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Posts posted by CalibanX

  1. Most of the immersion breaking complaints I read about are things that don't bother me too much. I liked the Reputation you had with the many factions in New Vegas but the world itself bored the s*** out of me. I had no desire to explore that place. It's mostly empty, ugly, and nothing like the fun of exploring Oblivion or Skyrim. Almost every immersion breaking complaint I've heard about Skyrim was also present in Oblivion. In short, while it's nice to have NPC's say different things to you in the game, it doesn't break my heart if I don't get it. With a game like Skyrim, I'm more interested in how the world feels. In my experience, it's wiser not to expect grand things from NPC's. They always let you down.
  2. I really enjoyed the Thieves Guild quests. The Winterhold College quests... not so much. Why complain about the Bard's College though? It's not as if you bought the game expecting to defeat enemies with your lute. The Bards college is something that Bethesda didn't need to even put in the game at all. It's like getting an extra order of fries with your burger but then complaining that the fries didn't meet your standards. Be thankful you even got an extra helping of fries in the first place. It's not like Skyrim was advertised as the ultimate Bard College/learn musical instruments game.
  3. I confess I haven't done the bards college quests yet. But, did the Dean of the college molest your sister or something? The Bard College is purely extra stuff added to the core elements of the game. Did Oblivion even have a Bard's College? This is totally "extra" content added to the game to provide yet more quests and flavor. What exactly were you expecting? To learn how to play the bongos? How quickly would that animation become boring?
  4. I'm doing a different character for each major quest line: Main Quest, East of the 4 Guild Quest Lines, Civil War Quest line-Imperial and Civil War Quest line-Nord. So, that's seven characters there. I'm on my fourth character now. Each of my previous characters were retired around level 35 after I finished the primary Quest Line they were made for. For me, a big part of exploring Skyrim is also exploring what all of the different races feel like. Fun!
  5. I really like the cooking system. It's there because it's fun and helps with certain roleplaying concepts. For instance, my next character I play is going to be a hulking, barbarian Nord who will have absolutely nothing to do with Alchemy. He's a barbarian. Barbarians don't give a crap about fussy stuff like magic & alchemy. Instead, he's only going to use Meat & Mead in combat. I can't wait to try him out. :)
  6. I have some large complaints with Skyrim too, my current character has a quest-breaking bug in the Main Quest. Luckily, my current character isn't pursuing that quest really. Skyrim attempts to do a lot more than other games attempt to do and as a result it has more problems than other games. All the bugs and glitches annoy me too but I figure it's only a matter of time before data patches and the CK comes out and then all these bugs will get fixed. In the meantime, I can still enjoy the game even with the bugs, especially considering what the other alternatives are. For open world, non-linear gamers, the options are slim indeed. I'm just glad I have Skyrim to sink my teeth into, bugs and all.
  7. This may not be the direction you want to take your character in, but given that you've already invested in Destruction, Sneak and Archery I would recommend you try to go up the Illusion tree until you get the "Silent Casting" perk. Combine that with the "Rune Master" perk in the Destruction tree. So, you sneak up on enemies cast Rune on the ground next to the enemy (silently) and then nail them with the Archery for a sneak shot. If the sneak shot doesn't kill them, they set off the fire Rune and then from your safe hiding place, you can lay down more runes or bow shots as necessary. The Calm spell is also very useful for sneaking characters when the sneaking fails.
  8. So, my eighth grade nephew got the other big x-mas game and GOTY contender "Call of Duty 3". I was interested in checking it out since it's a game I would never buy for myself. And, wow, before Christmas day was over he had already completed the game. I guess it had good lighting and shading and nice textures, but for a completely linear game that literally forces you to rush past all of the environments anyway I have to say I feel a lot better about Skyrim now. This major contender for GOTY seemed utterly pathetic next to Skyrim. It's literally so simplistic and insipid that a child can plow through every aspect of the game in a matter of hours. Suddenly It feels really great to be back in Skyrim again. :)
  9. I am having this same bug too. I'm on my third playthrough. I didn't have this bug the first time and had a minor version of it the second time. Now, when I go to the temple to meet the monks and get my training, the other monks are off praying and will not give me the appropriate shouts. Very bad. I will have to try that console fix listed above.
  10. I don't know if all 9 Holds were intended to feel like cities. The five main Holds where you can buy Houses feel big enough to me to feel like cities. The other 4 Holds feel more like small towns. I would probably download a mod that added more Houses to all of the Holds. Weather large or small, I do like the look of the Holds. They definitely have a strong, Skyrim character to them.
  11. Brittainy: Do you play Skyrim on a computer? If you do, there are tons of mods already out there that improve the look of Skyrim. Just as there were tons of mods out there that improved the look of Oblivion. While I get the reasons why Bethesda chose to make the game in monochromatic, cold, washed out palettes, I had a similar reaction to Fallout 3 which was, of course, changed by modders. Skyrim is exactly the same. My game looks vibrant and colorful and gorgeous. It's not hard to improve the look of Skyrim if you play on PC. Other than that, I consider every other visual detail of Skyrim to be superior to Oblivion, which I too, also loved. I probably logged over 1000 hours on that game. And I consider Skyrim a BIG improvement over it.
  12. Dude, my first character was an Orc girl and I fully concede that she beat the ever living crap out of all enemies who dared stand in her path. That's not the point. You don't need to feel constrained in your choice of races based solely on which is the most powerful. There are so many different ways to play this game and the builds that most effectively deliver combat and magic damage aren't necessarily the most enjoyable builds to play with.
  13. The Thalmor make excellent Nazi villains. Who happen to have totally awesome Mages robes. I haven't gotten around to participating much in the civil war, but when I play my Imperial character I will no doubt thoroughly enjoy playing a nasty, Imperial dandy.
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