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  1. Oh and one more important thing. The freeze can still happen while in the pip boy menu, or even when the game is paused. A freeze, even after being paused... Im not sure how that's even possible, but it's happened more than once, after waiting in the menu for about a minute or more.
  2. To answer your questions. Yes. It's both. So in both railroad HQ and fishpacking (both "hotspots"), sometimes I can load an outside save and make it 20+ minutes in, or even all the way through. Sometimes it happens in seconds. Could be anything in between. That's what makes testing so frustrating. BUT, if I load a save right before the freeze, it's predictable. Eg, I can reload do the same 3 minute sequence over and over, and I crash in the exact same spot reliably. But if I save too soon before the crash (like 20 seconds?), the save is corrupt. That post-save crash still happens even with a default ini and no mods, a cleaned save, and medium settings at 1440p. Only happens indoors basically, and only in certain places. It happened Once outside, but that's compared the 100 or so times inside, so I think that was a fluke. As I said, dropping to 1080p completely eliminates it. 100%. Enabling/disabling mods is tricky since it sometimes takes so long to crash (and I have to waste playtime if it refuses to freeze then), but I can confirm the freeze still happens with no texture mods enabled, no elfx(I disabled that long ago), no ENB and my Vram not even close to being full. Thanks for the NAC suggestion, I'm gonna try it soon. However the crash still happens with NAC uninstalled, even from an outside save. As a workaround I just drop to 1080p in railroad HQ or when I freeze, and just restore the old ini when I go back outside. That's still annoying though.
  3. Already did, sorry for late reply. On, off, with different settings, doesn't make a difference. For future reference (if anyone ever reads this thread) dropping to 1080p seems to fix everything, oddly enough. Is this a symptom of a bad mod, or just running with my settings too high?
  4. Just ENBoost. Mostly medium settings. I am running at 2560x1440. But it isn't even filling VRAM all the way up with my current (low) settings. System RAM gets up to about 6.5GB in this particular area according to rivatuner (I have 12GB). I did notice that using the default ini (which drops it down to 1080p medium) stopped the 30 second crash from a particular save. But like I said, I can't get anything conclusive... sometimes I'll think a change fixed it, then it hangs 15 minutes later and I'm back to square 1.
  5. Issue is back. Not as frequent this time, but that just makes testing it almost impossible. It probably is my GPU, TBH, because I know its a texture issue now. I'm guessing a 3GB card just isn't enough to handle this much in FO4 :(
  6. Already using a lot of theirs plus a few more, from this guide: http://wiki.step-project.com/User:Gernash/MODWiki#Landscape_Texture_and_LOD_Replacements I thought those textures would just overwrite the high-res DLC, but I guess it wasn't mentioned there for a reason. Not sure if I'm stable yet, but at least I can walk into the Railroad HQ without freezing the whole computer now.
  7. There's a slightly better strategy than that. First, you disable all your mods and check for a CTD, like you said. Then you enable 1/2 of them. If you CTD, you know a problem is in that 1/2. If you don't, it's in the other 1/2. Enable the non-problem mods, and disable 1/2 of the potential problem ones (so 3/4 of your mods are enabled). Repeat. If you have a giant mod list, this lets you converge on the problem mod much more quickly, especially if it's an inconsistent CTD or a system hang.
  8. OK, so I disabled 1 more thing. 10 minutes with no crash from that impossible save. No... It can't be. No way, nuh uh. God **** it Bethesda! Its the high resolution DLC. An official texture pack was crashing my game, of all things. All those hours looking for a bad mod... Excuse me, I'm gonna go bang my head against a wall for a couple of minutes.
  9. But even that's hardly an option, as I don't know what mod is the problem. I'd have to run vanilla. _______________________ Could someone do me a big favor? Try loading this quicksave (with all the DLC) and see if you crash: (save) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw8Qfkjm1-GiVWNKZWJRN3BGTm8 (f4se file) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw8Qfkjm1-GieGtZczBJSjZha0k I crash about 45 seconds into the conversation, 100% of the time. Mods, INI, and ENB don't change that. Quicksave any later, and FO4 won't load it, while the script editor complains about a missing papyrus block. Tried comparing the saves in the script editor, haven't found anything yet. Here's a stable save from that same game, from a few minutes earlier, just for reference: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw8Qfkjm1-GiX1FoN1BDampTZVk https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw8Qfkjm1-GieEI4MGxKXzRQb1U Mods, INI, ENB, none of that changes it.
  10. OP is misleading (maybe based on an old version?), you're not supposed to delete the BSAs or other files in the directory.
  11. Thanks, didn't know that. Doesn't say anything about it in the ReadMe, I just assumed they were source or example files. Sadly, neither the save cleaner nor the data files helped :sad: Here's the last log, if it matters, but the one before that didn't even have an entry anywhere near the crash: https://pastebin.com/4a3gmNkv Interestingly, the save cleaner won't even load my last quicksave: http://i.cubeupload.com/lgpoKn.png That can't be good.
  12. Appears to already be installed (though I'll go ahead and overwrite it anyway). Hmmmm, maybe MO2 is isn't launching it right. http://i.cubeupload.com/oVfA4Z.png And thanks for the warning. EDIT: Appears to be right in MO2: http://i.cubeupload.com/8zp5BU.png
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