First and foremost, forgive me if this is in the wrong place. I don't often come to the forums and I feel as if this forum is just way too big and unorganized (In my opinion!) to understand where to go. The problem: So Program Files is known to be sketchy when putting NMM inside there, so I decided to install it somewhere else via desktop. Since then, my mods for Skyrim and Fallout 4 have worked fine and wonders until weeks later I decide to alter the NMM folder by renaming it so I can remember exactly what the folder is, and by doing so this completely ruined everything for Fallout 4. I /never/ had to do anything when it came to changing my ini files after the update, but now it keeps telling me to do so. But wait! I did, and it still isn't working! And now, I don't know WHAT I did wrong but NMM just crashes now every time I install a mod for Fallout 4. I have a log if needed. Help as soon as possible would be appreciated. I'll be trying to fix the problem myself, so....