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Everything posted by WOTmodsproductions

  1. Here is the fate that will befall all those waitng for the CK: http://www.gameinformer.com/resized-image.ashx/__size/610x0/__key/CommunityServer-Blogs-Components-WeblogFiles/00-00-00-82-00/4760.skeleton-on-computer.jpg
  2. Im not even going to argue this anymore, as far as im concerned nothing we say here will even reach bethesda. I was looking on the official bethesda forums the other day and every post mentioning the CK was instantly locked, even those just asking for info. The CK will be out when its out, all im saying is no one here is waiting forever (well those who blindly follow bethesda will still be here in 5 years if no CK comes out, saying dont worry its out next week! Yeah right......) This topic will be locked soon anyway, just like the other 20 before it
  3. And everybody will buy the new TES games when it comes. We all know it. They lose nothing. A game which have housed most people a good 100 hour and more. It's also 100% singleplayer. As of now, only 3 other games have given me that. It will never be a "another game", since it both gives awesome gameplay and it gives a beautifull enmviroment. The toolkit is not what gives most the sales. The toolkit is where the modders stay on the game for years, and random gamers try out the mods once in a while. Nobody buys Skyrim for the toolkit -- that is just idiotic. Cryengine, marmorset, UDK and the toolkit from Oblivion is just as good. People buy Skyrim for Skyrim, and they got what they paid for. ummm really? I bought the game based on the fact it was supposed to have a CK My best friend bought it on the same assumption. Almost every gamer who I know bought it because I told them, there going to be a CK on pc version and I showed them mods for oblivion and they were blown away (as console gamers who knew nothing about mods) And they were like 'wow that will be the best game ever made if we can make our own content' They never would have bought the game if it was just another RPG that was going to be played to death in a few monthes, they wasnt even going to get Skyrim before I told them what the potential was for it. Without the CK, Skyrim will just fade away. Its not idiotic. The same with fallout, sure they are unique in the fact you can explore etc. But once you have done all the quests people lose interest. Really so your saying that if bugthesda decided to treat all their games this way and not care that they wouldnt lose money and customers? Your saying if they continue to break all their promises and release broken patches which that everyone will follow them blindly for all eternity? No thats wrong, this is how companies go into bankruptsy, maybe not tomorrow or next year but one day they will not have the reputation they had. Its like steam, most gamers hate it with a passion (again every gamer I know doesnt want it) but because its a requirement and im NOT going to get an illegal copy of the game just to get rid of steam. What im saying is, steam has this reputation, If I could legally remove it and not use it I would, but thats not the case, im forced to use steam despite it annoying the hell out of me. But bethesda is another story, if in 5 years bethesda become known for half assing and not caring and get the same reputation as Steam, I can choose not to use their company and its legal. My point its, im stuck with steam, but not bethesda. If everyone I know that has Skyrim has the same opinion as me, its unlikely im the only person in the world who bought the game because I could mod it, I only buy games that are moddable so what? Im creative and like to spend time making an already great game even better. So I like to get my money's worth theres nothing wrong with that, What I hate more than anything is buying a game and completing it in a couple of days and never playing it again (granted skyrim was more like 3 monthes but still) Your right more customers will buy the new games, but the old ones wont if they think its going to be as problamatic as this game. It wont happen instantly or overnight, but like i say im not the only person who is going to think when the next game comes out: 'I remember the problems the last game had, im having doubts that this one will be any good' Those doubts are enough to lose customers, if someone who had skyrim (like myself) sees a new bethesda game. Ill wait a few weeks and see if its buggy, if the same thing happens with that and bethesda mess up, im not going to go 'To hell with it, ill buy the game anyway' I just wont buy the next one if I see that happening, point is they are still losing customers regardless of new ones coming in They WONT lose customers in the short term, but when they continously mess up.........people are going to see they always mess up their games etc......it wont surprise me if the next bugthesda game I buy has no disc and a note saying' thank you for your purchase....we anticipate your game will be ready for download from steam sometime next week...'
  4. Awesome yaaayyyy finnally the CK and 1.4 patch..................wait didnt they say that last month? (insert sarcasam here)
  5. The way I see it is as any company they dont care for losing a couple of gamers, or even 100,000 gamers get put off. But half of those, being 50,000 wont buy the next bugthesda game because of past experiences and letdowns the other half will come back and give it another try. But what happens when with the next game bugthesda go: 'Well we only lost a few gamers last time, so if we do the same this time and work to our own scedule and ignore people we will still get new gamers buying the game even if we lose another 100,000' So again lets say this time those gamers let down before see theres no change with the new game, they give up on bethesda for good. But wait, they have new gamers coming in so that fills up the gaps right? No because eventually a gaming magazine that is un biased or any other media source (Ive seen one or two) does a quick collumm about bethesda titled 'Second game that bethesda has let down their gamers with' Who is going to willingly go and buy their games, as it stands now its only with one game, Skyrim, but if it happens again Bugthesda could get themselves into trouble Over the next few years they will start to get a bad reputation (like steam has, I rarely hear any good news about it and ive had my share of problems too) It might not be today, or next year......but maybe in 5 years if they get a bad reputation for letting down, steering away from deadlines and making false promises more and more people will start to leave their games behind. Not to mention their competiters. Even if just one game company makes a top of the line RPG in 5 years time, whether this 'other' company keeps their promises or not, gamers are going to be looking to try other companies anyway. I can see it now, they are already losing customers, everyone I know who has Skyrim have already expressed their doubts as to whether future Bethesda games will suffer the same fate as Skyrim. My verdict: Yes if bugthesda think they can get away with it again and sacrifice customers in the short term, they will do it again I cant see them spending all this effort on something that wont make them any money back, somewhere theres going to be a catch as after all this time, working over time and paying wages let alone production costs of the CK......they will be starting to lose money soon if not already, unless of course that is in fact the problem. Maybe bugthesda employees just dont want to work on a program like the CK, as its not actually earning them any money at the moment. Sure they get paid, but as an overall company they wont get any benefits from it at this point unless people buy the game from this point on, if it had been released with the game many more people would have flocked to it seeing its potential, but now its in danger of just fading into the mist as 'another' game
  6. Its not just all that, but if you are on a job contract and lets say you need a couple extra days. You contact your client and say ' look sorry its going to take a bit longer than expected, we are all going to work overtime to get the job done, we'll do it as soon as possible' And hope they say, ok just get on with it With bethesda, they have overshot their deadline and given us the same very very vauge deadline of 'soon', or 'its days away' which has now simply turned into 'sometime this week# and 'after the 1.4, the CK wont be far behind' which as we all know 'not far behind' in terms of games could be up to a year perhaps. Im comparing past experiences with DLC, bethesda have said upon release of games like fallout 3 basically 'heres the game, the DLC wont be far behind' Months and months later we get a DLC, im not bashing bethesda on the work they have done, they have done an amazing job. What im bashing them on is their decisions they have made: Steam = fail for 1 Updating their deadlines that are getting further and further away. Intergrating steam workshop into CK, why not just release a beta CK with the game (as it was apparently ready, just waiting on the steam workshop which we are still waiting for) Then when the steam workshop version is avaliable, then update the CK. If they would just say: 'We are really behind on the CK, but please stay with us its expected to be finished by end of febuary' I would then go onto other games and come back But when they give us zero information (saying its going to be out by the end of the week isnt info when they have been saying that all month) they cant expect people to keep playing. I see it as this: I bought the game 50% of replaability and me buying future DLC rests on the basic game itself and of me playing it goes to a company that actually cares, keeps its customers up to date and lets them know they are having problems (this has kept me following bugthesda up until now) 50% because of modding ability on a game, I can play a game for as long as anyone else, but when you have exausted it, its time to do some modding. If I cant mod or get mods that add new content to refresh my gaming experience (for example my immersion mod to make the world a lot more living would give me endless new things to do) Whoever said that morrowind and oblivion are still alive thanks to mods , they are right. I bought oblivion the day it came out, and played it right through to 2 weeks before skyrim came out, then I bought a new PC for skyrim. I didnt want to put Oblivion down as I was playing a dead is dead character vampire that was 2000years old in game days, I had such an epic story and played every mod in oblivion more or less and was still nor board. I didnt want to put down that game, and sometimes I wish I hadnt got rid of my old computer where all those mods and saves were.
  7. What are you talking about? Archery does not have auto aim for one thing, if you have so many problems with the game then dont play it. the graphics are better than 90% of all other games in existence, sorry they cant please your imposibility high standards. If only we had a CK, I could have fixed all these problems before you even wrote that out, do not fear I am planning a very big mod that adds a lot of immersion such as more NPCS, diverse NPCS, towns feel like cities with massive slums areas and more houses. More random events and people going from town to town, not to mention other NPCs levelling up with the player and if you take too long to complete a generic quest (like kill the leader of bandtis, someone else will go there are do it) Many more ideas in the making, just waiting for that elusive CK and I can get started So yeah Im hoping to fix a lot of these problems, but the game is no where near as bad as you make out
  8. Well as much as I hate to say it, if I see another game I want ill be buying that and not looking back. Theres couple games I want this month, if bugthesda prove they cant release it soon, Im done with this......if they release another elder scrolls after this......im already considering not getting it based on this
  9. Well its 23:58 here. If Bethesda release the 1.4 and the Ck in the next 2 mins I will gladly sacrifice myself for Sithis for being wrong
  10. Well ive just been on the bethesda official forums and any topic asking about the CK is getting Locked. Even those just asking for info like: Its now 31st, blog says january any news on the CK? Instant Locked Looks like they are making people stop asking questions, If they just posted once on the blog that they are behind it would stop a lot of these posts, yet they are crushing instantly anyone asking about it This isnt a Dictatorship at all
  11. Sorry I double posted If you want to read some of the problems just google it or look at my other posts Please would a moderator lock this post if they see it, its going to get out of hand again
  12. Firstly there is plenty wrong with steam, those who like steam are the few spared of its problems. Heres a few: Forcing you to Download a game you have just bought, despite having the disk, wasting 7-8 hours of your life (not DLing and update, the actual game!) Not allowing you to play a game because an update is avaliable, then you find the update is bugged and breaks your game and you were forced to DL it. Connecting randomly to online when set to offline mode and not allowing you to play any games because steam decides 'the game is unavalilbe' for no apparent reason Not allowing you to play any offline games because the steam server is unavalible, I went around my friends thinking it was my internet playing up, but he was able to play it and I wasnt, despite both having access to the interent, the only difference being I could not play the game and he could. CTD of games as soon as an update comes out, which happened to me corrupting my most recent saves and forcing me to update. Even now when set to offline mode, when I use the internet if a game of mine needs updating, ALL my games become unavalible, even though im set to offline mode it 'detects' an update is there and wont let me play any of my games until that one is updated then takes 3 hours to update it when a file of the same size takes 5mins from the nexus mods etc. Im just being purely informative here, I have no intention of starting an argument as Ive already been warned in another thread that anyone else invloved in one of these threads and having an argument will be banned. Im just pointing out in a friendly way that a lot of people have issues with steam and myself dont trust its intergration with the CK. So dont reply with abuse to this post, I have no intention of posting again im just pointing out the facts, just count yourself lucky that you dont have these problems and many others ive encountered
  13. Ok well the other post on this topic got locked and we've been told not to continue this kind of discussion or get banned as its turning into another argument. So for the record for moderators im out of this post so I dont get banned. Please dont include me or quote me anymore for this post, as all it will do is get us all banned.
  14. Really, so basically your saying that if steam wont let you play a game then you should take it and not play the game you just bought, because they decided you cant for a stupid reason rather than find a way to play the game you paid good money for. Theres nothing illegal about setting steam to offline mode and not connecting to the internet, so theres nothing wrong with the guy who posted that. People are not going to sit around and wait for hours and hours (for those with poor internet connections, I for one have that problem at the moment), Ive said this before, but what if it was your music? Your TV? I think if steam took over those and you get in from a long day at work and wait..... 'Your music is unavalible at this time' 'You can not watch TV at this time' 'Sorry you need an internet connection to use your oven, prepare to starve to death while we update steam for you' If that was the case you would be the one complaining with us. That might sound the top end of extreme, but if everything was wired into something like steam the forums everywhere would crash with an overload of complaints
  15. Yes I just saw the steam update as well This is what bethesda said: We really appreciate the feedback from our Steam Beta. We anticipate the 1.4 update going live this week for all on the PC and being sent to the console manufacturers. The Creation Kit won’t be far behind. Where have I heard that last part before? Oh yes that right, its the same thing ive been hearing since 11/11/11 Bethesda Addinfamy +1
  16. Yeah, you offended lots of people. You just accused everyone who is against Steam integration with Skyrim of piracy. That would be a serious accusation anywhere, but even more so around here, where you'll get banned if there is even a suggestion that you are playing an illegally obtained copy of the game (and rightly so). Well then just for the record, I am fully against piracy for games and do not endorse it in any form, im all for the nexus and my argument is against steam and bethesdas decisions with the CK. All im really saying is they said it would be ready on game release date, then decided we all needed steam workshop, now everyone is running around in circles like headless chickens.
  17. One of the problems with steam is that yes you set it to offline mode, but it still 'detects' the update as soon as you turn on your internet (this doesnt happen for all people but it does for me) MEANING that it then says 'you do not have the latest version of this game, we rule the world, steam now refuses you to ever play this game again unless you update it' ok thats fine, but when this happens when bugthesda released the 1.2 patch, you have 2 options: Install the patch, despite hearing about the bugs in it and hope your version is ok Or never play skyrim again as everytime you try even with the internet now turned off, it says 'Skyrim is unavalible, try again later' So I installed the patch and it broke my game, and had to wait for it all to be fixed. Sure thats not bugthesdas problem, what I blame them for is that I read 2 whole days before about the game breaking bugs on the ps3 and xbox versions, yet they still decided to release and force me to install a broken patch via steam, they had 2 WHOLE days to tell steam: 'wait a sec guys, hold back on the patch it messes up the game' Either bugthesda didnt read any feedback from gamers in those 2 days Or they did, released the patch anyway Eiether way they didnt care Sorry but its been seen before over and over again and not just with the elder scrolls, the modders make better content than the game makers and they do it for free. And look at the skyedit thing, so far the modders have done more for the modding community than bugthesda has These are just some of the issues and I will bet everything I own that steam and the CK will present much more trouble and bugs for the community not to mention annoying intrusions all the time
  18. On Skyrim's launch Bugthesda promised that "the Creation Kit won’t be far behind". Now, 2 months later, they reannounce the same promise again. Failure is expected and sometimes (e.g. bugs) acceptable - lies and deception are what I am talking about. Yes exatcly, except its been longer than 2 months, it will be 3 months at the start of febuary. I have already decided, if its not out by the time the next game I want comes out, then I wont be coming back to Skyrim, why should we wait for them to intergrate steam workshop into it when most of us dont even want it in there.
  19. No, what i bought was what was advertised and the CK was advertised as being there. i only bought Skyrim because there would be a CK. if they had said that there wouldn't be one, i would not have bought it and going by your logic, that means that the company don't owe us patches for fixing bugs either I also bought this game based on the fact that the CK was with it, I too remember bethesda saying that the CK would be released with the game. I bought the game and played through all the quests etc looking for bugs, improvments and then about 2 weeks later I went into the game files to open the CK, I couldnt find it so I went online only to find it wasnt with the game. If I had known this I would have waited until the CK was released. If I had been told that it was never coming out, I would never have bought the game. I play elder scrolls games based on the fact you can turn the game to your liking and create entire worlds with the CK, which is half of the enjoyment of the game series. Sure ive played the game now, and its fun, but the only reason the elder scrolls is such a good series is because its so freelly moddable, take that away and the game will do great at first like any other game, then slowly dwindle into the background as new games come out. You can argue that people will return to Skyrim from other games when the CK is out, but there will be those at that point which wont, me being one of them. If I had the CK from when it was advertised with the game, I would be heavily into my modding now which I have planned and would have started a commitment to gamers and those following the mod to see it through (anyone who has seen my previous work will know this, even when I get mind numbingly board of modding I still make sure its a finished project before giving up) But lets say in another month ive gone onto another game, then the CK comes out. My first thoughts will be: 'Can I really be bothered to go back to a game that was buggy from the start, that I had constant issues with and have to go through all those issues again with steam and the CK (that alone is a terrible combination) when I can be playing this brand new game and actually save myself the trouble and unenjoyment' Even if there is no bugs in the CK with steam, if ive left the game series behind because they are taking too long and giving us zero information, then no matter how good it is, if ive already given up because of past issues, im not coming back to the game. With fallout 3 heres what happened: Game comes out, I buy Start modding for it. by the time I was finished a DLC is out Play DLC Go Back to modding another Mod finished next DLC comes out, making me interested again and so on Heres Skyrim Games comes out, no CK, buggy I play it anyway to see what I can improve patch 1.2 (the patch of doom) comes out Destroys the game for most players Gets fixed but still no CK 3 monthes go by, little word on CK and no CK release Im losing interest another game comes out I play that CK comes out too late im playing and modding another game, maybe ill come back in a year or two to skyrim but I probably wont as each time I think about it, I remember the horrible bugs and annoyingness that Steam is
  20. I find that extremely offensive lol... really? haha, oh god.... edit: we'll get steam CK after dlc. Yes I find it offensive that someone is steriotyping everyone who is against steam as a pirate
  21. I find that extremely offensive, im outright against steam because of the fact I have had so many problems with it. I bought skyrim and it required steam, fair enough, I had to wait 3 frickin hours after buying the game to play it because steam kept saying the game wasnt ready, despite my friend right next to me installing it on his computer at the exact same moment was way into the game fully updated and whatever for 3 hours before steam magically changed their mind and I could play. I have also bought games which I wont mention here (not sure I can post about other games) and it says NOWHERE on the case that it requires steam, yet when I install it it FORCES me to download the game WHEN IVE GOT THE DISK! Why should I spend 7 hours Downloading the game (not updates, the ACTUAL GAME ITSELF) when ive got the disk. And dont get me started on steam connecting onilne when set to offline mode and auto updating games and not letting me play them when ive set it to 'do not auto update this game' a million times. These are not isolated problems, at least 50% of steam users have constant issues with it, and thats a lot of customers, not to mention when you contact steam 2 weeks later they just tell you its your computer specs that are the problem (same answer every time) Yeah so when I run a 1G maximum reccomended settings game on my brand new 6G computer which is made for gaming, its defeinantly my fault (insert sarcasam here) And what the hell do you mean steam is required to play the game? Its only required because bugthesda decided it was. I bet your one of those people who thinks that online gaming isnt possible without steam......no wait you think the gaming industry wouldnt exist without steam. Well im one who remembers the days without steam, where I could put in a disk and enter the games unique code and play within minutes, those days are gone it seems. And dont play the card that steam prevents piracy, because there was a post on some forums about 8 hours after Skyrim was released asking for help with a pirated version (im not promoting piracy, im against it, just pointing out the fact that none of steams prevention methods work if its copyed that quickly)
  22. I wonder if bugthesda actually asked every gamer......how many would say the same thing to their faces....I sure would......no one gives a damm about this steam intergration
  23. Its been 3 months, not a few extra days and all they have done is say it will be out soon and dodging a set date giving us zero information except soon.....soon.....soon and now its 3 months later and they havent changed their tune. They have been saying that since November and still we are waiting. I expect if it didnt come out for another year you would still expect people to follow bugthesda no questions asked (you spelt their name wrong). Your just another drone who blindly follows bugthesda, its getting ridiculous now.
  24. Yes you can in the construction kit, which everyone has been waiting for 3 monthes for it to be released. Should be out any day now hopefully
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