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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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  1. In response to post #32460130. if you are launching from the Steam launcher, it will automatically cancel all mod .esp's. To get around this, open up Nexus Mod Manager, launch FO4, but only to the Setup screen where you can change your graphics options...don't actually continue your game. Then go back to the NMM and re-enable all mods under the Plugins tab (check all the boxes) for mods you want active). Then go back to the Fallout screen and launch the game. However, to keep from having to do this every time, I've installed the Fallout Script Extender and just use that launcher instead of the Steam Launcher. Hope this helps.
  2. I have exceptionally long loads too. When going from indoors to outdoors, it takes 2 full minutes or longer. When going outdoors to indoors it takes 30 seconds. I have noticed that if I go from outside to inside and then go straight back outside, he load is under 5 seconds. This would indicate that it caches the last location from which you transitioned, but once make anew transition, you loose everything before that and have to completely reload it. I have a pretty smoking machine thatI built just for this and BF3 (which it plays flawlessly). FWIW, I also experience the TERRIBLE mouse issues as well. I end up using a gamepad cause the KM are worthless. I did the ini fix which turns off the Vsync but then screen tearing is so bad it isnt worth it. 3.2 Ghz i5 2500k GTX 560 Ti 8 GB RAM
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