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Everything posted by Ithikari

  1. I think I found the .upk of it. Unfortunately I don't have the mod kit and know little about modding. Welp guess time to learn! :P
  2. Well I've been changing the XComGame.ini in localization folder. I've changed some objectives to look like: [NeutralizeTarget X2MissionTemplate]DisplayName="Assassinate or capture Target"Briefing="Assassinate or capture Target"PostMissionType="Assassinate or capture Targets" Instead of it having Neutralize target. But it's not showing in game.
  3. How on earth do you change objective template text and mission briefing text? I've done it in XComGame.ini but it hasn't been showing up in game at all. Is there another .ini file that I need to change to make the changes show in game?
  4. Guerrilla school can only train rookies and place them in a class. I don't know if you can change a soldiers class.
  5. It works fine if manually changed but through NMM just parts of it work. Although it's fun to learn.
  6. This is the first modification of anything that I decided to start doing and I need help trying to get this mod that I've created to work 100% through NMM. So far, I've gotten parts to work but when it comes to UI my changes don't work (Phsyicist is still showing up as scientist at home base).
  7. I'd like to request a mod that's similar to Fallout NV in regards to needing food and water to survive. Too add extra difficulty of course, perhaps also lower the stimpacks that are found by half or 2/3rds while the mod is active (I find it that it's rather easy to always have a ridiculous amount of stimpacks on oneself at any given time even early game)
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