I want to make the signs for Valentine's Detective Agency in Diamond City craftable in the workshop and want them to snap to walls. I have the STAT, COBJ and TRNS and the signs show up in the workshop menu in the correct location I have designated in the keyword. The problem I am stuck on is it will only go green on the floor......half way through. When I preview the object in the CK, the horizon line seems to be exactly where it snaps in game. I have tried adding snap points in Nifskope, but when i added the snaps, they didn't show up. I tried changing the x,y,z around to make sure they were not just hidden inside the image and they weren't. After adding the snaps, i could open the preview window of the signs and the snaps show there. Can anyone offer me some guidance please? Maybe I am just going about this incorrectly. I am doing this for myself and a friend, my friend plays on PS4 so I am hoping for compatibility for that but not a primary concern.