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Posts posted by CalibanX

  1. GAH! I want!


    Does anyone know how one would buy one of these rare items? Man, I may not be moved to spend $150 on a 1 foot tall collector's edition dragon statue but you can bet your ass I'd spend more than $150 to get my hands on one these bad boys! I'd paint it with a copper patina and I can tell you it would look fraking sweet!

  2. Whoa. I too, was planning on using Dual Wield short swords for my first character. Perhaps there's a combat path for dual wielding daggers other than using poison & stealth?


    I don't think I would enjoy having to repeatedly switch from dagger/stealth attack to swords for each combat. I'd rather just stick to one melee weapon type per character.

  3. I too, really like the idea of having very different combat AI for opponents other than just scaled damage and health. I want giant spiders to fight completely differently than skeletons. One aspect Oblivion was really lacking in was opponents who used stealth to sneak up on you in the dark and poison you. This would be an excellent opening attack move for Giant Spiders for instance. Frost Trolls could rush you and pummel away aggressively, etc. I imagine the modders will be able to further flesh out the dynamics of combat behavior if Bethesda fall short.


    Another option I was thinking of for other things to do with one's money would be if you could somehow use it to improve the towns and cities in various ways, like commissioning the construction of new windmills, farms and other structures around the cities to further give your character the feel that they can influence the world in ways other than just killing things.

  4. In every RPG you start out with a weak character and endeavor to make that character more powerful via leveling up, getting better gear, more powerful spells, etc. But, in doing so, you always run the risk of becoming so powerful that the quests and challenges of the game become too easy and boring. That's the catch 22. The more powerful your character becomes, the greater the risk that the game becomes too easy & boring.


    My last Oblivion character was intentionally gimped in various ways (Luck was her main Attribute focus) but after becoming an Expert in Alchemy and acquiring sweet loot items I was able to walk through the realm of Oblivion without breaking a sweat. That was a bit of a letdown. And yes, I'm aware of the Difficulty bar slider. But, for some odd reason, it feels wrong to me to have to adjust the game difficulty as I play in order to keep it challenging.


    I wonder if the developers of these kinds of games wrestle with issues like this when designing them? One way I was able to escape this situation in Oblivion was spending my money & resources on buying Houses and elaborately decorating them with pretty, interesting items just for the fun of it. What other ways do players spend their character's time & resources that don't involve min/maxing or becoming more powerful? I hope Skyrim provides outlets for these kinds of things.

  5. I guess if you had added a little note with the videos explaining your intent for posting them it would have been less mysterious as to why they were here and not in the Oblivion Nexus.


    Of course, you're free to post what you like but I'd be careful not to post content that the moderators might reasonably conclude to be offensive and not relevant to the Skyrim General Discussion Forums. You may not have made the videos, but I wouldn't be surprised if posting content that included homophobic slurs was the sort of thing that might result in one getting banned by the Moderators. FYI. -Just sayin'.

  6. I can sympathize with this view. Doing away with the rest of the Attributes is a big change. I'll need to play the game though before I can decide weather or not I miss the other Attributes.


    But from a mechanical view, the old Attribute system does strike me as being redundant. Adding +3 to STR when leveling, for instance, is essentially double-dipping the melee damage ability of the character. It's cleaner to just have those things be exclusively governed by skills. It's also largely redundant from a leveling up perspective. Melee, Magic and Stealth characters typically bump up the same 3 Attributes each time they level anyway so having to click on STR when leveling your melee character feels kinda obligatory anyway just as bumping up a magic character's INT does. Also, our mental and physical "attributes" don't go up as drastically as they do in RPG games anyway.


    As for wanting one's barbarian characters to be stronger than your stealthy wood elf characters: Well, that STR attribute is really just a number that doesn't physically exist in the game as any Immersion aspect. What Skyrim has that is better, to my mind, than a Strength number is a physique bar slider. If you want your rogue to look more Dexterous and nimble, adjust the slider for a leaner look. If you want your barbarian to look strong and beefy adjust the slider for a stockier, more muscled look. I much prefer this option over the comparatively abstract STR number which only appears in the menus anyway and not in the actual game world.

  7. Cool! I see I'm not the only one being a total lame-o and wants to try out the mundane jobs like chopping wood, fishing and hunting. Other than that, I imagine I'll do a lot of standing around gawking at all the pretty scenery, exploring the menu and admiring the backside of my crazy Orc girl.
  8. I think the folks at Bethesda thought that emphasizing choosing Perks when you level up was more interesting and fun than just adding +X to Intelligence. It's also, to my mind, aesthetically cleaner in various ways. After 30+ years of the Attributes template in RPGs I think it's time for new ideas. I'm all for it. If it turns out the new system has flaws there's always a mod to fix it.
  9. I'm assuming that the devs realize that the new dual wielding system will be popular and will have made an effort to balance 2H with it both in numbers and fun. My guess is that 2H will viscerally feel more like you're mowing the enemy down with staggers and stuns and knockdowns so that it will be fun to play too.
  10. I wondering similar things myself. In the Block skill Perk list everything seems to pertain to Shields. Is there no point in taking Block as a starting skill unless you intend to use a Shield?


    I assume they made it so that you can't block with two weapons specifically to balance the 2H weapons which you can block with. Perhaps using a single 2H weapon is slower and doesn't do as much damage as wielding two 1H weapons but the 2H gives you the ability to Block and protect yourself? Can you block using just a single 1H weapon? If not, then the 2H ability to block becomes very useful I would think...

  11. I'm right there with ya! :) I've removed all of my Skyrim wallpapers to reduce the torture. As much as I admired the work Bethesda did with Fallout 3 it just doesn't have the appeal that the Elder Scrolls series does. I think a lot of the fans feel this way too. Frankly, I find guns to be tediously boring. Of course, now that we've all gotten prolonged glimpses of the epic effort Bethesda had put into Skyrim, we're all dying to get our pre-order copies of the game. It's a real *censored*. I can't wait to unleash my wicked Orc girl upon Skyrim! Ha!
  12. I wanted to try something I hadn't in Oblivion so my first character will be a Female Orc (I love how Bethesda redid the Orcs for Skyrim! Orc girls look MUCH better this time around.).


    Her starting skills will be:


    One Handed (primary weapon focus: dual short-swords)

    Archery (secondary weapon focus)



    Light Armor



    During dialogue I will attempt to role play her as though she hates the Elven Races, is indifferent to the Human Races and friendly to the Beast Races. I can't wait!

  13. Another aspect I'll be curious to see in Skyrim is if Magic can be offensively wielded while in third person. I prefer to play in third person as I like to see my character & their outfits and combat moves. In Oblivion when I played characters that focused on Archery or Destruction I'd have to switch to first person because it was too difficult to aim at targets in third person. This is another concern I have about blending Magic with Melee: will doing so force me to be constantly clicking back and forth between third & first person views (third person for melee combat/first person for ranged)? Ideally, I'd like to be able to do everything effectively in third person that you would in first.
  14. I guess I'm also trying to imagine how these new mechanics will work out in play. For instance, if I want to go with Two-Handed and Restoration skills. I'm assuming that in this new system in order to heal myself I'd have to: 1 hit a button to sheathe my two handed weapon. 2 hit a button to pause game. 3 click on bookmarks. 4 equip with heal spell. 5 cast heal spell. 6 unsheathe two handed weapon. If this is so, this seems like it would be a very cumbersome way to have to heal one's self, especially during battle. Which means I might not want to pick Two Handed or Archery with any magic skills. I get how equipping with a spell in one hand is great for One-Handed fighters, but i fear it might be a problem for archers and two-handers. Then again, maybe two-handers will be able to equip and unequip spells quickly and easily. I just don't know yet so I'm not sure which build to go with.
  15. Like the rest of the fans, I've been gobbling up every video & article on Skyrim that I can find. I see that there's tons of improvements all across the board to virtual every aspect of the game and I'm very excited about it.


    However, I'm still a little murky about what exactly is new for the 3 main character types (fighter/magic/stealth). So, when I try to think of what I want my first character to be like, I keep coming up with variations that I'd already done in Oblivion. Once I know what kind of character I want to try it will be easier for me to then pick the race.


    I see that fighters get dual-wield now which is new. It looks like you get force/TK powers in magic (what branch of magic is that?) and I guess stealth players get dagger instakill stealth moves of some sort? Is this right? What else am I missing?


    So, I think I want to play a character that will feel the most different from combinations that were available in Oblivion. Any recommendations? Thanx!

  16. Hail Bethesda, full of Grace.

    The Nine are with thee.

    Blessed art thou among game studios,

    and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,



    Hail Bethesda, and grant me the wisdom to choose

    the proper Perk when leveling

    and the resolve to fulfill the Main Quest

    with panache and distinction.


    Glory be to the Elder Scrolls!

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    worlds without end.

    Game on!

  17. I'm expecting some kind of alternate Realm or world to appear in Skyrim. Weather it's Deaderic or the Divines or something else. It's been a reoccurring theme for Bethesda. It was a big part of Oblivion, then again with Shivering Isles and even Fallout had an alternate world of sorts with the holopods. I'm assuming the Dragons originally came from some place other than Skyrim. Perhaps some part of the main quest will involve having to go there?
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