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About LillithMabon

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  1. I would like to ask if anyone has seen or can create romance mods. My human noble female would like to have a romance with Bann Teagan. and my dalish elf female with Tamlin in the woods. If I had my choice my female noble would marry Bann Teagan. There are so many creative people out there and I am not only relatively new to the game but am also computer illiterate. Many mods I would love to try but even the instructions go over my head. OK, feel free to laugh, I can take it. But my brain just has a block for this computer stuff.
  2. My present character is a male noble, and I want to be king but not have Anora being queen. I wish I could have Zevran assassinate her after the wedding.
  3. I would be happy just to be able to return to the castle at soldiers peak. Have it open with companions, merchant, and blacksmith, storage
  4. I think this is very interesting. Why not make it like an epilogue like Alistair wedding mod? You could return to Highever with your brother. My opinion is both parents are dead. I have no opinion on Iona, she was killed at the beginning of the attack. But maybe take her daughter out of the alienage to stay in Highever as a reward for Iona's sacrifice? I really like the thoughts going on here though. NVM, didnt read enough of this thread
  5. Maybe a mod that adds the needed enchantments to the mages gloves?
  6. Or at least a comment when he mentions the Cousland are traitors, you could say, "and this from a family that sided with the Orlesians and switched sides only when they were being defeated"
  7. Alistair in a gown dancing the Remigold in front of a line of Darkspawn, and them rolling around laughing.
  8. The only auto upgrade I would like to see is the equipment that is character specific, like Sten's sword.
  9. Agree, actually there are some enchantments I dont use because the visuals are too distracting.
  10. I agree. Maybe as a male human noble. nominate yourself king if Allistair doesnt want the title and execute Anora. Have Zev assasinate her.
  11. I would like to see some nice looking light armor from all the wolf skins you collect, Maybe from the merchant in Dalish Camp?
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