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About fuzzybeastie

  1. Doubt it's just me who spends ages configuring and reconfiguring the settings for OBGEv2 only to get average looking graphics. Even with all settings switch at max it only gives you blurry graphics. If you have movie like graphics then post a screenshot and your OBGEv2 settings. Performance hit but seems to bring out great graphics. Bokeh_Dof, default settings Ring SSAO Scale 1.0 aoRadiusmultiplier 4.0 aoStrengthMultiplier 1.0 aoCap 1.0 aoClamp 0.0 angleBias 20.0 aorange 50.0 luminosity_threshold 0.2 Blur_DropThreshold 60.0 Blur_RadiusMultiplier 1.0 Volumetric SSAO Scale 1.0 aoRadiusmultiplier 4.0 aoStrengthMultiplier 3.0 aoClamp 0.5 ThicknessModel 20.0 luminosity_threshold 0.001 CelShader+EdgeAA(Anti-Aliasing) EdgeStrength 0.0 flgEdgeMask 1.0 flgEdgeAA 1.0 edgeAABlurAmt 0.01 flgUseWillowGameData 0 God Rays FadeAmount 0.001 morningshaft 0.3 eveningshaft 0.3 Density 0.55 Decay 0.99 Weight 5.0 Luminance 0.4 fMiddleGray 0.99 fWhiteCutOff 1.27
  2. There's a Telvanni mod for Morrowind and a Real-Time Settlers for Fallout 3, but nothing of that depth for Oblivion. Nearest to what I'm looking for is Chorrol Plateau mod for Oblivion. Has simple farm or manor building, you choose the staff, you pay the staff, and you have guards patrolling your place. Still, not enough micro-management stuff. Someone needs to make a mod like Real-Time Settlers for Oblivion.
  3. As in soul gems, varla stones, welkynd stones as a power source/fuel. Ever since downloading Mighty Umbra I'm having too much black soul gems and don't know what to do with them. I rarely need to recharge my weapons and not playing a mage so no need to make new enchantments. I've also collected a vast number of varla stones and have no use for them. Don't really want to just sell them.
  4. I'm rather confused after my other thread got locked without reason. I wasn't even asking if I or someone else could upload Giskard's mod here. And isn't this forum section to discuss mods? What the heck is nothing to discuss suppose to mean?
  5. Which one do you think is better? Not sure why Giskard doesn't upload the latest version of Kvatch Aftermath on tesnexus anymore...
  6. Why do these people block ratings/comments for their mods? I think modders shouldn't upload anything at all if they are unwilling to accept comments from others. Iliana even blocked PM on the forums as if saying he doesn't give a damn or doesn't want feedback at all.
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