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Status Updates posted by Zonzai

  1. I saw some of your images on the real girls page. what is this rebalanced light shadows thing? Also I am working on this texture again.
  2. Hi,

    I'm making a mod with a few dungeons in it. I would like permission to equip some of the bosses in these dungeons with your spells. The spells will not be acquired by the player. You will receive full credit and I will post a link to your mod. Thank you for your time.


  3. I should add an evil laugh after that last post shouldn't I?


  4. Okay, thanks for the info on that. I'll see if I can rope somebody in to doing this for me.
  5. I'm currently working on two major projects. The first is finding a new place to live. I'm staying with friends for a while. So until I find a new place my modding time is limited. The second project I am working on s called Leather & Lace which will be a great mod. I've got a great team to work with. But it is a big mod. So if you don't see me on much rest easy knowing I am still here and still working.
  6. Hey,

    Sorry I've been busy with RL stuff the past couple of weeks. I have a question/assignment/request. How hard is it to add havoc physics to an object?

    Our bordello has a really awesome bath in it but I was thinking it would be really cool to have floating flower pedals and maybe some roses in the bath. Something that would be exotic and make it a bit more finished.

  7. Hey,

    You don't know this but I have been a long-time fan and user of both your bright eyes and fountain of youth beauty project. Both of which I feel are under-appreciated. I am creating a new race and I would love to get your permission to incorporate your awesome eyebrows and eyes into it. I will give you full credit and post links to both of your mods. These will be used o...

  8. Hi,

    I am making a race mod which uses custom head tattoos. I am hoping that you will give me permission to use your Better Females mod as the basis of these tattooed textures. I would like to incorporate Dimon99's neck blend, improved lips from Xenius and no more blocky faces, as well as slight custom changes (mostly tattoos). You will receive full credit for your work and I w...

  9. Hey I really like your mage tower mod. Since you don't seem to be working on it any more, I was wondering if I could get your permission to incorporate it as a part of The Art of Magicka. I need a good mage player home to incorporate all of my new items. Since you don't seem to be around I am going to assume that you don't mind. if you do mind, I will remove it.
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