  4. Hello All, Been playing Skyrim for awhile now and missed the desert and shooting so have resintalled FNV and just getting it setup with all mods etc.. and I was wondering if there are any recommended settting for NVIDIA cards via the FNV profile simliar to the recommended setting for the Skyrim profile, as shown here.... NVIDIA Profile Really made a difference to the look of Skyrim and I assume it could enhance FNV but I have no idea what any of it actually does :-) Also wondering if there is a recommended mods document for FNV similar to S.T.E.P. for Skyrim which has really made things so much easier for a non-techy like myself FWIW, I have an overclocked GTS 460, i5 2500-K 3.30 hz, 8gig ram Thanks All Steve
  5. I am using my HTPC to play FO3 and I can't get the game to display properly. I have Gigabyte Super Overclocked GTX 460 video card. Since this is a wide-screen TV I assumed to set it at 16:9, but I loose about 2" of the game on either side, pipboy doesn't even fit into the screen. If I change the 4:5 it fits a bit better but then I can only set the resolutions to 1024x768 and I am still loosing stuff on the sides Is there any setting in the INI file I can change to force it to fit the screen
  6. I am wondering if I upgraded GTX 460 would that be enough to play Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas (which I don't have yet) on high specs with good fps? I should add I would be using this in my HTPC so would be viewing on 40" HD TV. While currently my GeForce 8600 GTS is doing 'ok' I have had to cut some of the quality etc.. down to avoid crashing and stuttering Thanks for and and all comments Steve
  7. Thanks Fonger. I suppose it isn't worth it to get the extra 2 gig - will just say that money and put it towards a new graphics card
  8. Just got the FO3, been reading through this forum and I have seen many message/guides regarding tweaking to get the most FPS you can an I was just wondering, considering the PC I have described in my sig, how many FPS should I expect so I have something to aim for? Another 1 gig of RAM is on the way, if I bought 2 more (4 total) would that improve my FPS? That is about the only thing I can afford to do at this time.
  9. Thanks Fonger. I will be using FOMM, I used the mod manager in oblivion and I couldn't image using mods without it The MODs I have my eyes on for now are: NMCs texture (Lite version) Ambient Wasteland Enhanced Weather Fallout Streetlights Enhanced Nightsky Do you or anyone see a problem with adding these with my current setup? Wondering if I should move this down into the MODs section Thanks Steve
  10. Happy Holidays All, Got Fallout 3 for xmas and have installed it on the following pc: Processor: Intel Core 2 Dua 2.33 ghz Graphics Card: GeForce 8600 GTS ( most recent drivers installed) Ram: 1 gig (awaiting 2nd gig to be delivered) Sound: XONAR DS When I first started FO3 it choose 'High' quality to run in, I didn't change any settings however after the game crashed constantly when I made it out of the vault (it was fine inside). I turned down/off the AA and AF which seems to have helped My question is. Is it worth me trying to apply the texture and visual based effects (like project beauty I think its called) if I am having problem just running with AA/AF setup as the default. I loved them in Oblivion. Thanks for any and all thoughts Steve
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