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About Evan555alpha

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  1. Oh boy, more change for the sake of change, now with 20% more wasted space! Gotta keep those UI "designers" employed somehow, I suppose... I have a standard 16:9 monitor, as I'm sure the majority of other users do. Make use of all that space, please! That's all I'll say on the subject, lest I end up getting banned for saying mean words.
  2. Ignore this, turns out the cloting that I had moved over was either not linked to something at all, or linked to the wrong part of the body mesh. Setting both parts of the clothing to upperbody, rather than leftcalf (or thereabouts), fixed it.
  3. Hi, I'm trying to get several meshes from various things to work together. Basically, it's Veronica's BNB outfit fitted onto the type3BG body base. In NifSkope, it looks fine, but in the game, it's similar to a BNB bug when you forgot the skeleton.nif file. In my case, however, The top half of the body is fine, until the top of the belly starts. After that point, it's like there is a missing skeleton part and it just stretches on for a long while. The legs are also fine, until the bottom of the belly is reached. Would anyone have an idea of what Might be going on? Am I missing parts of the skeleton? Thanks.
  4. I have tried this before, but to no avail. I'm going to try without the animated workbenches mod and just see what happens. Edit: just tried without said mod. No dice.
  5. Okay, so I'm using all of These mods, and I've encountered A weird control bug. Basically, I can move the mouse/player view up and down, but not side to side. WASD are all unresponsive, but the rest of the keys are fine. I cannot use my mouse buttons to ready or zoom in. I can, however, use the scroll wheel to change between 1st and 3rd person. I have a feeling that it was the Animated workbences mod that has caused this, because I sometimes encounter it at workbenches, but I am able to fix it by reactivating the workbench. I have a companion with me, and using the companion wheel to access their inventory to try and hotfix this has yielded unwanted results. Does anyone have a proper fix to this, if any? Note; only one save is affected. The rest are fine. If required, I can upload the save to Dropbox. Thanks in advance.
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