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About ethik

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    United States
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    TF2, FNV, CIV5, SC2, DA:O, DA2
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    Fallout series, Mass Effect, DA:O

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  1. First of all, forgive me if this topic has come up before; I wasn't able to find a thread with this subject. I have been a firearms enthusiast most of my life and I've never met anyone that chooses to use a blue reticle in their ACOG or red dot; most use red or green. I highly doubt many hunters or professionals (LEO, military, & competitive shooters) use a blue reticle. The optical sight in FC3 is unrealistic and shows you why people don't use blue reticles in the real world. The blue reticle is too bright at night and it tends to "washout" during the day. Red is used so much because it stands out and our eyes are less sensitive to the long red wavelengths of light, therefore red light preserves night vision better than any other color, except maybe white. Does anyone know of a mod which changes the blue optical sight reticle to red ( or green )? If not, would any experienced modder be willing to give it a try ( if its doable of course) ? I might have to give it a go myself since I've failed to find a mod like this. Thoughts? Thank you.
  2. Yeah launch FNV with nvse_loader.exe or with steam ( clicking play within the steam ui ) FNV doesnt support physx so it doesnt matter. The things that are application controlled you'll want to tweak as needed within the FNV launcher( anti-aliasing for example ) Pretty much all of those ".ini tweaks" are essential if you ask me... Make sure these lines are added or changed: iPreloadSizeLimit=104857600 uInterior Cell Buffer=16 uExterior Cell Buffer=102 iPresentInterval=0 bUseThreadedBlood=1 bUseThreadedMorpher=1 bUseThreadedTempEffects=1 bUseThreadedParticleSystem=1 bUseThreadedAI=1 bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen=1 bUseMultiThreadedTrees=1 bMultiThreadAudio=0 iNumHavokThreads=5 Add these lines under the [Controls] section if your mouse sensitivity seems really high in the menus fForegroundMouseAccelBase=0 fForegroundMouseAccelTop=0 fForegroundMouseBase=0 fForegroundMouseMult=0 I would wait and try the stutter remover after you do these things; you may be fine without it. Just move the NVSE folder to the desktop then move it back when u want to use it again. Remember to change the max fps setting in the NVSR configuration file to something you find playable; 30 is too low for me. Let me know if you need clarification or encounter any problems.
  3. Yeah I would get permission before using someone else's mod; just had them as references really. I'm surprised I didn't find these two before. I'll download them both =). Thanks guys.
  4. This guide helped me. http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/43594/t1591200-fallout-new-vegas-pc-tweak-guide/ I use these mods. They've helped reduce stuttering quite a bit. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34832 *Might want to change your config file's max fps to your average, mine is at 60. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41381 *Can decrease stuttering* http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/46074 *Awesome if you use a lot of mods* I dont use this but you might want to consider it if the guide and mods dont help. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45475 In Nvidia control pannel: Make sure FXAA is disabled "Antialiasing - Transparency" to "Multisampling" or "OFF" Multisamping will look better but reduce performance - Supersampling is higher performance "Texture Filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization" to OFF "Texture Filtering" to Performance or High Performance "Power Management Mode" should be at "Prefer Maximum Performance" Make sure "Tripple Buffering" and "Threaded Optimization" are turned ON Just leave everything else as "Application-Controlled" where it applies Lower your in-game graphics settings as needed. Update all of your drivers. Defrag your harddrive. Overclock if you can. Hope this helps.
  5. I'm a huge fan of the Joshua Graham's armor, but I also like the look of the duster on the combat ranger armors. I think it would be cool to make an HD armor that looks like the desert combat armor but has joshua graham's armor under the duster instead of the LAPD riot armor. Maybe have the stats of Ullyses' Duster? If no one is up for the challenge i might give it a whirl; even though i have no experience with such things. Does anyone like this idea? HD Armor mods http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/43048 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40691
  6. It does sound like your graphics card is overheating. Temperatures above 90 degrees can cause visual artifacts and other issues. Use the program CYNTHETIC recommended. If its overheating: change your graphics card's fan control setting from automatic to manual and set the speed to 100%. Try cleaning all of your fans with air duster.
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