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  1. Crappy textures, yep. Those shouldn't do anything, right? So I thought until I played Skyrim on launch day and the game crashed three out of five times when I tried to open the dragon claw door in Bleak Falls Barrow. It's not only 4k textures but also broken ones, especially in image sequences like the animated dust on those dragon claw doors.
  2. I've never met anybody in my long live who is the "only one that something something" . I guess that's the answer to all questions that start with "Am I the only one..."
  3. Started doing this with Fallout 4. Turned out to be the best decision ever since losing the rose-tinted "BGS can't do wrong" glasses I wore until TES V: Skyrim. According to Steam, I bought Fallout 4 + DLCs during Winter Sale on January 3rd 2017 and paid about half the price I would have paid for it on release day. 1. The game ran pretty stable without any CTDs on a 7 year old PC with a 2 year old mid-level GPU. Gaming for 8 hrs straight wasn't a problem - until I reached the Mechanist's lair. 2. I got Survival Mode right out of the Box 3. There were tons of mods that fixed at least some of the major issues and oversights in the game Regarding the original question: Good Guy Todd said that their future games will be moddable. Hooray, big deal! He did however not say anything about the changes that are most likely to come. Since Zenimax consists of greedy suits (and if they tell Todd to jump, he's going to ask "how high?"), they most likely at some point are going to try to milk modders and mod creators dry. We, as a "community", certainly are not the ones who tell them how to make things work. It's not even worth to think about it. Long term, there is no way to make the Microtransaction Club useful to the modding community. That's also due to the fact, that modders and mod creators changed over time. A lot. And not just in a positive way.
  4. Oh well.... I'm getting that info from being an IT hard- and software engineer since 25 years and having created automated setups for Windows 10 for about a 1000 PCs since 2015 now... but yeah, what do I know. More important - why do I even care. Case closed - bye.
  5. Missing or outdated GPU drivers ARE a system-wide problem. GPU is the abbreviation for Graphics Processing Unit - otherwise known as Graphics Card. On top of that it's a common problem with some systems and 1909 that it either messes up the GPU drivers or replaces them with outdated ones from Microsoft's own library. There were quite a few questions about that over at Blender StackExchange and missing/broken drivers always were the problem. In any case, we don't know, since OP doesn't deliver any sort of valuable information about their Computer whatsoever.
  6. I don't think that people with problem-free games and "Scrap Everything" are a "serious minority". It's just like it's with everything. People who have problems, complain a lot and then it's still highly questionable if exactly that mod is the root of all evil. I never had any problems whatsoever with "Scrap Everything". Most issues relating scrapping mods come from "Spring Cleaning" which is a horribly outdated mess. The last version is from before the release of the CK. Got into a settlement building frenzy lately and didn't leave a single stone unturned with both "Scrap Everything" and "Place Everywhere".
  7. What about the last sentence in my post above? Did you check the GPU drivers?
  8. Also, make sure not to fill those poor SSDs to the brim. File fragmentation is still a thing and the effect is worse on SSDs than on HDDs. Never go above 70% if you want to have a smooth gaming experience. My "gaming rig" is a 10 year old potato, still on Windows 7, with a 5 year old R9 nano, I run about 120 mods (only 2k texture replacers, because 4k doesn't do shite on 1080p anyway) and never had any loading times longer than 15 seconds. Oldrim loads from interior to exterior so fast that it doesn't even manage to load the more complex loading screens anymore.
  9. Windows 10, I suppose? Do other games still run fine? Did you get the 1909 "Cretins Update" last week? Yep, this is still a thing. MS fricking up Computers since the Age of Aquarius. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/windows-10-1909-crashes/6a626d9a-2ed9-4be2-a893-59eb97c80325 Download the newest drivers for your GPU. Try if that changes something. Also, make sure to disable the stupid Windows Search for your Steam Folder. While you're at it, also check if you still have full permission to access it.
  10. I also had this problem for quite a while. With or without mods, even when preventing the game to update during the update-heavy months, at some random point it started to crash. Sometimes an hour, sometimes mere minutes after I started playing. And it kept crashing until I found out about this during a random internet outage. Before messing with disabling and uninstalling mods or even uninstalling and reinstalling the whole game, you can try this: Go offline, either by disabling your internet connection or by putting Steam in offline mode. Play the game for a while, at least a little longer as up to the point where crashes usually happen. If they still happen when you disabled the internet connection, then your game is broken due to mods, ini settings, whatever. In quite a few cases your game will run stable and the reason for this is the Cretin Club functionality. Even if you "disable" it by using mods (Creation Club Cleaner for example), it's just cosmetic and that darn thing still starts downloading "valuable info" in the background. You can prevent the Cretin Club background activity by creating a new firewall rule that disallows outgoing internet connection for Fallout4.exe. If you run the game and the menu points for accessing the Cretin Club are greyed out, you won't get any new "important messages" from there but you are rewarded with a stable game.
  11. Well, there is Skyrim Together, which is... uh... somewhat a multiplayer mod/setup? It's somewhat stable, has still quite a few problems with syncing the instances, desyncs almost every time, when changing cells from indoor to outdoor and vice versa and quests aren't synced at all. The usual stuff when you try to slap online multiplayer on a game that is not created for multiplayer experience at all. At it's current state, it's still nothing more than "Second Life in Skyrim" where people talk over discord about the bugs they experience. I doubt that they are going to create Fallout 4 Together anytime soon or ever, since they had a lot of drama with their "community", including the usual death threats from people who always demand more than what they deserve. Anyway, I wonder why people are so obsessed with "multiplayer everything" these days. Video Games are built around a set of core mechanics. If none of those core mechanics have "multiplayer" in their name, you won't get a multiplayer experience out of them.
  12. For Fallout 4, they are in "Fallout4-Interface2.ba2/Interface/FalloutDict.txt" Be sure to read them as they appear and have a bit of a giggle.
  13. When I played TES VI Oblivion back when, I felt the urge to collect flowers, every time I was around them. For Skyrim, it was a bit the other way around. Couple years ago I worked for a company where the CTO behaved exactly like your average run-off-the-mill Skyrim npc. He used the same sentences every day over and over again. Like Nazeem or the other guy with his nip in the air. Weekly company standup there was like walking into the Palace of the Kings and listening to Ulfric Storm-Fart and Guy Bear-Pelt and their always repeating dialogue. I so wished that someone would mod these guys, giving them a greater variety of things to say. Oh, and since when is chocolate not going bad?
  14. 1) It's a BGS game, what do you expect? They don't fix major glaring bugs, they let the community deal with it. 2) At least they are hopefully done with the forced Cretin Club updates that forces us to tread lightly around the Steam Update functionality, because the good people from F4SE need time to fix it again. 3) Make sure you don't decap your FPS above 60. There's a lot going on during that fight and even if it doesn't come close to running at 60 FPS during the fight, it still glitches physics.
  15. Mods are completely based on personal taste. Since we don't know anything about yours, nobody can answer this question to your satisfaction. On top of that, personal taste changes over time, if you play the game long enough. For example, my personal taste tells me to stay away from instagram filter mods and everything that puts anime stuff into the game as far as possible. Same goes for mods that "clean up" the world or put shiny new items in it. On the other hand, I like mods that make the game as hard as possible and I also prefer much, much slower levelling than most people. The Nexus has a lot to offer for everyone's taste. Dive in, get dirty but don't make the mistake and install more than one or two mods and their dependencies at once without testing them in between.
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