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Everything posted by Zonzai

  1. I saw some of your images on the real girls page. what is this rebalanced light shadows thing? Also I am working on this texture again.
  2. I'm having the same issue as others here. None of the suggested fixes have helped. I have some mods I need to finish up these next couple weeks. I've used SKSE before but never had this problem. I don't know what to do except hope for a fix.
  3. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_1 That should give you all of the information you will need to create the armor. Right now it is not possible to add a new category to the crafting stations. They seem to be hard-coded into the game. What you can do however is create a new crafting station. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12409/? The above mod adds new crafting stations. All you need to do is go into the CK and add items to it. You will have to get the Creation Kit off of Steam. And then look at how some other mods are set up (any changes made by an activated mod have a * by them). You can potentially create a crafting station from anything. You could even make your own. To make a mining node you will have to copy and edit the existing ore veins. They can't really be created entirely from scratch. You can easily replace the texture and even the model of the ore vein though. https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-adobe-photoshop For texturing, you will really want photoshop. There is a reason professional texture artists work back and forth between photoshop and 3ds. You will need a dds plugin for a decent normal map anyway. At some point you will probably also want to get your hands on a BSA unpacker. There are several on the Nexus. This will allow you to see the game's models and textures and edit them directly. And for armor you will need to make sure to equip a maximum compatibility skeleton for your armor or people with a lot of mods will encounter CTDs. You can also get creative. As an example that I am familiar with, what I did with The Art of Magicka was make many special items craftable only after unlocking certain perks. Your professor probably won't know how easy it is to do that. The CK allows you to easily make any perk unlock an item at a crafting station of your choice. Using the same system, you can use a book to teach characters a new perk to learn to craft the item. I'm sure there are better things you could do too. Good luck. And please post your final project up on the Nexus.
  4. Sounds like a great improvement. I always tag my own files. Not doing so is irresponsible. -EDIT- Also... Please repeat after me: penis penis penis, vagina vagina vagina. - Dark0ne Best quote ever.
  5. I upload for others to enjoy. I mod because I enjoy it. While I don't care as much about how many people use my files as some people do, I do think that the more people who see the mod the better. If I spent hours and hours on a mod and nobody ever saw it, I would be bummed. That said, I do not time my mods nor anticipate hot files or files of the month. Somehow I've hit hot files once but that's it. My Art of Magicka mod has never been a hot file or a file of the month and it has 369,929 unique downloads and 3350 endorsements as of three seconds ago. That's more than enough. How I got exposure, was by starting the mod during the early pre-CK days of Skyrim and continually evolving it for months and months. And in my opinion that second part is what took it from a mod with a small following to a mod with a huge number of users. It doesn't have the ridiculous unmerited number of endorsements that some files have but I'm okay with that. All of that aside, I agree with the OP that there should be more ways to get exposure. Perhaps payed advertisements? I could spend some of that donation money to pimp my mods. Nexus could use the money.
  6. I know you guys - Nexus Moderators - take a lot of guff from us but speaking as a modder, you are a big part of what keeps me posting mods on Nexus and not elsewhere. Without you the Nexus would not be the Nexus. Thank you for taking care of us.
  7. Just started playing it. That's why I ask. Not sure what server I am on though.
  8. Every mod that you have installed and everything in the data folder will put additional stress on the Skyrim engine and has the potential to cause CTDs. It doesn't seem to be as hearty as Oblivion or even Fallout. Due to Skyrim's popularity, I think that with additional patches Bethesda will iron out the kinks but right now it is prone to crashing. Most conflicts will not cause your game to crash, but if you get too many minor conflicts and/or too many mods all being used at once, eventually your game will start crashing. For most people this isn't going to be the case and it will just be some kind of conflict. But you have a lot of mods installed and I would be willing to bet that your game is getting to be rather unstable. Even if you are able to resolve the current conflict you could be in for more problems in the future and could even end up corrupting your save games. To prevent future problems I suggest manually uninstalling the mods that you don't use and using Skyrim Savegame De-bloatifier and/or skyrim savegame scanner to keep your saves safe. P.S. If you have any scripts installed they can be found in skyrim/data/scripts.
  9. Hi,

    I'm making a mod with a few dungeons in it. I would like permission to equip some of the bosses in these dungeons with your spells. The spells will not be acquired by the player. You will receive full credit and I will post a link to your mod. Thank you for your time.


  10. I should add an evil laugh after that last post shouldn't I?


  11. Okay, thanks for the info on that. I'll see if I can rope somebody in to doing this for me.
  12. I'm currently working on two major projects. The first is finding a new place to live. I'm staying with friends for a while. So until I find a new place my modding time is limited. The second project I am working on s called Leather & Lace which will be a great mod. I've got a great team to work with. But it is a big mod. So if you don't see me on much rest easy knowing I am still here and still working.
  13. Hey,

    Sorry I've been busy with RL stuff the past couple of weeks. I have a question/assignment/request. How hard is it to add havoc physics to an object?

    Our bordello has a really awesome bath in it but I was thinking it would be really cool to have floating flower pedals and maybe some roses in the bath. Something that would be exotic and make it a bit more finished.

  14. Hey,

    You don't know this but I have been a long-time fan and user of both your bright eyes and fountain of youth beauty project. Both of which I feel are under-appreciated. I am creating a new race and I would love to get your permission to incorporate your awesome eyebrows and eyes into it. I will give you full credit and post links to both of your mods. These will be used o...

  15. I've been having the same trouble. I actually tried saving the presets as .npc files but the CK just crashes when I try to import them.
  16. No idea man. Ever since the latest UFO update, none of it has been working for me. I uninstalled correctly and everything too. It may a Skyrim 1.6whatever update issue. The last Skyrim patch seems to have broken almost everything added by any mod.
  17. You need to set the transparency in the nif. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4092/
  18. @DJGIRISH Nice avatar! I love The Walking Dead. @ALL Good question. Thanks for the answers. Anybody here tried Moonpath to Elsewhere yet?
  19. @SheWildWolf You have to resize the face map so that it is the same size as the neck. I don't know where it is in Gimp but in Photoshop it is under IMAGE > IMAGE SIZE. I hope that helps. @all Just a reminder, there will always be certain lighting conditions where your neck seams will show (even with texblend). But like I said before, a good ENB config will help a lot with that. Also, if you guys haven't tried it yet, check out facelight. It helps prevent your character from getting all brown and shadowy.
  20. @vlaka A good ENB preset will do a lot to make the characters look better. That should be the first thing you get. @Airklot Nice list. I forgot about coverwoman. It still has the best textures around the eyes and the lace warpaints are always cool. @SheWildWolf Dimon99's neck seam fix works perfectly. If you can't use photoshop to fix the seams use gimp. It's free and it has a dds export tool. Copying and pasting is not that hard. Neck seams are not a reason to use to CBBE over UNP. There might be other reasons to use CBBE, but not neck seams.
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