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About ScottyPilgrim

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  1. Every time I start a marriage with someone the moment it is done everyone begins to hate me, the wife assumes I cheated on her and that is the problem I am facing. I suffer no CTDS. I use LOOT, I cleaned out my mods with TES5Edit and I am honestly lost and confused. I've tried disabling most/all my mods relating to Hearthfire and marriage but it still persists. Minor problem: Also, females I haven't ever encountered appear in my weddings wearing the armor from most of the bikini armor sets. I tried to removing those to see if that was the issue but I am still hated on. 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 hdtHighHeel.esm 7 7 UnlimitedBookshelves.esp 8 8 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 9 9 ApachiiHair.esm 10 a ApachiiHairFemales.esm 11 b ApachiiHairMales.esm 12 c RSkyrimChildren.esm 13 d OSA.esm 14 e Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm 15 f RaceCompatibility.esm 16 10 Cutting Room Floor.esp 17 11 FNIS.esp 18 12 SkyUI.esp 19 13 Lyn_NoLoadingScreenText.esp 20 14 iActivate.esp 21 15 iHUD.esp 22 16 RaceMenu.esp 23 17 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 24 18 HideLoadScreenModel.esp 25 19 TheCoenaculiMALE.esp 26 1a Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp 27 1b Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp 28 1c Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp 29 1d Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 30 1e Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp 31 1f mintylightningmod.esp 32 20 PC Head Tracking - MCM.esp 33 21 PC Head Tracking - Patch.esp 34 22 towConversation.esp 35 23 DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp 36 24 SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp 37 25 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp 38 26 SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp 39 27 Lenhador.esp 40 28 useablesawmill.esp 41 29 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 42 2a Brows.esp 43 2b no_guard_warning_after_shouts.esp 44 2c 12FemaleBrows.esp 45 2d Bijin Wives.esp 46 2e Legendary Uncapped Perks.esp 47 2f Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp 48 30 Elisif Makeover.esp 49 31 SacredRingofJeebus.esp 50 32 LingerieSetCBBE3_2ByNausicaa.esp 51 33 Unlimited_Amulets.esp 52 34 Unlimited_Rings.esp 53 35 Honeyside.esp 54 36 VindrelHallPlus.esp 55 37 iWill_ARavensBreezeHome.esp 56 38 proudspiresmithcraft.esp 57 39 SeverinManorImprovements.esp 58 3a OpulentThievesGuild.esp 59 3b ScottishBanneredMare.esp 60 3c Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 61 3d Immersive Weapons.esp 62 3e Schlongs of Skyrim.esp 63 3f Bijin NPCs.esp 64 40 Bijin Warmaidens.esp 65 41 Males of Skyrim.esp 66 42 Essential Housecarls Vanilla & Hearthfire.esp 67 43 Serana.esp 68 44 Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 69 45 Stealth Skills Rebalanced_COMPLETE.esp 70 46 RSChildren - Complete.esp 71 47 Unique Uniques.esp 72 48 Vivid Weathers - Lanterns of Skyrim Preset.esp 73 49 Vivid Weathers.esp 74 4a Vivid Weathers - Minty Lightning patch.esp 75 4b TorchArrow.esp 76 4c FollowerWander2.esp 77 4d Infinite Gold For Merchants.esp 78 4e FISS.esp 79 4f Arcadias Shop.esp 80 50 iWil_BelethorsGoodStore.esp 81 51 Inigo.esp 82 52 Run For Your Lives.esp 83 53 BosmericDrunkenHuntsmanReborn.esp 84 54 RealWarMaiden.esp 85 55 InteractiveWashBasinsCOMPLETE.esp 86 56 bathhouse.esp 87 57 Marriage without Amulet.esp 88 58 Storefront.esp 89 59 Drinking Fountains of Skyrim.esp 90 5a WorldEaterBeater.esp 91 5b FalmerBikini.esp 92 5c The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp 93 5d SteelPlateBikini.esp 94 5e Jorrvaskr Player Quarters.esp 95 5f DragonBoneBikini.esp 96 60 Dwarvenbikini.esp 97 61 BandedIronBikini.esp 98 62 NoBleakFalls.esp 99 63 MxRMerch.esp100 64 Wolfbikini.esp101 65 SteelBikini.esp102 66 Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp103 67 BladesBikini.esp104 68 dovahkiinrelax.esp105 69 Apocalypse - More Apocalypse.esp106 6a SabreFurBag.esp107 6b SkipMageGuildTour.esp108 6c HousecarlWhiterun.esp109 6d RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp110 6e DaedricArtifactDisenchantments.esp111 6f HearthfireMultiKid.esp112 70 HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp113 71 GiveGiftstoNPCs.esp114 72 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
  2. First and foremost, forgive me if this is in the wrong place. I don't often come to the forums and I feel as if this forum is just way too big and unorganized (In my opinion!) to understand where to go. The problem: So Program Files is known to be sketchy when putting NMM inside there, so I decided to install it somewhere else via desktop. Since then, my mods for Skyrim and Fallout 4 have worked fine and wonders until weeks later I decide to alter the NMM folder by renaming it so I can remember exactly what the folder is, and by doing so this completely ruined everything for Fallout 4. I /never/ had to do anything when it came to changing my ini files after the update, but now it keeps telling me to do so. But wait! I did, and it still isn't working! And now, I don't know WHAT I did wrong but NMM just crashes now every time I install a mod for Fallout 4. I have a log if needed. Help as soon as possible would be appreciated. I'll be trying to fix the problem myself, so....
  3. Really, I don't know which section to post this in since it shares a bit of the actual game discussion along with mods. But is it /really/ recommended to play through and beat the game first, without mods? I mean sure, I beat the main quest. But what makes it so important? Also, I am a /huge/ fan of modding this game and whenever I do so I always get lost as to which real mods I should apply first. (Important and useful mods.) The longest I've had Skyrim run with mods is about possibly half an hour to maybe an hour? Currently, I have a mac right now so it will be some time until I get back into the game but I just want you to know that I am really interested in getting this game to work with mods, without having to worry about it locking up or shutting down unexpectedly. Last note, I have considered joining the community to make mods... but I am not really sure what to do.
  4. I noticed that there had been recently only two Homestuck mods located via the Skyrim Nexus, and was wondering if it would easily be possible to retexture any robe to those of Godtier.
  5. Remember in Oblivion when your character would look and face someone right in the eyes if you were to stand next to them? Skyrim doesn't have this and just seems to make your own character. . . without a soul. So I am wondering if the future when the CT comes out. Would we be able to do this?
  6. This game is a little different then Fallout's Perks. Sometimes, you just don't get a perk every level or even after two levels. It all is based off stat requirements. But it'd be nice to see a mod like this.
  7. Now I know with the creation kit not out yet it puts a huge dent into the modding community, but has anyone been trying to still make a mod such as a companion, magic spell or anything else?
  8. I might of found the problem. When you start NMM it tries to locate the game in Program Files. Is there a way to change that so NMM can locate it outside Program Files? Since, you know it /asks/ you to put the game outside Program Files.
  9. I can't even use it. I load it up for Skyrim and it keeps me a bunch of effors and solutions, while I /did/ all the solutions, un-installing and re-installing it outside Problem Files.
  10. /_ Guys please. . . I don't want to pester this thread constantly asking for help.
  11. I did everything it said when it didn't work for Skyrim and it doesn't work still.
  12. I'll make it short. Kill Children Fly w/ Dragons [They /really/ should and could of put this in the game.] Magic Overhaul [Like Midas or Mighty Magicka. The magic in this game looks great, but imagine what else we can do. ] Titans [We have Giants in the game, so why not add Titans that could be secret bosses? ] Rule over a City Peaceful Mother Nature [i hate how every animal just tries to kill you.]
  13. Is it just me or is having Companions going to be less useful/possibly less cheap in some cases? Take Oblivion for example! The game itself wouldn't recognize what a 'companion' was unless you had a mod. Fallout 3, I think would recognize some aspects. Fallout New Vegas finally caught on. But now Skyrim? Not only will Skyrim still catch on, but /YOU/ are the only one with a fighting chance against dragons. Companions in battle will possibly be useless against them unless you can prove me wrong. Thoughts?
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