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Everything posted by TranquilityLane

  1. Won't work on me sunny Jim. ^_~ You've not met me just yet! <3
  2. So, never was good at these introduction thinguh-mahjigs as I always tend to just integrate myself into a community by way of my wit, humor and sarcasm, but given how large this place is, I figure making some new friends from the get go couldn't harm. On that note... HEY! I'm TranquilityLane, but you can call me Your Highness, if you're feeling complimentary, I also go by "God" "Your holiness" and "Mr. Badass Supreme." - Yes, I have an ego complex, but it doesn't take from who I am. I'm an intellectual trained in computer forensic security, I'm naturally playful by nature and hyperactive in demeanour... Interests? Oh shi-...So many... Alphabetically listed however? Computer Security. Computing. Drinking. (Whiskey in particular, I consider myself a starting connoiseur.) Herbalism. Psychiatry. Psychology. Sniper Rifles. (I don't know as much as I'd like too, call it a fleeting interest that I jump back to often. Don't expect deep conversation on this level.) Sociology. ...Questions? Oh. I'm British too. Yay?
  3. Spears, poles, hell, having the ability to pick up most anything and use it for blunt force damage would be a really fun touch, as in, it starts as a basic item, you put a special enchantment on it, and it takes on a specific animation defined in game by an item ID type. So...If the 'none weapon' item was a pole (Rake, brush, whatever), it'd have an item ID of 1 in the backend and from such, a special enchantment would change it into an equippable item that no longer can be used for it's original purpose (Or both, if you want to get complex) I'd love to be able to pick up a candle stick and smash a random guy over the head. "It was the warrior, in the pantry, with the candle stick!"
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