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Everything posted by baksases

  1. I made a new mesh, first in SketchUp then imported it to 3ds Max and then exported as a *.nif. I added the BSLightingShaderProperty that I copied from another model to every NiTriShapes and deleted all NiMaterials. The mesh seems to be perfect in the NifSkope, but when I add it to CK it is completely invisible. I tried almost everything, and I have no idea what to do. Please help me. :) Here is the *.nif, maybe it could help. http://www.filedropper.com/donstedcastle_1
  2. when i press alt+p nothing happens just a window comes and says that there is problem with line 545, what the hell is it for?
  3. Does anyone know what should I type in in Player Dialogue in to the Papyrus Fragment panel, if I want that once the NPC finished his response an initially disabled object get enabled?
  4. And I am sorry because of my mistakes in writing.
  5. Yes, it is. I think (it could be bulls***, but I think), the creators get the idea... from somewhere. Why 16? Well, it have to mean something... for example 4x4, and the 4 is the number of the world, am I right? In my opinion somebody read or heard something, a tale or a folk or something like this, and it begins the idea in his head. And it is a very good example with Tolkien and Sauron, because he can be identify many characters in the mythology of the North. So yes, it is my question.
  6. Thank You. But my problem is that it isn't say anything about how the Bethesda team created them... or it is known by nobody?
  7. Does anyone know, where did the idea of the Daedric Princes come? What tale or else got this the game-makers?
  8. oblivion :D but i want only a mesh, so i think it is not important. But thanks for your help :D
  9. I'm sorry but I dont know how I can move it.
  10. Hy! I have a big problem: I'm working on a mod which one I use some parts of the ericism (I've found a book, what is its sacred writing, and it tells about the God, who had 16 sons, with the most of the spur in the world). Well, I'm talented in modding and scripting, but I'm not able to build as difficult meshes as Ericius's statue. In fact, I have the body of him, but that's not enough - the father of the daedra princes (in the original text: Nymorions) and all of the humans have got a face like a porcupine. It's the most difficult exercise what I have ever faced, so I have no more hope to do this without as good modellers as there are around here. Please if someone can and want to help me send a message! Thank You, very much! Jó Keddet és Ericius áldása legyen rajtatok!
  11. I have no idea.... i tried all the thing what comes my mind but it does not work PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Hello, I want to put a hedgehog statue in my oblivion mod, but i have the mesh only in *.obj and *.stl. If I import the *.obj to NifSkope the model breaks up. If I put in the *.3ds model (what I created from the *.stl with a software called MeshLab) it works great but it is not possible to add a texture to it. What could I do?
  13. My question is that how can I save the meshes in one definite position (for example a bear, when just attack). What program can I do this with? Sorry for my English and thank you for every responsive.
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